EARLY ACCESS ✅ James O’Keefe – Exposing Pfizer & The Mainstream Media Lies With Project Veritas
and you know this is bad for America but 17:01 good for us all it was like a Saturday 17:03 Night Live sketch of a stereotypical 17:07 um Pfizer executive if you and I were to 17:09 script it and and it was laid bare 17:13 um and and so honest and you can see his 17:15 face and his lips moving and that's 17:17 really what we were all about you know 17:19 which is sort of Cinema verite you know 17:22 caught on tape self-evident 17:24 incontrovertible you can't deny it it's 17:26 there for you and then we confronted him 17:29 and and it was like Chris Hansen you 17:31 know To Catch a Predator where he says 17:33 is this seat taken that's sort of what I 17:35 do 17:36 um 17:36 Chris Hansen famously used to catch the 17:38 Predators and then sit down and they're 17:40 in shock and this guy goes to the five 17:42 stages of grief in two minutes if you if 17:45 you haven't seen this it's intense it's 17:47 intense uh I mean that 17:50 that was just as important to watch 17:52 somehow as what you caught him saying 17:54 right was like the reaction 17:57 and that's what people want to see 17:59 because it's a form of accountability 18:00 they can't rely upon Congress to hold 18:03 anybody accountable they can't rely upon 18:05 the courts to hold anybody accountable 18:07 Justice is often targeted at people in 18:11 an unfair and Un-American way so this 18:13 idea of like exposure this idea of of 18:16 him smashing the device which he was he 18:19 took my my iPad I'm looking for a prop 18:23 here I was I had the videos on the iPad 18:25 and he grabbed the iPad out of my hands 18:29 and started smashing it as if the only 18:31 location of the video was on this 18:33 particular machine 18:35 um and he's on the floor holding on to 18:38 the ankles of like the cameraman I mean 18:40 it was it was riveting it was and and 18:43 and most of the times whether it's 60 18:45 Minutes you know Mike Wallace used to do 18:46 this like 40 years ago before I was born 18:48 or I'm trying to think well catch a 18:50 predator which did it maybe 10 15 years 18:52 ago these things don't usually happen 18:55 like they're running away they're 18:57 they're assaulting you you don't really 18:58 see this stuff on on network news I 19:02 think people want to see this sort of 19:03 thing on network news but yeah man it 19:06 was it was it looked like a sitcom it 19:08 didn't look real and it was very scary 19:11 for my team and me the reason why it was 19:15 scary for me is not what people would 19:16 think I wasn't worried about violence I 19:18 was worried that they were going to 19:19 destroy the SD chip capturing all of 19:22 this I was worried that it was going to 19:24 be a he said she said and they were 19:26 going to say that I assaulted him 19:27 and and that was always my fear and that 19:30 moment so I was thinking I got to get 19:32 out of here with that SD chip intact 19:35 because it's not being uploaded to a 19:37 cloud and these are the sorts of 19:39 terrifying things you go through you 19:41 know living on the frontier of Guerrilla 19:43 journalism wow you know you mentioned 19:45 like Mike Wallace in 60 minutes but they 19:48 could never do that or would never do 19:50 that I mean and you talk about this like 19:52 no one does investigative journalism 19:53 anymore and like when people saw you 19:56 confront him in that bar restaurant 19:57 whatever it was it's like I was thinking 20:00 to myself I've never seen anything like 20:01 this 20:02 yeah why is that James like why is 20:05 nobody doing the stuff you're doing I 20:07 mean obviously it takes it takes it 20:10 takes some balls but it takes more than 20:12 that why is no one doing this it's a 20:14 it's a it's a great and profound 20:17 question and I I don't want to sound 20:19 self-aggrandizing but like and analyzing 20:22 my team 20:24 it's 20:26 you have to be you have to be ethical 20:30 you have to be indefatigable 20:32 you have to be resilient you have to be 20:34 resourceful you have to be industrious 20:37 you have to be creative I mean I mean if 20:40 I put all those qualities into a machine 20:43 of 300 million people what would be the 20:45 output yeah now can you teach hunger 20:48 probably not so you have to come to the 20:50 table with the indophatic ability that 20:53 in you you cannot fatigue 20:56 um and you're also on the frontier 20:58 in other words you're you're operating 21:00 without a safety net when you're in a 21:03 restaurant in Brooklyn New York and you 21:05 got a guy assaulting your cameraman 21:07 there's no one there to save you 21:09 and and you're going out for the most 21:11 powerful people in the world in the 21:13 world 21:14 these are not these are not shrinking 21:16 violence so why would you do this if 21:20 it's not for the right reason if it's 21:21 for the wrong reason you're gonna fail 21:23 if it's to be famous or something good 21:25 luck to you you know you get to be a 21:28 masochist 21:29 so you have to be motivated by it by a 21:33 desire to to to go for the jugular but 21:36 not be bloodthirsty like you have to so 21:39 you know you know you got to find the 21:41 right people 21:43 um that's the first thing and I'm not 21:44 but I go back to that moment many other 21:46 moments like it in my life 21:48 or it's felt like I've 21:50 been operating kind of without a safety 21:53 net I'm I'm a space walking Astronaut 21:57 Astronaut untethered without an 21:59 umbilical cord not knowing if I'm going 22:01 to land on my feet so I was I'm like are 22:04 they gonna the NYPD is on its way by the 22:07 way Sirens are blaring we know how that 22:09 goes New Orleans 2010 I'm arrested 22:12 falsely accused my evidence was 22:14 destroyed 22:15 and the media just parrots whatever the 22:17 government tells them 22:19 and it's terrifying to operate like that 22:23 but sometimes you have to take the leap 22:25 of faith and you got to go do it and you 22:27 might fail you might be jailed you might 22:30 be defamed but you do it because it's 22:32 the right thing to do and you and you 22:34 try to find people who who also 22:38 um operate that way the problem being is 22:43 if you're if you're if you've got public 22:45 recognition people latch on to me or 22:46 latch on to me because they do want to 22:48 be famous well good luck with that it's 22:50 not why you should sign up but people do 22:52 that they they want to be involved 22:54 because they want all the fruits of 22:56 whatever you'll be influencer or get 22:59 clicks but that's not why you do it you 23:02 do it because it's the right thing to do 23:04 wow that's intense really intense and I 23:07 don't think people realize the downside 23:09 of a situation like that I mean you've 23:11 had problems before where you got put on 23:13 probation for going into that Federal 23:14 Building and all these little details of 23:16 the law then come bite you and like you 23:18 said the police show up you don't know 23:20 what's going to happen not only can you 23:22 not get your story but this could be 23:23 flipped completely around to where 23:25 you're arrested and even if you're not 23:26 if the media gets it one way it might 23:28 not even matter what the truth is you're 23:30 it's such an important moment that we've 23:33 got out of that restaurant and we're on 23:35 a cobblestone street in dumbo which is 23:37 the brook under the Brooklyn Bridge in 23:39 New York City and there's nobody it's 23:40 like a scene out of American Psycho 23:42 there's it's just empty dark Alleyways 23:45 I'm trying to hail a Yellow Cab but 23:48 there's no yellow 23:49 to continue watching the rest of the 23:51 episode for free visit our website 23:53 londonreal.tv or click the link in the 23:55 description below 23:58 foreign 24:02 [Music]
EARLY ACCESS ✅ James O’Keefe – Exposing Pfizer & The Mainstream Media Lies With Project Veritas
London Real チャンネル登録者数 220万人 1万 回視聴 7 時間前 #LondonReal #LondonRealTV #BrianRose 🍿 Watch the full interview for free at https://londonreal.tv/james-okeefe-ex... 💰 The Investment Club: https://londonreal.tv/club Help James Defend Himself: … 54 件のコメント
