「IFIAR議長によるCOVID-19に関する利害関係者へのアップデート」(5月1日付)(原題:IFIAR Chair’s Update on COVID-19 to stakeholders)という書簡の仮訳等が、金融庁ウェブサイトで公開されました。(IFIAR:監査監督機関国際フォーラム。日本に事務局がある。)
「私は、IFIAR 代表理事会とともに、監査及び監査監督コミュニティにおける多くの監査人やその他の参加者が、COVID-19 パンデミックの結果、監査及び監査監督を実施する上で実務上の困難に直面しているであろうことを認識している。しかし、我々は監査監督当局として、この間、質の高い財務報告の維持に監査が貢献することの重要性についても認識している。投資家及びその他の利害関係者がかつてない程質の高い財務情報を必要としているであろう今、COVID-19 の重大な影響があっても、また、それを踏まえて、監査法人は、要求される基準を十分に遵守する必要があることを強調する。これらの新たな課題にもかかわらず、IFIAR は、COVID-19 の状況を踏まえた新たな活動を含め、「世界的に監査監督を強化することで、投資家を含む公共の利益に貢献する」という使命を引き続き果たしていく。」(仮訳より)(「監査法人」というのは誤訳で「監査事務所」が正しいと思います(「法人」でない事務所は監査基準を遵守しなくてもよいのか?)。)
I, along with the IFIAR Board, recognize that many auditors and other participants in the audit and audit oversight community may be facing practical difficulties in carrying out audits and audit oversight as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. But as audit regulators we also recognize the importance of audit’s contribution to maintaining high quality financial reporting during this time and stress the need for audit firms to fully comply with required standards despite, and in light of, the significant impacts of COVID-19 – when investors and other stakeholders may have greater need for high-quality financial information than ever. Despite these new challenges, IFIAR will continue to fulfill its mission which is to serve the public interest, including investors, by enhancing audit oversight globally – including new activity developed in light of the COVID-19 situation.
その他、米PCAOBのCOVID-19: Reminders for Audits Nearing Completion という資料が、米国上場会社の監査には役立ちそうです(すでに該当する監査チームには回付されていることでしょう)。
Auditors may need to obtain evidence of a different nature or form than originally planned, which may affect the auditor’s consideration of its relevance and reliability. For example, evidence obtained may be a copy or in digital form, giving rise to the need for procedures to support its validity. Auditors may also face challenges in obtaining evidence previously planned to be obtained through physical observation procedures (e.g., of inventory and property, plant, and equipment). The specifics of each situation are likely to vary, including the issuer’s approach, the materiality of balances, the assessed risks of material misstatement,consideration of the issuer’s controls, and the procedures already performed by the auditor, all of which will affect the auditor’s approach to obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence. For example, procedures that the auditor may consider performing include roll-forward or roll-back procedures from or to the date of a physical observation, or virtual observation procedures.
The risk of deficiencies in new, modified, or existing controls could increase for reasons such as lack of segregation of duties or lack of effective monitoring controls, which may give rise to increased risk of potential management override. As a result, auditor’s procedures to understand and test relevant controls may need to be reconsidered.