www.cyzo.com/2020/06/post_243169_entry.html 4 小川忠昭 小川忠昭 27 分前 今日もありがとうございます~‼️毎日楽しみにしています~ そろそろくつざわさんにボディーガードつけないと⁉️ 反対勢力は何してるかわかりませんね❗ 2 Toru Haraguchi Toru Haraguchi 3 分前 If the dispute does not exceed whether clogged protein on an iron pan is not healthy or not, my assumption is right w 薬師寺さゆり 薬師寺さゆり 1 時間前 死ぬまでいるなら火葬に理解して、疫病防止にもなってる。 3 momo太郎 momo太郎 2 時間前 何!? 何!? バレんように犯罪を犯す方法を話し合ってるのかな? 25 mao mao 1 時間前(編集済み) ジョージア州フルトン郡の投票用紙が実際に集計された合計よりも24%も足りないんですね。それとも郵便投票記録の紛失の件でしょうか?もし投票用紙の数だとしたらまぁ、例の深夜の監視カメラ映像でルビー母娘たちが同じ投票用紙を3回連続で集計機に通してたのバッチリ映ってましたからね。PCの画面すら見ずに3回連続で通してたから明らかにエラー確認ではないし、それがそのまま集計に反映されたのでは?
で、遂にこの日本國🇯🇵地上波マスゴミは、日本國内での原発絡みの事はやたら報道(然もネガディブ姿勢の)する癖に、つい先日の中狂:広東省台山での事故の件(CCPも認めた)は、特亜忖度の犬HK含め、各局とも殆ど報道しない自由炸裂!!!💢💢💢。 先の米国:大統領選での超偏向報道も酷すぎたが、遂に我が日本國🇯🇵民の近未来的に多大な健康被害を齎らす可能性大な事故でさえ、CCP忖度で報道しないとは!!!😱😱😱。 45 cd ab cd ab 1 日前 週珍品だって、菅首相が言ったなんて思ってないでしょ。 アメリカに言わされたのは見え見え。 やたら言い返せばアメリカが出てくるのは解りきったこと。 3 深田萌絵TV 深田萌絵TV 1 日前 次のliveは→【17時50分からLive】
Paul Joseph Watson Paul Joseph Watson さんによって固定されています Paul Joseph Watson 9 時間前 Please subscribe to my second channel: https://www.youtube.com/AnythingGoesChannel - Also I need your support here: https://www.subscribestar.com/paul-joseph-watson 374 Tony Burgess Tony Burgess 8 時間前 I don't like to see anyone cancelled, but if anyone deserves it, she does. 3279 Jessica Carranza Jessica Carranza 6 時間前 She’ll be fine. The woke cult protects themselves, even in the face of overwhelming hypocrisy. 305 Ben Kenobi Ben Kenobi 7 時間前 Never bend the knee, never apologise, they'll cancel you anyway, they want blood 542 Dusk Wolf Dusk Wolf 4 時間前 She's actually over paid for how many viewers female soccer has gotten. 258 Bowdean Mcnowski Bowdean Mcnowski 7 時間前 Shes a typical example of pride before the fall 155 Mannix Mannix 9 時間前 Reasoning with a leftist is like medicating the dead. 2982 Berliner Freitext Berliner Freitext 6 時間前 If people don't like the meals they cook, then they better don't cook them. 178 Adeste Fideles Adeste Fideles 6 時間前 The phrase of the decade, "You get what you fucking deserve." 159 John Galt John Galt 6 時間前 Also Subway is now using her as a 'spokesperson'. Scratch that one off my list. 166 M M 7 時間前 The MSM will give her a pass. She is one of their little helpers. 85 TheArchangel911 TheArchangel911 8 時間前 A shining example of the heroes the left prop up 1283 lance everhard lance everhard 5 時間前 “My girlfriend wrote a book about feminism. She did a pretty good job for a girl.” 202 BlindMango BlindMango 7 時間前 “Offense archeologists” is the perfect term Lmfaooo 262 InfamyOrDeath -__- InfamyOrDeath -__- 4 時間前 “I deserve this”, yea, usually the person saying that doesn’t deserve anything. 146 g c g c 5 時間前 It was never about logic or honesty, Rapinoe and Hunter Biden are safe. 32 Frank Frank 8 時間前 Western civilization needs leftism like a boat needs a hole. 1849 N W N W 6 時間前 The only response is to be 100x more offensive until all lefties self destruct. 49 Michael Manker Michael Manker 6 時間前 “Offense archeologists” is an amazing term 73 Supersonic Diesel Supersonic Diesel 6 時間前 Rapinoe looks a lot like Desmond Is Amazing - did anyone notice? Sounds like him too in the "I deserve this" video 😂😂😂😂 61 Idiodyssey87 Idiodyssey87 9 時間前 How is complaining about not getting equal pay for selling an inferior product an example of "empowerment"? 825 Sniffy Biden Sniffy Biden 1 時間前 "There's no way that President Harris and I got 81 million votes. "- Joe Biden" 24 Laird Cormell Laird Cormell 6 時間前 Victoria's Secret -- the latest example of "Get woke, go broke." Oh well, gonna miss the Angels. 61 Simple Jack Simple Jack 5 時間前 My girlfriend used to play football her entire life and she won't even watch women's football 😂 36 Andrew Kuebler Andrew Kuebler 5 時間前 Anyone, and I mean anyone, that screams into a camera, "I deserve this!" is instantly painted as a narcist in my book. 59 Sticks and Stones with Mike. Sticks and Stones with Mike. 8 時間前 Poor Megan hasn't yet bankrupted women's soccer. She'll get there someday! 471 bellinghammond bellinghammond 3 時間前 "Offense Archeologists". Gold. Whatever happened by the way, to telling people to get stuffed when they say they're 'offended'? 10 KyvannShrike KyvannShrike 4 時間前 "offense archeologists"