@kimprice9172 @kimprice9172 4 時間前 James is brilliant! Unstoppable...so brave. 13 @americafirst9144 @americafirst9144 6 時間前 I feel your pain. It happened to me. If you create something good, someone else will try to take it. 27 @donnazukadley7300 @donnazukadley7300 5 時間前 Good for him! I just wish he wouldn't charge $ on Twitter but I understand 10 @jamieholmes1287 @jamieholmes1287 3 時間前 Thank you both. You are truly heros for the entire world. Please don't stop and I would love to know how I can help these MOST IMPORTANT causes. 1 @janet389 @janet389 5 時間前 What an amazing awesome REAL GREAT MAN James O'Keefe HERO 👍🙂✌🙏❤ 19 @petroonajourney3503 @petroonajourney3503 5 時間前 @LondonReal thank you for your continued hard work in helping to get these most important issues out there for everybody to hear about. Respect to James as well 👍👍👍👍. 9 @xefilz4927 @xefilz4927 6 時間前 People need to know this 13 @ty2124 @ty2124 3 時間前 Outstanding human being! Good man, Godspeed! 4 @jeanetteberwick2434 @jeanetteberwick2434 24 分前 Thankyou London Real again for having the best guests and great content ❤ @jamieholmes1287 @jamieholmes1287 3 時間前 You both are extremely inspiring men. 2 @kuakilyissombroguwi4388 @kuakilyissombroguwi4388 5 時間前 True American hero right there. Wishing him all the best with new endeavors. 7 @JesstheDJ999 @JesstheDJ999 5 時間前 Love watching London Real. Thank you Brian 👏👍🙏 10 @Erniethomas43 @Erniethomas43 4 時間前 Bringers of truth I say! Keep up the good work! I love these people.... 4 @pauledmondjuniorbrunache9892 @pauledmondjuniorbrunache9892 6 時間前 Top content. Never disappointed 🔥🔥 12 @itubetruth1853 @itubetruth1853 5 時間前 Keep on pushing towards the TRUTH... humanity will thank you eventually, some day, now or engraved in history but we WILL thank you! 14 @tgraham72 @tgraham72 2 時間前 Thank you so much for this important work! 2 @cosmicwifi1329 @cosmicwifi1329 3 時間前(編集済み) Thank the Gods of Truth for London Real 💎 1 @yaasikasa17 @yaasikasa17 4 時間前 The pfizer video that OMG is discussing just vanished on Youtube! Talk about censorship! 7 @pranks1457 @pranks1457 5 時間前 I have huge respect and affection for James. God Bless him 23 @pranks1457 @pranks1457 5 時間前 Veritas without James will go bang. So many examples 10 @Jay-kk3dv @Jay-kk3dv 3 時間前 The OMG branding is genius 3 @tylerfarrell8748 @tylerfarrell8748 2 時間前 My new favorite channel! Subscribed! 1 @alpal6685 @alpal6685 3 時間前 James okeefe, man of my dreams 2 @darthvader5300 @darthvader5300 33 分前 Magnetic tapes can store data and video for decades but digital video IC chips can only last for years. And nobody has ever, outside of Russia, has ever tried to adapt the 3-D Matrix Memory Chip which can store both pictures and videos (after adaption) for 100 years. Or has somebody done it already? Anybody care enough to answer this question? SanDisk WORM SD CARD can last 100 years as claimed by the corporation. @bulldoggymbrisbane3848 @bulldoggymbrisbane3848 2 時間前 Keep fighting buddy 1 @katelemon2750 @katelemon2750 2 時間前 God bless you both 2 @DebbieFishell @DebbieFishell 1 時間前 The good stuff starts at 13 minutes...People need to be the reporters! @LizaB486 @LizaB486 3 時間前 Who doesn't love James O'Keefe... 4 @al1383 @al1383 2 時間前 Im cheap asf. I mean cheap cheap. However, i gladly support James O'Keefe and Tucker Carlson. Two of the very few journalists we have in America 1 @bettycastro835 @bettycastro835 5 時間前 👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰 6 @TiltBrook @TiltBrook 2 時間前 14:51 quoting the great Mick Foley!!! @wefsux @wefsux 3 時間前 What did Malone know about the jab and when? @abonfireofmasks7702 @abonfireofmasks7702 4 時間前 ☀️ 2 @moonobservergilles5730 @moonobservergilles5730 2 時間前 look what happened to CNN soon Fox will follow also 1 @markmcarthy596 @markmcarthy596 1 時間前 You’re too late to the game LR @cuthbertbargepole @cuthbertbargepole 1 時間前 Now I get it, lots of conservative evangelicals behind this channel. I thought here was something fishy, supposedly questioning power but actually supporting it. Total BS. @brycethomas1138 @brycethomas1138 40 分前 The intro is too long dude cut it way short
0:00 foreign 0:00 [Music] 0:02 the world is changing 0:05 inspiration is everywhere 0:11 it has never been so easy to connect 0:13 share and bring people together 0:17 we're learning from others and finding 0:20 the best in ourselves 0:22 [Music] 0:25 challenging our beliefs 0:27 [Music] 0:29 sharing our vulnerability 0:33 overcoming our fears 0:38 transforming ourselves so we can 0:41 transform the world 0:45 how far can we go 0:47 this is London real I am Brian Rose my 0:50 guest today is 0:51 [Music] 0:59 this London reel I am Brian Rose my 1:02 guest today is James O'Keefe the 1:04 journalist whistleblower and 1:05 entrepreneur you are the CEO of the 1:08 O'Keefe Media Group which you founded 1:10 after leaving your position as CEO 1:11 project Veritas after your investigation 1:14 into Pharma giant Pfizer that was 1:16 watched 45 million times in one week a 1:19 number of your most high profile 1:20 investigations have led directly to new 1:22 legislation federal and state 1:24 investigations and Congressional 1:25 inquiries your mission is to 1:27 decentralize journalism by empowering 1:30 citizens to replicate the O'Keefe model 1:32 of exposing corruption and fraud by 1:34 bringing truth to the people you believe 1:36 that the mainstream media in its current 1:38 form operates as a mouthpiece for 1:40 agencies and politicians to impose their 1:43 narrative James welcome to londonreal 1:46 great to be with you hey it's great to 1:49 have you here so much to talk about I'm 1:51 drawn to a quote that came from you 1:52 where you say it's very rare for a man 1:54 to be humbled but not ruined 1:57 that's uh that's a beautiful statement I 1:59 feel like I've been there before 2:01 um uh and how about you because you have 2:04 really brought uh OMG up very quickly 2:07 after leaving Veritas how are you 2:09 feeling these days 2:11 oh it's a it's a mix of emotions but ver 2:14 I'm an optimist 2:15 um and I think that quote humbled but 2:18 ruined yeah that's I was deeply and 2:20 profoundly humbled you know being being 2:23 ousted by the company I founded 2:25 um and spent so many years building I 2:28 feel good I mean I'm tired I'm a little 2:30 sleep deprived I'm running a startup 2:32 company 2:33 and I'm the CEO of that company with 2:35 about 15 employees and and doing all the 2:37 things I have to do and and I'm happy to 2:39 be with you we're going to be on two 2:40 hours we're gonna do one hour so just 2:42 just just tired and run it 100 miles an 2:45 hour basically you know I saw your 2:47 conversation with Ben Shapiro and he was 2:48 like it's hard for me to associate 2:50 Veritas without James but then again 2:53 things things move on and so you've gone 2:55 right back into startup mode does this 2:58 remind you a little bit about the early 3:00 days of veritas or is it different 3:01 because you're older you're wiser you 3:04 know how to get things up and running 3:06 quicker 3:07 good question it's like what's that 3:08 Greek myth of the guy that rolls the 3:10 boulder up the hill uh I forgot the name 3:12 of Sisyphus yeah it's the safian it's 3:15 sisyphean the the beginning of of 3:17 veritas I I started I was in a garage 3:20 apartment halfway house on federal 3:22 probation in 2010 so nobody really 3:25 people knew of me but they thought it 3:27 was a one-hit wonder 3:28 um it was much more difficult back then 3:30 because I didn't have all the support 3:32 and and all of the relationships I had 3:34 built over 14 years so in many ways it's 3:37 easier in some ways it's more difficult 3:39 because it's more systuffian it's like 3:40 really The Boulders come all the way 3:43 back I have to push it back up again so 3:46 the way to keep going uh is to because 3:49 of focus on the artistic aspects the 3:51 storytelling aspects the the things that 3:53 that drive me like that that urge to get 3:55 the next story out I can't even say what 3:58 our next story is but man if you knew 4:00 it's so exciting that part of it and 4:04 you'll sort of do whatever you have to 4:05 do build whatever you have to build in 4:06 order to to achieve the objective of 4:08 telling that story yeah you know James 4:11 I've had a lot of high power CEOs that 4:13 have been on the show and a lot of them 4:15 have a similar story and they some of 4:17 them even say that the guy that starts 4:20 the organization some almost always gets 4:23 thrown out of the organization in the 4:24 end and it's just it's just kind of 4:27 either a path or different personalities 4:29 I mean have you had some time to kind of 4:31 think about that did you go through 4:33 