

FRC sets out new Corporate Governance Code


The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published its new Corporate Governance Code in a bid to improve trust in UK business


The new Code, which will remain on a “comply or explain” basis rather than become mandatory, sets out a number of recommendations aimed at improving culture and trust in business, of which it suggests at least one be applied. They include having a director appointed from the workforce, a formal workforce advisory panel and a designated non-executive director.



The Code will apply to accounting periods from January 2019 and is applicable to all companies with a premium listing.


From next year, senior executives will be banned from selling share awards for five years. The FRC said share awards should be released for sale “on a phase basis” and be subject to a total vesting and holding period of five years or more.


Following several shareholder revolts against executive pay and re-appointments, the FRC said that when 20% or more of votes are cast against the board recommendation, the company should explain what actions it plans to take to understand the reasons behind their vote. It should then explain in its annual report its final decision and what impact the feedback has had on such decisions.



A UK Corporate Governance Code that is fit for the future(FRC)


Revised UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 highlights(FRC)(PDFファイル)



• Emphasis on improving the quality of the board and company’s relationships with a wider range of stakeholders.

• Taking effective action when receiving significant shareholder votes against resolutions and reporting back more promptly.

• Board responsibility for workforce policies and practices which reinforce a healthy culture.

• Engaging with the workforce through one, or a combination, of a director appointed from the workforce, a formal workforce advisory panel and a designated non-executive director,or other arrangements which meet the circumstances of the company and the workforce.

• The ability for directors and the workforce to be able to raise concerns and for effective enquiry of these concerns.


The Code does not set out a rigid set of rules; instead it offers flexibility through the application of Principles and through ‘comply or explain’ Provisions and supporting guidance. It is the responsibility of boards to use this flexibility wisely and of investors and their advisors to assess differing company approaches thoughtfully. The 2018 Code:

• is shorter and sharper;
• “Supporting Principles” have been removed; and
• has fewer Provisions.




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