
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

MOW - 02,02,2024

2024年02月02日 14時00分14秒 | ministry of word
God's goal is the building up of the church as the Body for Christ's expression and as the house for God's dwelling. For this reason, the book of Romans begins with justification, goes on to life, and concludes with the building. As those who have been saved, redeemed, justified, and reconciled, we are not idly waiting for the Lord to come back. We are being built up in the church life for the fulfillment of God's purpose. Beginning with justification, we must go on to the experience of life in order to reach the goal of the building. Unless we experience life and have the building, the Lord Jesus does not have a way to come back. 
- "Life Study of Romans" P477
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MOW - 01,02,2024

2024年02月01日 09時30分30秒 | ministry of word
The most precious things happen to us when we pray. If we would spend some time before God, not to speak to Him and not to ask Him to do things for us but to give Him the opportunity to speak to us and to do things in us,many wonderful and mysterious things will happen to us during that time. We will see visions, we will know ourselves, and God will unveil mysteries concerning His word and grant us understanding. He will even grant us burdens and gifts that we did not possess. We will receive a special portion of grace as a special kind of enlightenment or as a rebuke, cleansing, or dealing. During this period of time God will speak and operate in us. 
- "How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the enjoyment of God" P139
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MOW - 09,01,2024

2024年01月09日 19時25分47秒 | ministry of word
We should be normal and expercise our inward being in quietness in order to absorb God. the best prayer is one that absorbs God. Prayer has nothing to do with how man words we utter. It is a mater of finding a quiet time to turn our busy heart to the inner chamber in order to fellowship with God and to absorb His very being. We can then realize that He is our life, food, drink, light, strength, joy, and comfort. He is the answer to whatever we need. This is the meaning of being a Christian. We are not those in religion who worship a God who is high above and far away from us. A Christian does not worship in this way. Instead, he abides quietly in the inner chamber and touches God. He fellowships with God and absorbs God in his spirit. In this way God abides in him and becomes his all. 
- "How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God" P17
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MOW - 01,01,2024

2024年01月01日 16時01分38秒 | ministry of word
what is the freedom in Christ?
1. freedom in Christ implies liberation fom obligation. Because we are free in Christ, we are no longer obligated to the law and its ordinances, practices, and regulations.
2. freedom in Christ includes satisfaction with a rich supply. Proper freedom is not only liberation from obligation; it is also full satisfaction because of an adequate supply and support.
3. to be free in Christ is to enjoy rest. In Christ, we have true rest.
4. to be free in Christ implies the enjoyment of Christ. Real freedom in Christ is the full enjoyment of the living Christ.
Such a freedom invloves liberation from obligations, satisfaction through the Lord's rich supply, genuine rest, and the enjoyment of Christ. Those who have this kind of freedom are not enslaved by anything. 
- "Life Study of Galatians" P62
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MOW - 20,12,2023

2023年12月20日 09時13分35秒 | ministry of word
The salvation of Christ is Christ mingled with us. The real worship of God is the Christ who is in us, who puts us upon Himself, and who fills us with Himself, worshipping God with us. In this worship we are mingled with Christ. In this worship Christ is there. This worship not only comes from Christ but also contains Christ. Christ is in this worship. He is mingled with us, He fills us with Himself, and He puts us upon Himself.
- "Dead to Law but Living to God" P31
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MOW - 08,12,2023

2023年12月08日 13時38分55秒 | ministry of word

Christ and His chosen people are one, universal, corporate man with Christ, the Husband, as the Head, and with the church, the wife, as the Body. Eventually, these two become one, all-inclusive, universal, corporate man. In Ephesians 5 the church is presented as a wife, and in Ephesians 1 the church is presented as the Body of Christ. She is Christ's wife and Christ's Body. Christ is her Husband and her Head. So, Christ and the church are a universal, corporate man. This is the kernel of the divine revelation in the Word of God. 
- " Life Study of Romans" P6
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MOW - 26, 11, 2023

2023年11月26日 13時19分30秒 | ministry of word
The objective righteousness is positional and judicial; it was fulfilled by Christ Himself ane received by the believers once for all at the time of their salvation through justification by faith. The subjective righteousness is organic; it was not accomplished by Christ in His flesh but is carried out in the believers by the pneumatic Christ. The believers need to work out their own salvation by cooperating with the indwelling Christ. This salvation which we are working out is our subjective righteousness and it requires our daily and moment-by-moment experience of the subjective Christ. 
- " The Experience of God's Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ's Life" P60
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MOW - 21,11,2023

2023年11月21日 06時11分05秒 | ministry of word
We have seen clearly that the Body of Christ is absolutely in the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit is absolutely in our spirit. Therefore, the Body of Christ is altogether a matter in our spirit. The book of Ephesians confirms this. 

Ephesians 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him,
Ephesians 1 tells us that we can see the church only in our spirit. 

Ephesians 2:22 In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.
Ephesians 2 tells us that the building of the church, the Body, both universally and locally, is in our spirit. 

Ephesians 3:16 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man,
Then chapter 3 tells us that we need to be strengthened into our inner man, the regenerated human spirit. 

Ephesians 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind
Chapter 4 tells us that we are being renewed in the spirit of our mind. 

Ephesians 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit,
Chapter 5 tells us that we need to be filled in our human spirit unto all the fullness of God. 

Ephesians 6:18 By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints,
Finally, chapter 6 tells us that we need to pray as the church, as the Body, in spirit. From all these verses we can see that the Body is altogether a matter in our spirit.

- "To Serve in the Human Spirit" Chapter 4
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MOW - 20,11,2023

2023年11月20日 19時01分07秒 | ministry of word
The first four points of God's organic salvation are regeneration, renewing, sanctification, and transformation. Regeneration is for us to have God's divine life; renewing is for us to become His divine, new creation; sanctification is for us to have His holy nature; and transformation is for us to have His divine image. Hence, first, we have His divine life; second, we become the divine, new creation; third, we have the holy nature; and fourth, we have the divine image. This is what God's organic salvation will accomplish in us.
God regenerates us that we may have His divine life; this is the base of God's organic salvation. God renews us that we may become His divine, new creation; this is the building up of God's organic salvation. God sanctifies us that we may have His holy nature; this is the establishing of God's organic salvation. God transforms us that we may have His divine image; this is the shaping of God's organic salvation.
-" The Experience of God's Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ's Life" P22
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MOW - 20,11,2023

2023年11月20日 12時44分57秒 | ministry of word
Regeneration means that, in addition to our natural life, we have the divine, eternal life of God as the basis and means of our spiritual life and living. Regeneration is not that we may improve our behavior, that we may have religious zeal and live a devout life, or that we may pay attention to ethics and morality. Rather, regeneration is for us to have God's eternal life in addition to our natural life; this is to have the uncreated life, which is God Himself, in addition to our original, created life. This divine, eternal life becomes the basis and means of our living. What God desires today is for all of our living to be based on this life and by this life. 
- " The Experience of God's Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ's Life" P12
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