is this what life is gonna be now? Seriously? So disgusting... 8 CTP 1111 CTP 1111 6 時間前 They don't care of being hypocrites, they are sociopaths 40 S K S K 6 時間前 People don’t PLAY sports anymore; they just watch. SPORTS IS PORN. 4 Lesbian Alien Lesbian Alien 8 時間前 She is a symbol of everything that is wrong with the world. I cant imagine anyone who could possibly like her or anything that she stands for 1082 John Brooks John Brooks 5 時間前 Victoria’s Secret is going woke so let’s hope they go broke. 9 steelshark studios steelshark studios 4 時間前 "Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending to Be Manners" - Geroge Carlin 124 Cool Breezy Cool Breezy 3 時間前(編集済み) Rapinoe is up to one thing: She is going to keep going until she gets that Kaepernick style endorsement deal from Nike. EDIT: aha, she got one 7 John John John John 3 時間前 As the knee was taken, everyone started looking around, whilst nostrils twitching, for that dead fish. 13 Janet Dungan Janet Dungan 7 時間前 I hate how she shouted, "I deserve this!" and not, "WE deserve this!" 695 BunchaBunkMedia BunchaBunkMedia 6 時間前 Low-key racists practice the "soft" bigotry of low expectations. 12 JJ Flash JJ Flash 2 時間前 If Men's Soccer didn't subsidize Women's Soccer, it wouldn't exist. 5 Daniel Mitrevski Daniel Mitrevski 2 時間前 Never mind the black guys knocking out Asian people for fun in record numbers, simply mentioning this fact to libtards is like asking them to divide by 0 4 Chris Jones Chris Jones 2 時間前(編集済み) The only thing missing from women's football isn't equal pay, it's Benny Hill music in the background... 4 leeuniverse leeuniverse 8 時間前 She won't get "canceled" however.... She's a LEFTIST, so they don't usually get canceled. 532 Heart_Land Heart_Land 6 時間前 As Jonathan Bowden once said, "The left will eat itself". 13 Colin Wilson Colin Wilson 5 時間前 I'm not a practicing Christian but this is good: "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone"... 4 Syntaxus Dogmata Syntaxus Dogmata 4 時間前 "I DESERVE THIS!" If I had my way, you'd get everything you deserve. 6 Sam Topeka Sam Topeka 2 時間前 Rapinoe is a most unattractive individual in more ways than one. 13 matt tim matt tim 8 時間前 Megan wouldn't even make Varsity Boys Soccer at many High Schools. Sad. 259 Dom R Dom R 4 時間前 I agree with her on 1 thing. She deserves this. (getting cancelled, that is) 10 Dr Strangelove Dr Strangelove 3 時間前(編集済み) Cancelling other people: no problem. You getting cancelled: wait a minute, what? 4 Durango McMurphy Durango McMurphy 7 時間前 " Don't tell a poet what to say " - Beat poet Gregory Corso . The politically correct language Nazis will become as Dinosaurs , extinct . 10 Allon Messenberg Allon Messenberg 5 時間前 "Performative anti-bigotry" - Spot on. I love it. 11 Ashlyn McCathy Ashlyn McCathy 9 時間前 Offense archeologists... that’s the most accurate description! 549 Annika Annika 7 時間前 I'm not sure if I've heard of her before. If I have, I completely forget. And no doubt will forget after this too. That's how important she is. 9 CML CML 5 時間前 I still laugh my ass off every single time I see those headlines when her team got stomped by a highschool team. AAAAAHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! 17 Weeping Angel Weeping Angel 4 時間前 Sorry, but how was that Cricketer's tweets RACIST? Politically incorrect, maybe. But Racist? Give me a fucking break. 6 Douglas Schultz Douglas Schultz 3 時間前 Even the most “woke” have skeletons in their closets. We just need to keep digging. 3 TheRealFollower TheRealFollower 7 時間前 That guy is totally right. The bullies went from just being jerks to being woke jerks. It's a tool and everyone knows it. 517 Chamat Spray Art Chamat Spray Art 5 時間前 "Offence Archaeologist" dug up some tweets.... Classic! 6 Cochese Cochese 6 時間前 I suppose we could consider equal pay for woman's soccer, when enough 'Heather Swansons' have pushed the biological females out of the teams. 3 Grimblenork Grimblenork 7 時間前 That tweet at 2:46 from Shant is one of the smartest things I've heard in a long time. I'm awestruck at what an astute observation that was, truly. 25 Chris Genson Chris Genson 4 時間前 "An evolving toolset for sociopaths." - Brilliant! 5 Galahad Galahad 8 時間前 Megan Rapinoe: Get's cancelled