various stages when it all happened or 4:35 how how do you put this in perspective 4:37 now I guess it's only been about four or 4:39 five months this is like a three hour 4:40 long conversation I mean I we're talking 4:44 about Dr Malone uh who I had dinner with 4:46 in Orange County two weeks ago at 4:48 mastros and he wrote this unbelievable 4:50 essay which I've quoted three times it's 4:52 called the institutional pathology that 4:54 took down James O'Keefe and I'm just 4:56 going to quote briefly from it because 4:58 it's fascinating how could that this is 5:00 crazy how could this would one would 5:02 guarantee him a position of a 5:04 fundraising opportunity and people want 5:06 to support how could he be thrown out at 5:07 that moment in time and it's sort of 5:10 like this institutional uh pathology 5:13 Malone describes him quoting him he said 5:16 this has all of the earmarks of a 5:18 terrible institution institutional 5:20 problem we've seen with boards by the 5:23 way I'm not the only one I can't believe 5:24 how many people have messaged me from 5:26 hospitals churches you know you know the 5:28 parable of Steve Jobs and all these 5:31 sorts of things the board develops a 5:32 backwards looking Focus taking apart the 5:34 success wondering why we're taking these 5:37 risks in the first place they bring in 5:39 the Goldman Sachs guy like all that sort 5:42 of business and then people start 5:44 conspiring to replace one of my closest 5:47 advisors told me 5:49 when this happened he said um you know I 5:52 could see that a lot of people were 5:54 working to be become you they wanted to 5:57 be you and of course that's not possible 6:01 um so you know you learn from it and um 6:03 as I've said 6:05 um you you learn from makes you wiser 6:07 it's making me a little more 6:08 disillusioned which is not a bad thing 6:10 because I'm a reporter so the more real 6:13 I can see the world the better job I'm 6:14 gonna do it describing the world so I 6:17 think I'm going to be more effective 6:18 messenger a better leader and what 6:21 doesn't kill you indeed makes you 6:22 stronger Amen to Nietzsche on that one 6:25 um and do you ever draw parallels to 6:27 Steve Jobs did you think back up because 6:29 they threw him out and then later they 6:32 brought him back and when they brought 6:33 him back you know it was it was amazing 6:36 just to see what he could do but they 6:38 did throw him out right yeah and I and 6:41 I've I can't without getting into 6:42 specifics or breaking confidence I work 6:45 with a number of Business Leaders that 6:46 came to me and experienced something I 6:48 went through and and the advice they 6:50 gave me was uh you know you're you're a 6:52 boxing guy on the floor of the boxing 6:54 ring and you're at a nine count and 6:55 you're bloodied you're the psychological 6:58 effects of going through this is on on I 7:02 can't even put it into words unless you 7:04 go through it and they and they all 7:06 these all these people said the same 7:08 thing which is you got to get back up 7:09 right away even though you don't want to 7:11 even though psychologically physically 7:14 spiritually you are you are on the floor 7:17 bloodied unconscious you got to get back 7:20 up so what I did is I basically took out 7:22 a whiteboard and um and you know Late 7:25 Night with a bunch of Blood Brothers I 7:28 said where are we going and what we what 7:31 we The Epiphany that we came to was this 7:34 sort of decentralizing of Journalism 7:36 which is that now we have all these 7:38 thousands of people that are messaging 7:40 me every day like oh I want to do what 7:42 you do and we're sort of leaving those 7:44 people you know how do we Empower them 7:46 how do we immobilize them and and we 7:49 came up with this idea of of of putting 7:52 it back on them we can talk about this 7:54 with omg's Mission so it was tough 7:56 because I was on the I was on the floor 7:58 of the boxing ring bloodied hurt 8:02 um but eventually reached a point of 8:04 forgiveness and 8:06 um what's next you know like 8:07 forward-looking 8:09 and in some way this concept of 8:10 decentralized Journalism which we'll get 8:12 to like you might you'll be able to 8:15 realize that much quicker than you could 8:17 have at Veritas if you ever could have 8:19 right because now you're lean you're 8:22 mean you can see a vision yeah and to 8:24 your point about Steve Jobs who once 8:26 famously said that 8:28 um you know I entered one of the most 8:29 creative moments of my life I was no 8:32 longer encumbered by those weights that 8:35 you're you're carrying on your back so 8:38 you you you felt pain but you also felt 8:41 kind of like you're a man walking on the 8:44 moon you're when you when you go through 8:46 this the first thing you feel other than 8:49 excruciating pain is is a lightness 8:52 you're you're a well I have no I have I 8:55 don't have to make payroll this month 8:56 like it's just like this wild you you 8:59 know the amount of responsibility uh you 9:03 know all those lawsuits you know those 9:05 are no longer my problems I feel 9:07 horrible that those problems exist and 9:10 they're probably not going to be served 9:11 but that's the first thing you feel and 9:14 then you feel this sort of lightness on 9:16 your feet this agility and and then 9:19 you're able to direct yourself to 9:20 whatever your purpose is 9:23 and some of the lessons you learned are 9:25 no boards going forward and you're going 9:27 to own it 9:28 yeah I I never really paid attention to 9:31 to I mean I I read some people wrong and 9:34 that's my fault 9:36 um and uh I I tend to probably uh think 9:39 that everyone's out to help me or help 9:41 the mission of what I'm doing when we 9:43 all know 9:44 um wisdom teaches us that obviously not 9:46 everyone's out to help you 9:48 um but that's my fault I learned a 9:50 lesson there and and I 100 own OMG right 9:54 now I want to get into O'Keefe and what 9:56 you're doing now and you've already been 9:57 working on some cool stories but I mean 9:59 just to quickly put the Pfizer thing to 10:01 bed I mean that was a massive deal I 10:05 mean that rocketed around the world and 10:07 I think mainstream media didn't touch it 10:09 I think when Malone was here in January 10:11 he was like Brian they went back they 10:14 changed this guy's LinkedIn profile they 10:16 erased stuff from the Wayback machine I 10:18 was like what they can do that I mean 10:20 and he he gave me a lot of psyops 10:23 insights of what happened off the back 10:25 of you breaking that story and I was 10:28 just wondering you know talk to me about 10:30 some of the big things that happened 10:31 with that things you learned things that 10:33 maybe weren't even reported in the media 10:35 yeah that was a amazing story because we 10:38 broke the story and and then when you 10:40 Googled um 10:42 Jordan Tristan Walker was his name he 10:44 was like a high up advisor graduated 10:47 from Yale medical school did Boston 10:49 Consulting he was a legit guy but the 10:52 first thing that happened when you when 10:53 I've been doing this for 15 years what 10:54 always happens is 10:56 um you break the story and the media is 10:59 like well we cannot confirm we cannot 11:01 figure this out it's like well isn't 11:03 your job to like do the investigative 11:06 journalism thingy and corroborate this 11:08 like you want me to corroborate 11:09 everything okay I will but but they're 11:11 doing the inverse of that and they're 11:12 actually saying there's no evidence to 11:14 suggest he works at Pfizer journalists 11:16 were actually suggesting there's no 11:18 evidence because they were not looking 11:19 for the evidence they were behaving like 11:21 ostrich putting their head in the sand 11:23 so we just put it out knowing that he 11:25 works for Pfizer because we have people 11:27 on the inside 11:28 and and the journalists were saying well 11:30 we don't know that he works for Pfizer 11:31 and they were scrubbing his identity 11:33 from the internet but something 11:34 remarkable happened when we put this out 11:37 on Twitter 11:38 and the journalists were saying this it 11:40 further created righteous indignation 11:42 amongst the citizenry who are upset at 11:45 what I just said they were doing and 11:47 that caused that prompted citizens to go 11:50 out and do the digging themselves people 11:52 that went to Yale with Jordan Tristan 11:53 Walker were