

AICPA issues guidance on accounting for forgivable PPP loans



融資と補助金の両方の性格を持つ仕組みといえそうですが、AICPAが公表したTechnical Question and Answer「Borrower Accounting for a Forgivable Loan Received Under the Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program」では、一定の要件を満たせば、金融負債(FASB ASC Topic 470)として処理するとされているそうです。米SECは、SEC登録企業が、FASB ASC Topic 470に従ってローンとして会計処理する方法と、政府補助金(IAS20号)として会計処理する方法のいずれでも、反対はしないと述べているそうです。

A nongovernmental entity may account for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan as a financial liability in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 470, Debt, or under other models, if certain conditions are met, according to new guidance for borrowers issued Wednesday by the AICPA.

The AICPA worked with many of its volunteer members, and also the FASB staff, to develop Technical Question and Answer (TQA) 3200.18, Borrower Accounting for a Forgivable Loan Received Under the Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, the SEC staff shared its views in indicating it would not object to an SEC registrant accounting for a PPP loan under Topic 470 or as a government grant by analogy to IAS 20, Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance, provided certain conditions are met.


The TQA addresses accounting for nongovernmental entities only (which include business entities and not-for-profit entities (NFPs)). The TQA explains that an entity accounting for the PPP loan under Topic 470:

・Would initially record the cash inflow from the PPP loan as a financial liability and would accrue interest in accordance with the interest method under ASC Subtopic 835-30. PPPローンからの当初のキャッシュインフローは金融負債として記録する。

・Would not impute additional interest at a market rate. 市場金利による追加利息の計上はしない。

・Would continue to record the proceeds from the loan as a liability until either (1) the loan is partly or wholly forgiven and the debtor has been legally released or (2) the debtor pays off the loan. (1)ローンの一部又は全部が免除される、あるいは、債務者が法的に責任解除されるか、(2)債務者がローンを返済する、ときまで、ローンによる収入は、負債として会計処理する。

・Would reduce the liability by the amount forgiven and record a gain on extinguishment once the loan is partly or wholly forgiven and legal release is received. 一部又は全部が免除されたときに、免除された金額だけ負債を減少させ、利得を計上する。

According to the TQA, if a nongovernmental entity that is not an NFP (that is, it is a business entity) expects to meet the PPP’s eligibility criteria and concludes that the PPP loan represents, in substance, a grant that is expected to be forgiven, it may analogize to IAS 20 to account for the PPP loan. An entity accounting by analogy to IAS 20 would not be able to recognize government assistance until there is reasonable assurance that any conditions attached to the assistance will be met and the assistance will be received.


Once there is reasonable assurance that the conditions will be met, the earnings impact of the government grants would be recorded on a systematic basis over the periods in which the entity recognizes as expenses the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate.


日本の雇用調整助成金は申請の仕組みが複雑すぎて、申請や支給が進んでいないそうですが(例えば、日経「つぎはぎ行政のツケ 制度の迷宮、コロナ苦境救えず」)、米国では、とりあえず、ローンとしてカネを出した上で、あとから、条件を満たしたかどうかを確認して、免除するというやり方のようです。それはそれで、条件があいまいだったりあとから変更になったりして、混乱を来しているようですが、雇用調整助成金のように、完全に条件を満たしていることを確認したうえで支給する(ということは休業手当などのコストより後の受け取りになる)というのよりは、企業にとって使える仕組みなのでしょう。




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