Megan Rapinoe: "I DESERVE THIIIIIIS!" 327 Priscila Oliveira Priscila Oliveira 6 時間前 I want to see media coverage on this one. She DESERVES this!! 7 John Ziemba John Ziemba 5 時間前 I'll never forget when I was living in Japan and drinking with my Japanese buddies, I asked them if they could tell the difference between Japanese and Koreans. For the next 10 minutes, they got into a heated discussion, putting their fingers on the corners of their eyes, pulling them up, down, to the side...I was speechless. 11 Anthony Reynolds Anthony Reynolds 4 時間前 He apologized for an 8 year old tweet, of course he got cancelled. Basically an admission of guilt. Don't apologize if you did nothing wrong. 11 Mesimarch Mesimarch 7 時間前 "My new Muslim friend is the bomb" - That's hilarious 11 T T 9 時間前 No joke…Victoria Secret . They’ve done away with the angels and hired the demons. 652 Madelynn Kolt Madelynn Kolt 1 時間前 <The cyrpto market has been unstable. People ask themselves now which coin to hodl better or if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. BTC price fall means analysts remain divided over whether it is entering a bear market or is just suffering a brief correction on the road to more record highs. Investors who bought early are still in profit despite the recent price crash and they also earn by trading. I'm still a hodler but still I'm winning by applying the same method in every trade, you can also become a winner today. We should follow the way of earning more regardless of the current market (bulls or bears), which is tradlng. Buy the Dip and Trade ... I have made over 6 btc profits not just by buying the dip but implementing trades with s! gnals supllied by Phillip Ken. For inquiries into a profitable system you can easily get to Phillip on 🆃🅴🅻🅴🅶🆁🅰️🅼 (@Phillipken7)<br>105 Viking72 Viking72 7 時間前 Can't wait to see the "get woke, go broke" videos on Victoria Secret. 10 RichardThePear RichardThePear 4 時間前 Isnt she going to replace the Victoria Secret Angels show? like. . . just her standing on the runway yelling at men for being worthless or something? 2 bosko's toybox bosko's toybox 6 時間前 And she tells us to "eat fresh" when it's not 4 fasteddie fasteddie 9 時間前 Ollie Robinson looked like a hostage, but I feel like we’re all a hostage in this society, a society where the most obnoxious people you can imagine are the self-appointed guardians of morality 277 Christian Unger Christian Unger 3 時間前 Don’t the young boys who beat her and her team actually deserve that trophy? 3 Matthew Wilkinson Matthew Wilkinson 6 時間前 Lol, "I deserve this!" Oh hell... that cracked me up, and I ain't even drunk yet. 8 Sean MacCartan Sean MacCartan 4 時間前 "Offence archaeologists" 😂 I'll be having that one ! 4 Desstrik Desstrik 6 時間前 ** remember -
LIBERALS MAKE ALL RULES, THEY CHANGE THEM WHEN THEY WANT, AND THEY DO NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULES! 2 A Spit of Mud A Spit of Mud 8 時間前 Rapino is just another angry middle aged woman. Sure are alot of them these days. 404 Greatness & Civilization Greatness & Civilization 4 時間前 They can get equal pay the day they equal men.
No, they don't do equal work. 3 Alan McLean Alan McLean 5 時間前 The name Megan however it's spelt seems to have become the first name that noones gonna name their kids from now on !! 6 Chief Enumclaw Chief Enumclaw 4 時間前 Paul forgot to mention that Ms. Rapinoe is a member of the protected class. Because of her sexual identity she has qualified immunity. 2 Tim G Tim G 7 時間前 That look with the "Good luck with that" comment about the plus size Victoria Secret models is killing me! 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 3