

FRC survey reveals fears that audit profession becoming less attractive

英国財務報告評議会 (FRC) が委託した調査によると、規制などによる締め付けが強化されることの結果として、監査専門職の魅力が薄らいでいるそうです。

There is growing concern that the audit profession is becoming less attractive as a result of increased public and regulatory scrutiny, a YouGov survey commissioned by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has revealed


Some of the respondents think that the introduction of more regulation, including last month’s implementation of the EU Regulation and Audit Directive (ARD), is driving “a compliance mindset”. Longer term, this could risk the development of judgment skills, impact on the level of quality within the audit profession and deter future talent from joining it.



The survey of the audit market, which followed up on an earlier similar survey carried out two years ago for the FRC, also revealed concern about the concentration of the FTSE 350 audit market in the Big Four firms.


Respondents to the 2016 survey indicated that, while they generally welcomed the changes introduced by the ARD, like mandatory audit retendering and rotation and the capping of non-audit services, they feared that the increasing complexity of audit for larger businesses and public interest entities (PIEs) would ensure continuation of the Big Four’s dominance.


In contrast, the 2016 survey found evidence that as a result of regulatory changes, audit firms are now seen as more independent and competing for audit engagements on quality grounds.

The most influential changes include retendering and revised ethical requirements, developments in auditor and corporate reporting, promotion of the role of the audit committee so that the auditor is no longer seen as so close to management, and independent oversight at audit firms.

The ARD also helped by introducing mandatory rotation and restrictions on the non-audit services audit firms can undertake for clients.


Confidence grows in audit, but more needs to be done says FRC report(FRC)




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