posting pictures of Jordan 11:55 Christian Walker in a lab coat next to 11:57 them it's random people in the thread 12:00 under my tweet you had people that found 12:02 his Boston Consulting Group papers 12:04 identifying that he was indeed who he 12:06 said he was and in fact he was a pretty 12:08 established guy and most importantly 12:10 another Insider within Pfizer Debbie 12:14 Bernal was her name at the time she 12:16 wished to remain anonymous Debbie Bernal 12:19 posted internal teams documents 12:22 Microsoft messages showing the staff 12:25 chart inside of Pfizer Debbie Renault 12:29 was inspired to go public after my 12:31 ousting days after the story so what I 12:35 saw transpire was something I've never 12:37 seen it was an organic citizen-driven 12:41 reporting infrastructure that was 12:43 corroborating and identifying 12:45 information that was perhaps 12:47 uh incomplete 12:49 um we didn't have those Microsoft 12:51 documents until Debbie Bernal came 12:54 forward so that led me to go whoa what 12:57 if I did what if I just posed questions 12:59 on Twitter what if I didn't have all the 13:02 answers and you have this invisible Army 13:04 this populist journalism citizen Army 13:07 that was really 13:09 um that was really eye-opening for me 13:10 wow that's beautiful and that that is 13:14 the future you think of this 13:16 decentralized investigative journalism 13:18 yeah because yes because 13:21 um particularly with undercover work or 13:22 any type of investigative journalism 13:24 investigative journalism is you have to 13:27 be you have to be close to the scene of 13:29 the crime you have to have access 13:32 and you know I don't have access to 13:34 these institutions only by virtue of the 13:36 fact I have a reputation to be trusted 13:37 but you have to find people who are on 13:39 the inside and you have to get those 13:41 people to trust you and and the bread 13:43 and butter of investigative reporting is 13:45 trust protecting your sources telling 13:48 this story truthfully so the future is 13:51 is is uh no institutions with boards 13:54 like Vanguard and BlackRock and this and 13:57 that you have to be so independent 14:01 um that you operate impartially and 14:04 without fear so so when I saw that 14:07 happen when I saw people in the Tweet 14:09 threads you know here's me next to 14:12 Jordan at Yale I thought 14:13 I never could have gotten that unless 14:16 unless it was a decentralized effort so 14:20 so and there's no one else really truly 14:23 truthfully doing this I mean people are 14:25 doing commentary 14:27 um you know people are reading 14:29 teleprompters people are you know 14:32 recycling stuff but there's not really 14:34 anyone doing this sort of work out there 14:36 for people that don't know the details 14:38 like what did you do with that Pfizer 14:41 investigation and again this this kind 14:43 of has your signature all over it I mean 14:46 it's a bold strong move right that takes 14:50 you know some uh what do you call it a 14:52 testicular fortitude right yes 14:54 testicular fortitude talk about what you 14:57 did and what you need maybe the ethos 15:00 you need to have in your organization to 15:01 do what you did 15:03 because some people criticize that but 15:05 also you got you made things happen you 15:07 showed things to the world because of 15:09 what you did can you just speak on it 15:11 well Jordan you know Walker was a Pfizer 15:14 executive and um a a brave A Brave Young 15:18 man 15:20 um came to me some time ago a year or 15:22 two ago and wanted to do something 15:25 and without and that person now works 15:27 for me by the way at OMG he's the one 15:30 who recorded Walker brave brave very 15:32 proud of him and how far he's come 15:36 um doing this sort of work is not easy 15:39 um it takes a lot of different skill 15:41 sets so like think of like a Venn 15:42 diagram overlapping skill sets you have 15:44 to understand the law you have to 15:46 understand technology that is how to 15:47 operate the equipment you have to be a 15:49 good improvisational actor you're 15:51 questioning people live you only have 15:54 one take it's on camera 15:56 um you have to be you have to be ethical 16:00 um one of the things they say about us 16:01 is that I'm not ethical but that they 16:04 accuse me of what they're guilty of they 16:05 accuse me of doctoring tapes we don't 16:07 doctor anything 16:08 and you have to have all these skill 16:10 sets in in one person so the the guy 16:13 that recorded this very brave very brave 16:16 person 16:17 um met with him and built the rapport 16:19 with him and got him to open up about 16:21 about the vaccine about how they're 16:22 mutating 16:24 um the virus this is Pfizer's Jordan 16:26 Tristan Walker talking this is something 16:28 that Pfizer initially denied 16:31 um but then Pfizer put out a statement 16:33 uh faucian in its non-denial denial like 16:37 we do indeed we don't mutate but we do 16:39 mutate is what they act this is what 16:40 Pfizer actually said it's remarkable 16:42 advisor actually issued a statement 16:43 usually they don't 16:45 um and they also said that this is 16:47 Walker talking about the virus uh was 16:50 was uh or originated in in the Wuhan lab 16:53 which is something that Pfizer would 16:54 never say publicly 16:56 and and they also was so narcissistic 16:58 ・・・
🌠 Under A Simulated Roof: 🌌 The Night Sky is a Holographic Simulation - David Icke
🌠 Under A Simulated Roof: 🌌 The Night Sky is a Holographic Simulation - David Icke London Real チャンネル登録者数 220万人 3365 回視聴 2 時間前 #LondonReal #LondonRealTV #LondonRealArmy First Published: August 2022 🍿 Watch the full interview for free on the Digital Freedom Platform at https://freedomplatform.tv/ 💰 The Wealth Academy: https://londonreal.tv/wealth … 0 件のコメント
@tomkeller6982 @tomkeller6982 1 時間前 Greatly appreciate much of what David has presented. Very insightful man. But I've been down the New Age trail of smoke and mirrors, which includes Reincarnation. When you're looking for the answers to why you're here, where you're going when you leave this life and what's your purpose for living ... look to the Bible for answers that truly make sense & truly satisfy the deep needs of you soul. 15 @matthewdalbo8473 @matthewdalbo8473 2 時間前(編集済み) David speaking facts... 6 @russellthechemist8291 @russellthechemist8291 2 時間前 Some profound thoughts from David. Thanks for sharing. 13 @jimpanse1638 @jimpanse1638 1 時間前 He didnt say the night is fake he said death is fake 4 @may-maytanymaytany_s3417 @may-maytanymaytany_s3417 1 時間前 You are loved David ❤🙏 3 @HOLLYHOUSE11 @HOLLYHOUSE11 1 時間前 i dont know what is going on up there, but when i hit "stars" with my crazy bright laser, most of them move...drastically. I have years of this recorded. 3 @edytakotowska3577 @edytakotowska3577 1 時間前 Completely agree! 1 @arch1q892 @arch1q892 1 時間前 So interesting but how this can make my life better right now ;)I rly dont care if I'm in simulation 2 @Dan_druft @Dan_druft 1 時間前 He's lost the plot this time 😂 2 @tylerfarrell8748 @tylerfarrell8748 2 時間前 At the north pole there is no night? 5 @michadel3581 @michadel3581 50 分前 Like you said sir ! What did Morpheus say ,” what is real “ 1 @astewart9932 @astewart9932 1 時間前 So its all real but they make look like an Illusion . Nice 👍😎😎 2 @jamesl2846 @jamesl2846 1 時間前 Make David icke great again 2 @dodgerduck101 @dodgerduck101 1 時間前 one life live it 1 @orphancharmander1168 @orphancharmander1168 1 時間前 The Moon, is actually the Suns back, it shites from bright colors, to Dark colors, everyone should know this 😬 2 @anthonyalvarado7288 @anthonyalvarado7288 2 時間前 The thought that I have maybe someone can help me with What blocks the moon at times to make it 🌙 to make it go from full to Cresent 🌙 🌚 🌔 🌕
And why don't it happen during the day time
Nothing blocks the sun other than clouds 1 @marciaadamson7032 @marciaadamson7032 1 時間前 Read your Bible people!! Trust in JESUS CHRIST!!✝️🙏🏻 5 @rayzwann9577 @rayzwann9577 2 時間前 The night sky is the same just doesn’t have the sun lighting it up 4 @Jlh6477 @Jlh6477 1 時間前 Come on people. Good grief 8 @andrewhumphreys9889 @andrewhumphreys9889 27 分前 David demonstrating why, at times, he's a complete looney tune lol 1 @nonamejoe5611 @nonamejoe5611 1 時間前 What kind of Acid is this guy taking? 5 @mrlij6534 @mrlij6534 1 時間前 one of the greatest lies that we have ever been told and one we still believe is that the sun ls responsible for daylight. when u really think about it, it couldn't possibly be 3 @TimothyDrakeNL @TimothyDrakeNL 1 時間前 Take some DMT and meet the other spirits. It's fun. 1 @redmcclaff @redmcclaff 2 時間前 Hes taking the piss 7 @joeswampdawghenry @joeswampdawghenry 49 分前 Lol @Grobnob @Grobnob 2 時間前 Crackpot 7 @secktor677 @secktor677 1 時間前 ur father is no simulation, n ur killin of the last real christians also is not...but hey lets have samhadi experiences..u got satori =) @berndhase4399 @berndhase4399 1 時間前 The scary thing is people believe this guy. 5
