日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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grave yard

2006年10月08日 | Weblog
I went to grave yard at Aoyama Tokyo where my family's grave yard and toom stone is. It is a famous grave yard because many famous people are burried there. Also I think it is famous especialy location. Aoyama is the center of Tokyo,and there are many fashion stores, antiques. There is a street called "kottou doori" it means antique shop street.
Aoyama graveyard is located among such area.

Last august I and my son went there to maintain the toomstone and the grave yard. I thought there might be so many weed around the toom stone. But it was beyond my imagination. I bought chemical material to make weed died. Today I checked the effect of that chemical material. The result was good enough. Almost weed were died.

nice day today

2006年10月08日 | Weblog
The huricane had gone and the air among the sky seems to be refreshed.
I went to the same place where I watched the moon.
What a beutiful scenery it is!
So many families were coming there. Also some people are watching birds by looking telescope.