日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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Meet my friend Skiiman

2006年10月29日 | Weblog
Because I have enough time before scheduled time, I took a walk around the rathous( cityhall). I took some pics around rathous, and thinking to go up the rathouse with Skiiman. yesterday my coleague recommended me to go up this building.
I heard beutiful songs coming from inside of rathous which seems to be sang by many man and woman. Some people like TV crue seems preparing something.
After taking pics, when I started to return to hotel, one young people were coming to me. As he come to me ,I understand he is Skiiman!
The place we promised was in front hotel, but he came here so early not to be delayed by trafic jam. He seems to come here more than 1 hour before our promised time and he took a walk around this town to to prepare introducing for me. I understand soon that he is very honest people.

He asked policeman if we can get up to top of the rathous. but Today was a special day ,there will be a political event in rathous so the elevator to top was not available.
Then we went back to hotel, we took some drinks (actual!) chatting manythings. We spend one hour in the restaurant of hotel.

He is now studying as a care giving professional for handicapped people. I had asked him when we chat in SKYPE, but acutally I could not understand his study. but now I understand.


2006年10月29日 | Weblog
Today is Specialday,I will be able to meet Skiiman who I met in SKYPE. I was looking for meeting him so much.

It seems fine day today. Before meeting with him,I took a walk around the rathous. Rathous is a city hall which located in front of my hotel,so near.