0:00 it comes down in the end and this 0:03 relates to something I mentioned earlier 0:05 it comes down in the end to 0:07 self-identity see one of the things I 0:11 I also 0:13 a question and challenge in the Trap is 0:17 this concept of soul I know it's it may 0:20 seem like semantics and words but the 0:23 the words to describe something that's 0:25 different to something else 0:27 so people that believe that death 0:31 doesn't uh mean the end you're not just 0:34 a body and you die and then you 0:36 disappear 0:37 they talk about Soul religions talk 0:39 about soul 0:40 but soul 0:43 is that level of Consciousness that is 0:46 recycled Through The Reincarnation cycle 0:50 for me what we are and I'll use this 0:52 term we are spirit and I'll use the the 0:55 definition of spirit to me is that which 0:59 is aware that it is all that is has been 1:03 and ever can be 1:04 it is not the body that's an experience 1:06 it's not even soul that's an experience 1:09 it is Spirit 1:12 that is connected to all other Spirit at 1:15 that level of awareness you know that 1:18 you are a point of attention within all 1:21 that is has been and ever can be 1:24 that level of awareness that level of 1:27 self-identity 1:30 means that you are vibrating at such a 1:33 level 1:35 that this simulation can't hold you if 1:39 you define yourself as Soul which is 1:42 again still part of Separation because 1:45 that's the whole that's the whole point 1:48 of the simulation 1:49 it's to isolate Consciousness in the 1:52 simulation from its 1:54 spirit 1:55 outside the simulation it's May it's 1:58 isolating separating the two So within 2:02 the simulation 2:03 is all that people can perceive and 2:05 therefore they're trying to get a fix on 2:07 who they are where they are from within 2:09 the simulation 2:10 and it's all about separation so 2:14 just as a quick aside 2:16 if you 2:17 um Wanted 2:19 to give people 2:21 consciousness 2:23 in this reality for instance a sense of 2:26 a Partners a sense of Separation a sense 2:29 of aloneness a sense of powerlessness 2:34 would you create a simulation 2:38 where there were multiple worlds 2:42 people by other races other species 2:46 other forms of intelligence where you 2:49 had this interaction to learn more and 2:53 expand 2:55 would you do that if you wanted people 2:57 in this sense of isolation and 2:59 separation and 3:02 aloneness no no you'd say gonna create a 3:07 simulation 3:08 where there seems to be no other life 3:11 so you look at the night sky 3:15 and you're seeing all those lights all 3:17 the stars all this planets 3:19 and if what they say about it 3:22 is true this is just an absolute 3:24 fraction of what possibly exists so I 3:27 think it's more about that 3:30 you would 3:32 get people 3:34 in your simulated reality to think 3:39 that despite all those lights there's 3:42 nothing out there 3:43 there's no other life 3:45 because that gives you a sense of 3:47 aloneness of a partners of separation 3:53 and the interaction the if you like 3:57 extraterrestrial interaction if you look 3:59 at it is is all 4:04 uh uh it's all done as as we would say 4:07 on the quiet you know what I mean it's 4:10 it's not they don't just come out and 4:12 say here we are yeah they it's all on 4:16 the quail so and so had this experience 4:17 so and so was abducted all this it's all 4:20 done surreptitiously rather than openly 4:23 in the open world 4:25 we live in a lifeless universe 4:28 and there is no other life but us I mean 4:30 what's that's the ultimate separation 4:32 isn't it 4:33 and there's there's this um 4:36 concept called the Fermi paradox 4:39 which a bloke called Fermi ends the name 4:42 came up with an Italian 4:44 and the Fermi Paradox was 4:47 all those bloody lights 4:50 all those planets all those Stars 4:52 where are the aliens 4:55 where are the aliens 4:57 well if there was interaction between us 5:00 and quote enormous numbers of aliens 5:02 that you would expect in in uh 5:06 the universe 5:08 then humans would be a very different 5:11 species 5:13 they'd be very much more aware very much 5:15 more knowledgeable very much more 5:18 understanding of where they are and who 5:20 they are and what's going on 5:23 so 5:24 press enter lifeless Universe it's all a 5:28 simulation look into the night sky 5:30 you're looking at a holographic that's 5:33 why it looks so 3D and 5:35 um 5:37 solid 5:38 a holographic simulation 5:41 and so 5:43 all the pressure 5:46 all the encouragement when you're living 5:49 a life in this reality alone 5:52 is to think small 5:55 to identify with the body and the labels 5:58 of the human life which are limitation I 6:01 can't it's not possible I'm just little 6:04 me what power do I have 6:06 and in doing so you hold people in the 6:09 simulation 6:11 on and on and on and on and you break it 6:17 by realizing the true nature of Who We 6:20 Are 6:21 we're not the body 6:23 we're not even the soul 6:26 we're not even the mind 6:28 ultimately 6:30 we are the spirit all there is has been 6:33 and ever can be currently having a human 6:36 experience 6:39 but separation 6:42 means that 6:43 people are looking to get a fix on who 6:47 they are where they are 6:50 from information being fed to them 6:53 within the simulation that's the control 6:56 of perception that holds Us in the Trap 7:02 please 7:06 I'm looking for partners collaborators 7:08 colleagues who want to join forces with 7:10 me around the globe and create real 7:12 value generational wealth and Financial 7:15 Freedom for everyone else around the 7:17 world get involved in the cryptocurrency 7:19 markets get involved in the nft markets 7:21 this is your moment life all comes down 7:23 to a few moments don't let this pass now 7:26 it's not too late next year is going to 7:28 be too late 7:30 ultimately this is about Freedom that's 7:32 the way I see it this is about giving 7:34 power back to the people and enabling 7:37 billions of people worldwide to use the 7:40 financial markets to improve their lives 7:41 and those of their friends and their 7:43 families and their communities 7:45 honestly I think it's a violation of 7:48 Human Rights not to allow people basic 7:51 access to financial services because 7:53 right now people are being kept in the 7:55 dark they're being robbed of education 7:57 and it's a travesty and so I'm looking 8:00 for people that want to join me and be a 8:02 part of this solution and that all 8:04 happens inside the D5 Academy 8:06 the gains my students are making are 8:08 absolutely amazing double triple digit 8:11 gains in the first month alone that's 8:14 amazing this will change your life now 8:16 is the time to get involved I'm gonna 8:19 tell you exactly how my students in my 8:22 Academy made money in the last 30 days 8:25 I'm talking about real trading results 8:27 and let me just wet your appetite a 8:29 little bit let me hit you with some 8:31 numbers I'm talking Brendan from New 8:33 Zealand is up 8:34 68.77 on the month Steve from Europe up 8:38 83 percent Albert in Singapore up 169.9 8:42 on one single trade I got Susan up 153 8:46 on her call options alone also rocking 8:49 139 returns and 442 returns as well on 8:54 individual trades these are people that 8:57 are changing their financial future in 8:58 the last 30 days but it's based on 9:01 trading discipline 9:03 I've graduated over 500 students from 9:04 inside my Academy from over 54 countries 9:07 around the world it's amazing 9:09 when it comes to crypto defy and 9:11 blockchain we love this space we truly 9:14 believe it's the future this is down to 9:16 our core it's authentic to what we're 9:18 doing and everybody can tell through the 9:20 camera because you can't make this stuff 9:22 up 9:23 if you're watching me now wherever you 9:25 are I implore you take 60 seconds right 9:27 now and join my Academy apply today 9:31 now you've got a chance life all comes 9:34 down to a few moments what are you gonna 9:36 do what's the choice that you're going 9:38 to make 9:46 [Music] 9:59 all right
