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Germany is a beutiful country

2006年10月28日 | Weblog
I am now visiting Germany,arrived at Frankfurt on 26th,then changed the air plane to Hanover. This pic was took from airplane to Hanover. It was beyond my imagineation ,I am sure that Germany is one of the most beutiful county in the world.
As I watched Skiiman's pics,I had a mind to confirm how beutiful country German is through my eyes. I am very lucky people to make a oppotunity to come here.

The next day of my arrival,I spent whole day for my business. I met 4 japanese people working here(subsiduary company in German),but it was so surprised me that I happen to know all of 4 people. Before coming here I had understood Mr.Shiratsuchi who worked in Hiratsuka is now working here. Miyake-san who used to work in Headoffice in Akasaka is now working here. but I did not know Mr.Aoyagi and Mr.Tabuchi is working here. When I registered my name in reception, Mr.Tabuchi called my name. I was so surprised.

I could notsleep at all as usual when I traveled abroad. It is caused not only by Jet lagged but business stress is the second reason which excited me during first stage of my trip.

Before coming here,I cound not confirm the hotel reservation in Italy, but yesterday I confirmed. I felt safe so much. But now I still could not confrime the hotel reseration in England. My travel plan is always like this. I did not reserve any hotels before departure even in my honeymoon trip. I enjoy the unscheduled travel. But recently I think it not good for my business trip off course.