
IASB publishes proposals on the impairment of financial assets

IASB publishes proposals on the impairment of financial assets(IASBのプレスリリース)



Both International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) currently use an incurred loss model for the impairment of financial assets. An incurred loss model assumes that all loans will be repaid until evidence to the contrary (known as a loss or trigger event) is identified. Only at that point is the impaired loan (or portfolio of loans) written down to a lower value.

IFRSと米国会計基準では、減損処理に発生損失モデル(incurred loss model)を用いています。このモデルでは、いわゆるトリッガー・イベントが発生するまでは、貸付金全額が回収されることが想定されており、トリッガー・イベントが発生してはじめて評価減が行われます。

The global financial crisis has led to criticism of the incurred loss model for presenting an initial, over-optimistic assessment of no credit losses, only to be followed by a large adjustment once a trigger event occurs.


Responding to requests by the G20 leaders and others, in June 2009 the IASB published a Request for Information on the practicalities of moving to an expected loss model. The responses have been taken into account by the IASB in developing the exposure draft.

G20首脳会議などによる要求に対応して、IASBは期待損失モデル(expected loss model)導入に関する意見募集を行いました。公開草案開発に当たっては、寄せられた意見を考慮しています。

Under the proposals expected losses are recognised throughout the life of the loan (or other financial asset measured at amortised cost), and not just after a loss event has been identified. This would avoid the front-loading of interest revenue that occurs today before a loss event is identified, and would better reflect the lending decision. Therefore, under the proposals, a provision against credit losses would be built up over the life of the financial asset. Extensive disclosure requirements would provide investors with an understanding of the loss estimates that an entity judges necessary.


he IASB is aware of the significant practical challenges of moving to an expected loss model. For this reason an Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) comprising experts in credit risk management is being established to advise the board. An eight-month comment period has been provided to allow adequate time for entities to consider the impact of such a change within their organisation.




Financial Instruments: Amortised Cost and Impairment




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