A strange festival. Paul Joseph Watson チャンネル登録者数 193万人 10万 回視聴 4 時間前 Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at https://www.tiege.com/pjwstrange
INTRO MUSIC: Sagittarius V - Lucidator: http://sagittariusvmusic.bandcamp.com … 2,856 件のコメント
@PrisonPlanetLive Paul Joseph Watson さんによって固定されています @PrisonPlanetLive 4 時間前 Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at https://www.tiege.com/pjwstrange 121 @StokeCity72 @StokeCity72 4 時間前 I think they should hand out say 30,000 free tickets to ethnic minorities who can’t otherwise afford them. I’m sure that will improve the “hippy vibe”. 935 @ChrisTedoni @ChrisTedoni 3 時間前 I’m going to start an NGO to take people who don’t have tickets to music festivals into Glastonbury as musical refugees. If you don’t let them in and give them the tickets of people in the best seats, you are musical bigots. 849 @captainshakesbeard2453 @captainshakesbeard2453 4 時間前 it's about people feeling virtuous and morally superior, without actually doing anything or facing the consequences of their demands 343 @scottre3220 @scottre3220 41 分前 When they say "Refugees are welcome here!" they don't mean, here, here. They mean in somebody else's neighborhood or city. 51 @VG-or1nu @VG-or1nu 4 時間前 These are the signs of a culture actively devouring itself, slowly eroding by demographic change and a weak populous letting it all happen! WE HAVE TO ACT 443 @sirdarklust @sirdarklust 2 時間前 Let me put it bluntly. I'm in NYC, and we have our own people here who need help, whether just down & out or mentally ill and on the street. I am in favor of helping them try to get their lives together, eat, have a place to live, etc. However these NYCers come first, and refugees only take away from the resources needed for said NYCers, as do building stupid bicycle lanes in the streets that no one uses. 51 @seandelap8587 @seandelap8587 4 時間前 Can you imagine shouting refugees welcome while having a massive wall around the entire festival they're attending you couldn't make it up 1658 @UnclePhil1112 @UnclePhil1112 3 時間前 The level of hypocrisy, and lack of self awareness with these people is nothing short of astounding 320 @mikewilder6728 @mikewilder6728 3 時間前 Don't feel guilty when people call you racist, take it as a compliment. Your ethnic group first! Preferring our own ethnic group is not hate, it's just love and respect for ours. 308 @chrisxavier1848 @chrisxavier1848 2 時間前 I'm black, and I've never needed to see myself "represented" to know i exist. 50 @yodoleheehoo90 @yodoleheehoo90 4 時間前 Scary to see so many sheep gathered in a single large pen following their false shepard😬😬 554 @chrisw6164 @chrisw6164 2 時間前 Celebrating 50 years of the Angry Black Man. 20 @zedddddful @zedddddful 4 時間前(編集済み) Should have flooded Glastonbury with the "refugees" see how welcoming the toffs are amongst them. 1301 @VG-or1nu @VG-or1nu 4 時間前 I dont even think the germans would have envisioned us as proud-less and culturally depraved as we are today. 121 @zoomzoom3950 @zoomzoom3950 2 時間前 spot on.
the woke NPC lack of self-awareness, contradiction, irony, etc. are epic.
expecting reason and logic from the woke NPCs is futile. 79 @orourkeda @orourkeda 2 時間前 A scottish guy screaming "refugees are welcome here" to a hippy crowd, in England. Clearly speaking from experience. 38 @usefulidiom @usefulidiom 4 時間前(編集済み) “Give them bread and circuses and they shall never revolt.” Juvenal 704 @alexandermcdonald9029 @alexandermcdonald9029 2 時間前 The same reason why we want closed borders is the same reason why Glastonbury festival goers want a gate around their festival. 6 @FHBStudio @FHBStudio 3 時間前 They should put up signs saying "Free access for refugees" and road signs directing them. Heck, bus them in! 187 @mikejames8031 @mikejames8031 4 時間前 They can do whatever they want but I don't think we should have to pay taxes to support these people. 54 @evolassunglasses4673 @evolassunglasses4673 4 時間前 Never let your enemies educated your children ~ Malcolm X 173 @carolmoore9971 @carolmoore9971 1 時間前 So weird to see cultures self-destruct. 10 @npcknuckles5887 @npcknuckles5887 4 時間前 The Left aren't against walls; they're just against stopping new immigrant voters, who overwhelmingly vote Left-wing, from entering the country. It's all about power. Principles don't factor into it. 142 @brianmarshall1762 @brianmarshall1762 2 時間前 My ancestors last left the UK and Ireland in the 1800’s to settle across the world in another country. I don’t complain to the Maori (including some whom I’m related to) how the earliest surviving carvings all have Maori people. Stand proud of your history and traditions Britain. 8 @fearthehoneybadger2914 @fearthehoneybadger2914 4 時間前(編集済み) Let them visit a no-go zone and see how much they want more immigrants. 921 @tunnocks @tunnocks 3 時間前 Tarquin and chums shrieking with delight at the political grandstanding. The best £500 he ever spent. 47 @Maginnifix @Maginnifix 4 時間前 Fucking love your stuff Paul keep being nomal in this fucked up world. 84 @figgeberglund4145 @figgeberglund4145 59 分前 I get more proud of my white skin color for every day. 7 @ariamaddison257 @ariamaddison257 3 時間前 Sebastian and clementine: “Refugees should totally come here.” 🥂🥂 [ Glastonbury exists ] Also Sebastian and Clementine: Oh No! I don’t want the poors listening to music near me. 54 @Coupal1 @Coupal1 2 時間前 They're completely INSANE. 7 @watch-Dominion-2018 @watch-Dominion-2018 4 時間前 Refugees welcome where? The festival? Knock down the wall then 415 @HeisenbergFam @HeisenbergFam 4 時間前(編集済み) 3:20 "they care so much about Earth this is what they leave after festival is over" is pure gold, hypocrisy at its finest 146 @brianhawthorne8710 @brianhawthorne8710 4 時間前 I wonder how enriched and strengthened the Glastonbury festival would become if they dismantled thier wall. 57 @thedrummerboy1215 @thedrummerboy1215 1 時間前 someone should make a huge sign outside the entrance gate with' 'Refugees welcome here, come in for free'' see what happens. 2 @bubbleobill2654 @bubbleobill2654 3 時間前 If the festival goers could think for themselves, they could’ve made a political statement then and there by breaking down the wall! 21 @jonnuanez7183 @jonnuanez7183 2 時間前 If anyone shouting that bs at Glastonbury was true to their word, they would've shouted to tear down the barriers/walls/etc surrounding the festival so that everyone could enjoy it, like Woodstock/Altamont/etc. Those festivals were truly inclusive like they want. 3 @griffinfamily @griffinfamily 4 時間前 This isn't a concert it's a social programming rally for aging hippies 644 @cagatays5936 @cagatays5936 4 時間前 I'm Turkish and dont like Erdoğan and his goverment at all but he is really doing good job againts LGBT community in Turkey. For safe and secure our society 🔥👊🏻🔥 108 @TheWtfnonamez @TheWtfnonamez 3 時間前 Many years ago I went to Berlin and there was a girl there that was as mad as a box of dog shit. Everyone in the group humoured her because she was hilarious, and clearly a completely drug addled space cadet. She had just joined this political group called "Countries Without Borders" and was trying to persuade everyone in the club that all the worlds conflicts would end if we just got rid of the notion of national identity and let everyone go wherever they liked. She was the life of the party with her utterly ridiculous ideas. Wind the clock forward to 2023 and the mad space cadet drug addicts ideas are now mainstream. Stop the bus. Im getting off. 10 @skabbymuff111 @skabbymuff111 2 時間前 Even the owner Michael Eavis himself admitted eventually that the entire festival lost its vibe completely once it no longer became an affordable (or not) right of passage for the youth of the UK. When I used to go it was over, under, or through. It was a far better mix of people. Only the rich and middle class could even dream of going now. Glad I experienced the true Glastonbury until its demise in the 2000's. 3 @TJSonius @TJSonius 3 時間前(編集済み) While I lived in Ghana, you didn’t see me complaining that there weren’t statues, sculptures, and/or paintings of white dudes. It’s their culture, and they’re proud of their forebearers’ accomplishments and legacies. Tbh, I’m proud of Ghana as well - it’s one of the most stable countries in Africa (I’ve also lived in non-stable African countries, so I do have a point of reference).
