

Post Semester Decompression Session:大学留学生のストレス解放Session

2023-03-28 07:45:15 | カナダ留学




このPost Semester Decompression Sessionをそんな大学留学生のために

If you walk the campus of a Canadian university in late March, early April, you’ll see throngs of tired, stressed out students with glassy, desperate eyes. They look unhealthy. You can’t help but worry for them. What makes them this way? 

In short: the end of the term. Late March marks the end of the school year, where students frantically rush to complete term-end projects. There are essays to write, 15 pages in length or more, that require students to read books and analyze research papers. There are presentations that require research to create an intelligent, entertaining performance. And importantly, final exams to prepare for. Final projects and final exams often make up more than half a student’s mark for the entire course. Students cannot afford to be idle for even a second. 

I recall one brutal end of semester, sleeping four hours each night for weeks, scrambling to complete essays and preparing for final exams. When it was finally over, I stumbled like a zombie back to my room and collapsed on the sofa. There I lay for hours watching the sunlight on the wall slowly change and grow dim. I was too exhausted to get up, but too used to not sleeping to fall asleep. I went from full speed to having nothing to do for a full week. 

And from there, a seasonal job to help pay for the next school year. I was solving impossibly challenging math proofs one day and fixing greasy bicycles the next. 

Four months of forgetting about university did not help me when the new school year rolled around. Fixing greasy bicycles was a good experience and helped me pay tuition but did not prepare me mentally for the next school year. It took me two years to realize that. 

In hindsight, I needed to decompress. 

I needed to relax, take an objective look at my academic successes and failures the past year, remember the reason why I wanted to go to university in the first place, and think about how I could improve in the next semester. Most importantly, I needed to fall in love with learning again. 

With that in mind, I wish to offer our Canada Club university students a one-week decompression session at our cabin in the middle of the prairie. 


Here we will analyze student assignments and exams over the past school year to help them recognize their strengths and weaknesses and form a strategy to mentally prepare them for the school year in September. We will counsel the students on their goals and how to reach them; stimulate them with ideas from the books lining the walls of our cabin; further stimulate them with a visit to famous sites nearby (the Rocky Mountains, the Badlands rich with dinosaur fossils, or nearby native cultural attractions); and help get them excited about learning. All while they breathe in the fresh air and relax in the beauty of the surrounding nature where the deer and prairie dogs outnumber the people. 

Studying for exams and writing essays under duress is stressful and joyless, but the love of learning is infectious and can help students get through their difficult university studies. During our Decompression Session, we hope to “infect” participating students with a love of learning and guide them to their own path for success their next university semester. 

This Decompression Session is available to any member of Canada Club currently in university. Let us know if you are interested! 


Post Semester Decompression Session of Canada Club



時期・期間 :1週間(臨機応変に対応)、時期は学生の事情に合わせ相談

場所    :Canada Club EcoCabin on the Canadian Prairie

Session 費用:CA$2,100



Need this program?

Contact Machiko Osawa!




StoryTelling Camp in Canada 2023


カナダからのサポートグループ  Canada Club


カナダ発日本人のための本格的英語学習サイト UX English 


Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 


