Roberto, Júlio César; Maxi Pereira, Sidnei, David Luiz, Fábio Coentrão, Roderick, César Peixoto, Ruben Amorim; Javi Garcia, Aimar, Airton, Carlos Martins, Felipe Menezes; Cardozo, Saviola, Jara, Weldon e Nuno Gomes
A BolaやRecordによると、サイドの選手がいないために、プランBである4-3-3のシステムで試合をするのではないかとのこと。その場合はハラが前線に入ります。中盤では、アイルトンか、それともポルト戦であまり良くなかったアイルトンではなくハビ・ガルシアを起用するか、ジェスス監督の選択が注目されます。システムに関係なくルイソンの代役はシドネイ。
[HD] Benfica vs Tottenham Hotspurs 0-1 - Full Match Highlights & All The Goals (03-08-10)
Roberto, Amorim, Luisão, David Luiz, Coentrão, Martins, Airton, Aimar, Saviola, Cardozo, Jara
I hadn't realised they had such a decent line up, I can see us getting battered here!
Not Pablo Aimar the Argentinian?
That's a very good side. I think we would need our best 11 out to win this one, which we don't have.
Put it this way - it'll be a pretty impressive scalp if we can win it, even though it's only pre-season.
Outclassed and un-done by a far superior team. Carew looked threatening and thought Sidwell put a shift in - but overall we were very well beaten tonight.
相手監督Martin O'Neillのコメント(英語なので訳さないです):
Martin O'Neill admitted Villa were beaten by the better side - and stressed Benfica's fitness levels were something to aspire to.
O'Neill insisted you often learn more from a defeat rather than a victory and stressed Villa still have work to do as they prepare for the start of the 2010-11 campaign.
The Eagles have had a more comprehensive pre-season and O'Neill thought that extra sharpness showed over the 90 minutes.
But the Villa boss hopes more intense training as well as the prestigious friendly clash with Valencia this week will stand the team in good stead before West Ham on August 14.
He said: "It was a proper test. It will bring us on immensely. I have learnt more from this game than I did from the match the night before.
"Despite the fact we were well beaten in the game, I am delighted to have had the match. The game showed the kind of fitness levels that Benfica are playing at and what we have to achieve.
"The game was very, very important. We played against a side who always keep the ball, they played some little one-twos, and you're chasing the game for good periods of the match. Maybe not now, but eventually it should stand us in good stead.
"We went last season and won the Peace Cup with a group of young players. People got carried away because we beat the likes of Juventus.
"It's a different quality here with Benfica. It's been a real good lesson - should be anyway - particularly for the young players and now we have to get concentrated on a fortnight of work to get ready for the opening day of the season.
"The match was about learning a few things and getting that fitness, match fitness, which you need for the start of the season."
The manager also felt the clashes with Feyenoord and Benfica and the upcoming Valencia game will whet the players' appetites for the Europa League this season - especially the younger stars like Marc Albrighton.
He added: "These are the games for players who do not have a great deal of European experience.
"If I was any one of our young kids, I would want to be participating in that.
"For instance, Marc should be going to the video and having a little look. Against Feyenoord he was able to go past two or three players and then suddenly a couple of Benfica players were quick, closing him down, closing that space and making you think. That is as good a lesson as any."
Torneio do Guadiana
Estádio Municipal de Vila Real de Santo António
Árbitro: João Capela (Lisboa)
Roberto; Ruben Amorim (Luís Filipe, 46), Luisão (Sidnei, 46),u David Luiz e Fábio Coentrão; Carlos Martins, Airton (Javi Garcia, 46) e Jara; Saviola (Gaitan, 62), Aimar (César Peixoto, 62) e Cardozo (Kardec, 62)
Suplentes não utilizados: Moreira, Fábio faria, Ramires, Felipe Menezes, Weldon e Roderick
Treinador: Jorge Jesus
Brad Friedel; Luke Young, Carlos Cuéllar (Curtis Davies, 12), Richard Dunne e Shorey (Downing, 46); Marc Albrighton (Weinmann, 83), Stilyan Petrov, Steve Sidwell e Ashley Young (Warnock, 46); Nathan Delfouneso (Carew, 57) e Emile Heskey (Reo-Coker, 46)
Suplentes não utilizados: Guzan; Bannan Davies, Lichaj, Clark e Beye
Treinador: Martin ONeill
Ao intervalo: 3-0
Marcadores: 1-0, por David Luiz (10); 2-0, por Saviola (36); 3-0, por Cardozo (43); 4-0, por Saviola (50); 4-1, por Carew (69)
Disciplina: cartão amarelo a Richard Dunne (42), Stilyan
Petrov (45) e Marc Albrighton (66)
ちなみに、キーパーがミスをすると、Serbenfiquistaではみんなが「またfrangoだ!」と騒ぎます。frangoはchicken(鶏肉)のことみたいなのに、どういうこと?とずっと疑問に思っていました。この実況の人の言葉も原文は: "boa noite, hoje não há frango à roberto" 。それでこの機会に、一体フランゴとは何?と調べてみることに。すると、W杯、ブラジル代表発表!というところに以下のような説明を発見。
Frango do Goleiro という使い方をします。ボールがキーパーの足の間を抜けてゴールすること。凡ミスをさします。フランゴとは鶏のこと。つまり、簡単なはずのボールがキーパーにとっては生きた鶏のようだったからしっかりキャッチできなかったという比喩ですね。
うーむ、なんといっていいのやら・・・。選手のプレゼンはきっと誰かがアップロードしてくれるだろう、とスキップして、試合から見始めたのですが・・・新聞の見出しの「ベンフィカはファンを魅了し、同時に怯えさせた」という言葉そのままに、アイマールとコエントロンには魅了されましたが、守備陣とロベルトには無茶苦茶怯えましたよ~。Correio da Manhaも、「プレゼンテーションの試合でのベンフィカには特別新しい特徴はなかった。例によって、スペクタクルなゴールを決め、当惑するような失点をする。今回の相手はモナコだった。」
SL Benfica vs AS Monaco (3-2) RESUMO Jogo de Apresentacion 24/07/2010
Benfica -vs- AS Monaco (3-2) Extended Highlight
後半コエントロンが入って、サイドの攻撃はこうするんだよ!とお手本を見せてくれて、ようやくベンフィカは昨シーズンのチームとなりました。コエントロンがいなくなったら、ベンフィカはどうなるのかまざまざと見せてくれたみたいで、怖いですね。Correio da Manhaは、「王様のアイマールと王子のコエントロン」と書いていますが、いい表現です。ただ、オフィシャル・ページには「試合の主役」として、アイマール、カルドーソ、ダビド・ルイスしか載っていません。今日はダビド・ルイスは全然良くなくて、コエントロンのほうが圧倒的に良かったのに。移籍が決まっているから、名前が出せないの??なんてつい疑心暗鬼になってしまいます。
カルドーソは休暇先のパラグアイから戻ってきて、すでにセイシャルでコエントロンと共にランニングを開始しています。ただ試合に出るコンディションではありません。一時は移籍の希望が伝えられたカルドーソですけれど、あのPK失敗以来海外からのオファーがぷつりと途絶えたそうで(Correio da Manha談)、選手本人は「ベンフィカに全力を注ぐ」と語っています。