It’s a stable democracy, with presidents coming and going. It also ranks as one of the safest countries not only in Africa, but in the entire world. *edit according the the Global Peace Index, it actually looks Ghana does rank as the safest country in continental Africa, only beaten by the island-nation of Mauritius. 23 @PecatorPoenitens @PecatorPoenitens 2 時間前 Its not hypocrisy, its hierarchy. 2 @thatlittlevoice6354 @thatlittlevoice6354 3 時間前 It's not an invitation, it's an invasion. 255 @automaticasthmatic @automaticasthmatic 3 時間前 One of the greatest bands to ever headline Glastonbury was The Levellers. They literally told people "Dont stop climbing that fence, this place is a bloody rip off". That was 1994.
Now you have to pay hundreds of pounds for a ticket, and to purchase that ticket, they "need" your passport details.
Place has gone to the dogs like every other festival in the UK. 38 @ninecatsandaboxofwine @ninecatsandaboxofwine 3 時間前 if merlin and arthur knew the degeneracy that the sacred glastonbury would be subjected to they would roll in their grave. 23 @bushwhackeddos.2703 @bushwhackeddos.2703 2 時間前 The pyramid stage shall be renamed the dingy stage. 5 @Ligerpride @Ligerpride 3 時間前 Imagine spending £350 or whatever it was and looking forward to a weekend of entertainment and some lad you'd never heard of rasps out about refugees and just endless political messages. 36 @somebloke9067 @somebloke9067 2 時間前 That bloke complaining about no black artists being in an old English art gallery is like me going into an Eskimo village and complaining that there’s no one from Wigan there 8 @johnalder6028 @johnalder6028 4 時間前 Flooding a country with prehistoric throwbacks is insanity and nothing less. Tolerance is suicidal. 533 @mr.145 @mr.145 3 時間前 To hear Lewis Capaldi run his fingers down a blackboard for £340 was a total bargain. 12 @missythecat4525 @missythecat4525 3 時間前 We love Paul. 24 @bernardzevenhuizen3309 @bernardzevenhuizen3309 42 分前 PWJ is one of the best voices around. Sharp as a butcher's knife exposing hypocrisy 1 @tertiar2859 @tertiar2859 3 時間前 😁 That was funny, PJW. Most people behave privately completely different from how they behave when with other people. So we shouldn't be too surprised. It's herd behaviour. For me it's just cowardice. 12 @carrisebear3499 @carrisebear3499 58 分前 I worked at a hotel that hosted a DNC event in 2007 in Denver. Hypocrites is a nice word. They were rude, self-serving, and incredibly messy people that left so much trash behind. They stayed at our hotel for free but marketed the Ritz-Carlton at their event. 1 @Pigsawjanet @Pigsawjanet 3 時間前 Diversity is our weakness. 204 @JasonJohnson-ro2nh @JasonJohnson-ro2nh 3 時間前 I especially love the free-masonic inspired stage.... 26 @nethoncho @nethoncho 4 時間前 $5.00 Thank you PJW for what you do. 32 @JaEDLanc @JaEDLanc 42 分前 Say it loud refuges are welcome but not hear in Glastonbury because it’s far too expensive for them, but they can occupy your massive detached houses in your gated communities, whilst your paying over the odds for beer at a middle classed festival. 2 @geemac7267 @geemac7267 3 時間前 Wouldn't it be great if a large contingent of white Europeans and Americans went to some African nation and started complaining about how there aren't enough depictions of whites in their art, culture and TV commercials? Of course, the part about actually having to go to Africa is the biggest reason not to do it. 16 @sylverserf2174 @sylverserf2174 1 時間前 They want what we have worked centuries to obtain, but they don't want to do the work in their own country. 5 @Jacob-sj5nn @Jacob-sj5nn 4 時間前 "Build Bridges not walls" Says the man with armed security guarding him 24/7 270 @difficultkunt4050 @difficultkunt4050 4 時間前 I wish i had Paul as a buddy.. I bet he's even funnier when the camera's are off..😂 FUNKEN LEGEND 28 @berniecosmos5167 @berniecosmos5167 3 時間前 Best laugh I had at Glasto was when a hippie fireworks display got out of hand and inadvertently torched a line of trees. So organic. 16 @williamcash6195 @williamcash6195 5 分前 The Hypocrisy at Glastonbury is ridiculous. I’ve never seen so much VIP and Nepotism at a so-called “socialist” festival! @alanzaleski7160 @alanzaleski7160 3 時間前 It's sad to say there is no monopoly on stupid. GOD BLESS VLADIMIR PUTIN, GOD BLESS DONALD Trump! 30 @andyknolls8735 @andyknolls8735 1 時間前 You can point of their hypocrisy all you want, they have something that to them is more important, an ideology. 2 @watch-Dominion-2018 @watch-Dominion-2018 4 時間前 Isn't Glastonbury supposed to be a music festival, not a political rally? 570 @HawkThunder907 @HawkThunder907 4 時間前 The NPC festival, it just looks like a Hitman mission. 30 @tempest5782 @tempest5782 4 時間前 Keep up the good work PJW 30 @Rob-dt6mo @Rob-dt6mo 1 時間前 You hit the Nail on the head again Paul. There hypocrites you know it we know it 👍👍 1 @redgey5163 @redgey5163 3 時間前 I got a free ticket, and while some bits were fun and many of the acts entertaining, you literally would not be able to comprehend the level of propaganda at this festival - every current thing you could think of! At the pyramid stage I genuinely felt like I was stuck i ancient egypt praising sun god idols. It was a very dark experience. It's so sad to see the best of our youth seduced and destroyed by the tribe that must not be named. 60 @jakestown1952 @jakestown1952 44 分前 I went to Glasto 2000. The last one without a super fence. There were twice as many people as the site was catered for. Tents were robbed every time you left them unattended. My mates woke up in the night to find in their word's "a massive blick guy" searching their tent for stuff he could rob. We kept all our main possessions on us at all times. Didn't stop some twst ripping my shades off my face as we moved through the horrendous crowd shuffling as it took ages to walk anywhere. I was a twenty year old working class boy from the North. 2 years later, fence up, bliss. Next to no crime and not over crowded. 1 @MarkVA71 @MarkVA71 3 時間前 If I go to a musical festival I want to hear ZERO politics! 135 @incredibilis4024 @incredibilis4024 3 時間前 Only Fascism can stop this now. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I rather live under a regime that's goal is to preserve my race and culture as well as to provide a safe and prosperous environment for my family and children to develop than a regime that is "free" and "liberal" except when you disagree with them. 70 @colinmacmillan2944 @colinmacmillan2944 3 時間前 “I’m always surprised by the lack of black and brown faces at festivals. I think, ‘Wow, that’s still very much a dominant culture thing’.” Was Lenny Henry at the festival? Just asking, because, you know, he complained about how white it was - he can afford a ticket surely? 12 @deankirby7237 @deankirby7237 2 時間前 This heard it all before emotional blackmail has run its course and it now just goes over our heads. @konggig @konggig 4 時間前(編集済み) Don't get me wrong, but isn't there usually a fence around the stage with security guards? To protect the Artist from the Crowd. 24
0:00 [Music] 0:04 oh Glastonbury an annual music festival 0:07 in the UK where hundreds of thousands of 0:09 overwhelmingly white people gather to 0:11 intersperse their enjoyment of the music 0:12 with vocal demands for open borders 0:15 build Bridges not walls 0:20 yeah because borders are bad it's like 0:22 the same people surrounded by a giant 0:24 eight kilometer long high strength 0:26 border fence builds Bridges not walls no 0:30 not that wall 0:32 stay clear 0:34 refugees are welcome here hello fellow 0:37 humans I'm celebrity number 2932 I 0:39 believe in everything that's safe and 0:40 popular with people aged 18 to 35 you 0:42 may now praise me on the social media 0:43 platform of your choice remember to 0:45 purchase money manufactured albums 0:50 are welcome yeah 0:54 ooh I'm cool I'm edgy I share the same 0:57 opinions as celebrities spewing regime 0:59 narratives 1:03 they're not calling for legitimate 1:04 refugees to be admitted to the UK after 1:06 stringent Security checks are they this 1:09 is of course the universal rhetoric of 1:11 open borders enthusiasts which is pretty 1:14 ironic say the least given that 1:16 Glastonbury is surrounded by the kind of 1:18 border wall that would impress Donald 1:19 Trump so they pay hundreds of thousands 1:22 of pounds to enter this Festival which 1:24 to maintain the economic viability 1:25 Safety and Security of the festival has 1:28 to be protected by an 8 000 meter long 1:30 12 foot high border and constantly by 1:33 private security including watch Towers 1:36 borders are bad except when they're 1:38 being used to protect our weekend hippie 1:40 retrieve 