

week of the cucumber egg specific diet plan

2018-01-11 17:44:55 | 美容

The first week of the cucumber egg specific diet plan


Morning: one egg (can eat tea egg oh), a cucumber one


Noon: egg one (can eat tea egg oh), cucumber cold dish a share Dream beauty pro hard sell


Evening: cucumber, two or cucumber cold dishes


From the second week you can eat something else, and you can have some boiled or steamed meat and vegetables, but don't put oil on it. After 4 p.m., you can only eat eggs and cucumbers.


The production of oil-free vegetable soup -- these nutrient-laden vegetable soup looks like drooling, as well as weight loss. What are you waiting for?


Can drink soymilk and milk, recommend to drink in the morning, still can eat some fruit, banana except!


With eggs as the main food, three meals a day with eggs as the main food, with green vegetables and fruits, a small amount of toast and coffee drinks, a week can lose 5KG of weight!


Principle of weight loss: egg yellow contains lecithin is a kind of emulsifier, can make adipose cholesterol emulsification becomes extremely small granule, after the vessel is ruled out for the body to use. Eggs can also increase the high density lipoprotein in the blood, which can protect blood vessels and prevent hardening Dream beauty pro hard sell.


It seems that the egg diet law is based on science, and it is also a practical way to lose weight. When body weight meets the standard, make social such as heat and heat consumption balance, can make weight loss effect last.


Rules: eggs not constrained in the amount on the first day, after every solar eclipse of three, if high cholesterol is only to eat protein, protein with tofu with tofu diet (4) instead of can also, this method can be used as two Zhou Youxiao. 5KG two weeks a week. No more in two weeks.


7 day egg diet diet diet




Breakfast: boiled eggs (unlimited), toast (no limits), grape fruit, coffee (no sugar milk)


Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, coffee


Dinner: boiled eggs, green salad, pickles (don't put too much salt -- Korean kimchi to lose weight new found), coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, toast, grape fruit, coffee


Lunch: boiled egg two, coffee, grape fruit


Dinner: steak, tomato based green salad, sauerkraut, coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruit, coffee


Lunch: green salad, tomato, grape fruit, coffee


Dinner: boiled egg, mutton, tomato salad, pickle, coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruit, coffee


Lunch: green salad, tomato, grape fruit, coffee


Dinner: boiled eggs, cheese (a type b blood needs to be eaten a little more), spinach, coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruit, tomato, coffee


Lunch: boiled eggs, spinach, tomatoes, coffee


Dinner: sea fish (weight gain and fat for fish, fish for weight loss), green salad, toast, coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruit, coffee


Lunch: fruit salad, two eggs


Dinner: beef steak (diet is also a 3-day diet plan), with tomato-oriented greens salad, coffee




Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruit, coffee


Lunch: roast chicken, tomato, grape fruit, coffee


Dinner: green vegetable soup, cabbage, grape fruit, green salad, mainly tomatoes.


Remind > > >


The salad can be used vegetable oil, if no mutton can be replaced with beef, when hungry, can eat tomato, coffee without sugar milk, best for black coffee.


1. The egg can be boiled egg, also can be scrubbed clean, add a bag of halogen flesh bag to make halogen egg Dream beauty pro hard sell

