There is a Greenwood cemetery in front of the bakery.
My impression on cemetery was something creepy, but my friend told me that he liked to walk in there with coffee time to time, I tried to do.
It's famous as a cemetery for wealty. Basquiat is also burried in here.
The Gothic gate can be seen in the back is the entrance.
It's a very majestic gate, but there are parakeets nesting there.
A photo is pasted on the gravestone.
Tomb of the Parthenon.
When I was walking and pondering that it was quite spacious, so maybe one homeless person could live there....
Found the pyramid! It is a cemetery with a high degree of freedom.
I went back the way I came, thinking that something rude that the cemetery looked like a public toilet...
A cherry blossom festival will be held in the spring.
Thank you very much for reading.
Have a good day.







I went to IKEA to buy laundry bag. and the most favorite things at IKEA is drinking a free coffee. and of course I 'm gonna eat a slice of cheese cake.
Today, I will post an essay that was somehow given to students in a math class ...
The topic is "Is Mathmatic Art or Science?"
The content is really at the level of a child's writing lol
Teacher was so kind and merciful, so she gave me 4.5 out of 5! She is angel!!!
Is Mathematic Science or Art?
Mathematics: Mathematics is a subject that causes allergic reactions not only in children but also in adults. Mathematics also causes headaches even among scientists. That is, "Is mathematics a science or an art?" Indeed, the art created by geometric patterns is breathtakingly beautiful, and the indescribable graph created by sine-cosine-tangent is awe-inspiring. So, is mathematics an art?
Mathematics is not ART.
I strongly disagree that the people who say mathematics is Art because mathematics is Language of science, contribution to the development of modern science, and essential to understanding sciences.
Math is a Language to understand Natural.
The first thing to note is that mathematics embodies science. According to the dictionary, "Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experiment, and testing of theories against the evidence obtained." In other words, science is the activity of studying phenomena. So, what do we need to understand the phenomena? The Italian physicist Galileo once said:
[The universe] cannot be read until we learn the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in a mathematical language and the characters are triangles, circles and other geometric shapes.” (Galileo, Opera Il Saggiatore, page 171)
He also asserts that unless we understand the language, we cannot understand even "one word" of universe. For instance, we enjoy the four seasons. Thanks to the four seasons, we can enjoy seasonal fruits. Why are there four seasons? This is because the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees. (NASA What causes the season?) How humans knew this fact? They used Mathematics.
Mathematics makes a tremendous contribution to the progress of science.
The other significant point that I would like to make is that mathematics makes a tremendous contribution to the progress of science. Without mathematics, we would be living like in the Stone Age. There are not any buildings, bridges or highways. There are no computers, no internet, we never have iPhone. The list goes on and on... Sciencestruck.com explains why there is no such tech if there is no mathematics. "Since the mechanism and working involves complex algorithms, which are possible because of mathematics". What is more, mathematics is not only important for computer science but also the medical field too. If without mathematics and computer science, medical progress would not have been possible. Mathnasium explains how science is used in healthcare. CT scan and x-Ray image "relies on math functions in the form of millions of computations that are registered through the software that directs these machines" (West 2022) I can strongly say that mathematics is science.
Some people assert that mathematics is Art
In deed, some people might say. "Mathematics is art. Do not think Math is difficult. Look at and taste the mathematical beauty of the Arts in nature. These are drawn by radiation, geometric, and using Golden ratio. How beautiful the arrangement of sunflower seeds according to the golden ratio and snowflakes that are structured by geometric shapes are!"
"Snowflakes are not only beautiful to look at, they can also teach us something about the underlying mathematical structure in our world: group theory. It’s essential in many fields of abstract and applied mathematics and even leads to major implications in fundamental physics, chemistry, or computer science." (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2021)
However, I don't think mathematics is art.
Do you need math to understand for Art?
To put it bluntly, Mathematics is essential to understand Science, Physics and quantum mechanics. It is required for students to take math classes if they study these subjects. However, obviously Mathematics is not necessary to understand art. Do you need the Golden ratio, which is 1,618, when you see paintings of Katsushika Hokusai and Rembrandt? Art can be enjoyable without any knowledge of mathematics and even kids can enjoy them.
In conclusion, Mathematics is not Art but Science.
The consideration of aspects of mathematics, that is the language for understanding science, its dedication to progress of computer science, and there is not needed to understand the Art, I conclude that Mathematics is the Science.
ANNA CLAIRE MAUNEY (2023,Aug 25) The golden ratio revealed in 7 masterpieces
Galilei, Galileo (1546-1642). Opere Il Saggiatore, p. 171.
Institute of Science and Technology Austria, The Mathematics Behind Snowflakes
(2021, Dec 22) https://ist.ac.at/en/news/the-mathematics-behind-snowflakes/
Madison West (2022, Jun 8) HOW IS MATH USED IN HEALTHCARE? https://www.mathnasium.com/madisonwest/news/how-math-used-healthcare-mw#:~:text=Medical%20professionals%20use%20math%20when,medicine%2C%20biology%2C%20and%20science.
NASA What causes the season? https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/seasons/en/#:~:text=The%20Short%20Answer%3A,winter%20in%20the%20Northern%20Hemisphere.
Niel, (2014, Jul 30). Life Without Mathematics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH2O85Z2yxM
Sciencestuck.com Can We Imagine Life Without Mathematics? The Answer Will Stun You https://sciencestruck.com/can-we-imagine-life-without-mathematics
The Metropolitan Museum of Art #MetKids Made for, with, and by kids https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features/metkids/
Thank you very much for reading my blog!
Have a nice day