1:42 they're so proud of their border they 1:44 called it the super Fortress friends and 1:47 what's it for in their own words 1:48 stopping illegal entry into the site a 1:51 measure that according to them is 1:53 significantly reduced crime levels 1:55 secure borders 1:58 lower crime levels 2:00 interesting right so borders are evil 2:03 when they're being used to secure the 2:04 perimeter of a country and reduce crime 2:06 levels when Oscar and Olivia want to 2:09 enjoy their three-day Bender without 2:10 being bothered by any criminal riffraff 2:12 then they're fine they literally pay 2:14 huge wads of cash to fund a border wall 2:16 to protect them from a legal entry and 2:18 crime then call you racist for asking 2:21 for your tax money to be used for the 2:22 same purpose to protect your nation I 2:25 don't see any borders do you uh yeah 2:27 that giant one being used to keep 2:29 everyone else out of the festival to 2:31 provide you with a safe environment for 2:32 legitimate Festival goers okay when we 2:35 do it 2:36 welcome here Glastonbury festival's 2:39 border even has an attached external 2:41 roadway to prevent tunneling 45 degree 2:44 overhangs to prevent climbing at zero 2:46 nuts and bolts to stop the fence being 2:48 tampered with Glastonbury security home 2:50 office security there's also an 2:52 additional 14 kilometers of fencing for 2:55 crowd control borders are bad though 3:01 yeah [ __ ] the Tories they hate 3:03 immigrants so much so they've been 3:05 importing them in greater numbers than 3:07 ever before for the last 13 years since 3:08 they took power but not content with 3:10 lecturing you about open borders while 3:12 being surrounded by a very much closed 3:15 border this same Carnival of sanctimony 3:17 hops on about the climate crisis yeah 3:20 they care so much about planet Earth 3:22 This Is How They lead the site after the 3:24 festival's over they're gonna brow beat 3:26 you over your environmental sins while 3:28 they can't even pick up their own [ __ ] 3:30 let's take a break from the stench of 3:31 hypocrisy and see something uplifting 3:34 instead look at this little fella he's 3:36 only eight weeks old he's too young and 3:39 quite frankly too fluffy to need a 3:41 proper skin care routine me on the other 3:44 hand well that's a very different story 3:46 at my age I need all the help I can get 3:48 that's why I'm excited to have tiege 3:50 Hanley as the sponsor of today's video 3:52 teach Hanley simplifies the process of 3:54 taking care of your skin they provide 3:56 you with all the products you need and 3:58 nothing you don't implementing a quality 4:00 skin care routine will improve your 4:02 confidence in all aspects of your life 4:04 this is important stuff so I recommend 4:06 you start with the level one system 4:08 which comes with all the basics the 4:10 daily face wash and exfoliating scrub an 4:13 AM moisturizer with SPF 20 and a PM 4:16 moisturizer I've been using tiege Hanley 4:18 for months now and it's left my skin 4:20 feeling fresh Supple and revived each 4:23 and every morning 4:25 you don't just have to take my word for 4:27 it because they have over 7 000 4:29 five-star reviews from customers around 4:31 the globe in addition to amazing skin 4:34 members of tiege handling get tons of 4:36 benefits including at least 20 off the 4:38 retail price pause or cancel at any time 4:41 and free us shipping because teach 4:43 Hanley is sponsoring today's video 4:45 they're offering my viewers a great deal 4:48 just click the first link in the 4:50 description down below and you'll get a 4:52 massive 30 off your first box and a free 4:55 gift don't you dare miss out on this 4:58 incredible deal click that link and get 5:00 started today now back to the video 5:02 refugees are welcome disconnect between 5:06 the virtue signal and cold hard reality 5:08 becomes clearer when you begin to 5:10 understand the consequences that open 5:11 borders and the refugees welcome 5:13 movement has had on the UK and Europe in 5:16 general the jihadist who blew up kids at 5:18 Manchester Arena was a refugee rescued 5:21 from Libya by our own Royal Navy the 5:23 Paris Massacre carried out by terrorists 5:25 who posed as refugees to enter Europe 5:27 Isis openly bragged about exploiting the 5:29 refugee wave to insert terrorists into 5:31 Europe and if you really care about 5:33 legitimate refugees why are you 5:35 supporting criminal people Smugglers 5:37 sending thousands of Bolt migrants to 5:40 the UK every single day the vast 5:42 majority of whom are young men fleeing 5:44 countries that are not at War economic 5:46 migrants not refugees creating a massive 5:49 backlog for legitimate Asylum 5:51 applications meaning the genuine 5:53 refugees who try to do it lawfully get 5:55 sent to the back of the queue because 5:57 again it's not about refugees it's about 5:59 open borders it's harder for Bad actors 6:02 to get into Glastonbury Festival for 6:04 three days than it is for terrorists to 6:06 get into the UK for life because they 6:08 have a properly functioning border and 6:10 our country doesn't they erect a massive 6:12 border to protect their Glastonbury 6:14 bubble from crime and it works and at 6:16 the same Festival endorse an open 6:18 borders policy that has led to 6:19 significantly higher crime across Europe 6:27 also note how this open borders Mantra 6:30 is delivered Under the Umbrella of a 6:31 jubilant harmonious Music Festival which 6:34 on the surface preachers love tolerance 6:36 and unity yet scratched just an inch 6:38 below the surface and you find a dogma 6:40 of division disunity and hate when I 6:43 watch this clip I immediately recognize 6:45 this guy one of the three primary 6:46 members of The Young Fathers band chaos 6:49 bankoli who in between his demands for 6:52 diversity intolerance appears to have a 6:54 disturbing problem with white people 6:56 when Coley infamously appeared in a 6:58 performance art video commissioned by 7:00 the National Portrait galleries in 7:02 Edinburgh and London in which he prints 7:04 around paintings of famous white 7:06 historical figures while spewinger 7:08 deranged invective about the original 7:10 sin of their ethnicity white powerful 7:14 Rich does this mean I don't exist 7:18 that I'm not a man 7:20 because I don't see a face like mine 7:23 framed in Gold hanging on the wall 7:26 have you taken all this space mate your 7:29 parents were from Nigeria go to an art 7:31 gallery in Nigeria showing native people 7:33 from the 19th and 18th century not going 7:36 to see many white British people are you 7:38 am I meant to admire the brush work and 7:40 the colors in the historical context 7:42 without conserving how you came to be 7:44 here 7:46 and the people who look like me aren't 7:48 out at famous white historical Scottish 7:50 people come to be in an art gallery in 7:52 Scotland gee I wonder can't 7:55 possibly fathom how that could have 7:57 happened he then proceeds to celebrate 7:59 the fact that people born hundreds of 8:01 years ago are no longer living you are 8:03 dead 8:05 random white dude 8:08 what's so special about you before 8:10 fantasizing about animals urinating on 8:13 their graves signs of wealth Insignia of 8:16 status they are a gravestorm that a dog 8:19 pisses against shifting crafting clay 8:21 and then topping it off with this 8:23 charming Perler of unity and love they 8:26 are a long line of inbred spawns soon to 8:29 die out themselves 8:30 [Music] 8:31 strange isn't it because he seems to 8:33 think he's living rent free in the heads 8:35 of these old dead white dudes when 8:37 clearly the opposite seems to be the 8:38 case evidence about being stupidity 8:41 whilst my own Monument is the living so 8:43 yeah there's your purveyor of Tolerance 8:45 that's what he really thinks about 8:47 diversity after this dark disturbing 8:49 racist rent didn't go down too well with 8:51 the general public the band complained 8:53 about racist comments directed at them 8:55 takes one to no one it's wonderfully 8:57 Progressive piece of performant art was 8:59 taxpayer funded by the Scottish people 9:01 about 96 of whom are white because 9:04 nothing says value for money like being 9:06 lectured by some upstart musician about 9:08 how your ancestors were inherently evil 9:10 because of their skin color but yeah 9:12 tell me again how this is just about 9:14 refugees refugees are welcome here 9:19 [Music] 9:21 get early access to videos exclusive 9:24 live streams and personally DM me you've 9:27 seen how much I get demonetized all the 9:29 time well this is how you support me by 9:31 subscribing at Paul Joseph 9:34 watson.locals.com please click the link 9:36 in the description