日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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tomake insentive

2006年10月14日 | Weblog
To improve the mind of subordinate is one of the manager's duty.
I had attended a meeting which teaches us how to improve the mind of people. Our company will ask all of genaral manager to learn it.

Especialy japanese worinkg system is different from other countries. We do not change the job or company not so often. for example I had never changed the company I work for. It is more the 30 years since I graduate university and start working.

So the employee mind is very important. IN USA case the manager can change thier subordinate by firing. But In japan manager must improve the subordinates instead of firing. It is good point and bad point having both side. Recently I had a seminar for improving the mind of subordinates, how to moral up, how to hear the staff's difficulty and give advise. It is the comunication skill counselling.
And the most important thing seems the humanity of the boss.

I used to prefer top down policy , so middle class manager must hear the lower employee's "Teian" or "Kainzen" , means proposal or improvement idea.
So middle class manager as my staff seems to adjust the policy from boss(me) and his subordinates, it is sometime difficult. but it is the middle class manager's important duty in Japan.
I must hear the middle class manager's difficulty and give them advise which I studied in seminar I attended. It's succdess seems to depend on my humanith.