Hi, although it was really sunny day today, it was also really cold outside,I stayed home with cat.
Benefits of Bilingualism
The articles, “How a second language can boost the brain” by Ramin Skibba, and “the Super Social skills of bilinguals” by Katherine Kinzler explain how bilingualism has beneficial impact on all generations who speak multi-language. Both authors address that bilingualism promotes brains functions and abilities. By using two or three languages, brains work more efficiently. According to Skibba, in his article, he explained how bilingualism benefits both children and elders. Katherine explains how early exposure to multiple languages enhances children's social skills. Ultimately, what the authors want to say in their articles is that a long time ago, bilingualism was believed that obstruction linguistically growth, however, there are great benefits and advantages to all generations. This essay will discuss how studying two languages benefits my son and my mother.
A significant idea in the passage is that the benefits of being bilingual are promoting active and healthy brain. According to Skibba, the children who are bilingual “shows advantages in metalinguistic awareness.” Therefore, bilingual people can more tactfully and switch languages spontaneously. It reminds me Katherene's study. According to Katherine study, children who are bilingual and even the children who are not bilingual but regularly exposed to another language that is not their mother tongue have a strong ability to cognitive other person’s views and expectations. Therefore, they can have communication with others smoothly. I agree with the authors. My son, who is not proficient bilingual, but had been exposed to a lot of language since he was baby every day, has strong social skills. He was raised and educated in Chinese, in Japanese and in English. When he was in kindergarten, I was told that stop using Chinese and Japanese in house to avoid his language confusion because he had " code mixing." in his sentences. However, no one could spoke English perfectly in our family fortunately, we decided to continue using three languages. After thirteen years, he does not have any language problems, on the contrary, he is very talkative, and a skillful speaker when we have conflicts. What is more, he is shy, but he is good at commutating with any generations such as babies, elderly people, and of course teenagers who are not only American, Chinese, Italian, Norwegian, and Japanese. Some of them even cannot speak English fluently, he can manage and have a good relationship with them.
Another important key in these articles is learning another language is promote human’s brains. Skibba explains that people who speak multi-language have dense brains which is indicative that the brain is healthy and more undamaged white matter brain which means they can transmit information smoothly. What is more, he also points out that the brains whose bilingual people support for brain damage and used another route. He calls it “Cognitive compensation.” Therefore, he agrees that being or learning second language is great advantage to prevent from becoming dementia, such as an Alzheimer. For me personally, I strongly agree with that. My mother, at age 73, she has been learning Spanish for over 20 years. She is healthy physically and mentally. Every morning she wakes up early and goes to her vegetable garden where are far away from her house. She does not have a car, so she rides a bicycle for 30minits and takes care of her vegetables for two or three hours. She has been doing this every day for 10 more years. I am really impressed by her energy.
In conclusion, the authors explain how beneficial and helpful learning a second language is. Being bilingual or even just exposed to other languages promotes the human brain not only physically, but also mentally and surprisingly socially.


As usual, we watched and enjoyed new year countdown at home. everyone was cheereful...



Cool barber. I could take this picture because they were closed today.