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徳川家康と徳川慶喜の墓 Graves of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Yoshinobu

2022-06-12 | *旅行・関東地方 Travel in Kanto Region

A Grave of Tokugawa Ieyasu in Nikko, Tochigi Pref. and a Grave of Tokugawa Yoshinobu in Yanaka, Tokyo 

Tosho-gu Shrine in Nikko, Tochigi-pref.


I happened to visit a graves of Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa Shogun, in Nikko and Yoshinobu, the last Shogun.
I recently came to think that the relatively peaceful times of Edo Period were so precious. In Japan, there were almost no major wars in the Edo period for about 250 years. Isn't that surprising from a global perspective?


↓石鳥居  Ishidori (Stone shrine gate at front approach) 


It was Eichi Shibusawa who wrote the words "Toshogu" in the picture.
Although it was built in 1924, Eichi served as president of Hosaikai at the Toshogu 300 Years Festival in 1915.
During the Meiji period, in order to protect the shrines and temples in Nikko, which had lost the patronage of the Tokugawa shogunate, he supported the construction of the Nikko Railway (now the JR Nikko Line), the Nikko Station and the development of the Nikko Kanaya Hotel.


The stone shrine gate was dedicated in 1618 by Nagamasa KURODA, the son of Kanbei, a strategist. National important cultural property.
It has a height of 9.2 m, a space between columns of 6.7 m and a column diameter of 3.6 m.
The design of the upper part of the column is hollowed out in the center to make it lighter and more earthquake-resistant.

Relief Carving of famous Three Monkeys on Shinkyusha (Stable for sacred horses) built in 1636. 


↓ View from Yomeimon Gate
From the left in the back, Omotemon (First gate/1636), Shinkyu (Stable)  and Uchibansho.  Kamijinko (Storehouse) is on the left front.

↓改修が終わったばかりの陽明門 (1636年築)
Yomeimon gate (Second gate) that has just been renovated

↓陽明門の脇から社殿を囲む回廊の彫刻 (1636築)
Roofed cloisters enclosing shrine buildings

Enlargement of the sculpture of Yomeimon

↓逆さ柱 inverted pillar


Ceiling painting of Yomeimon Gate

Karamon gate (Third gate/1636) at the entrance of the main shrine


A famous sleeping cat carved by skilled Hidari Jingoro

To go to Okusha where Tokugawa Ieyasu's grave is, pass through Sakashita gate behind Sleeping Cat and go up the stone steps.




The stone steps look so steep from above.
There are 207 stone steps from the cloister to Okusha Shrine.


↓奥宮拝殿 奥社唐門(銅製)
Okusha Haiden (Okumiya Worship hall/1636) and Okusha Karamon (Bronze gate in front of Hoto/1650) 

Okusha Hoto (Inner Shrine Pagoda enshrining the ramains of Tokugawa Ieyasu/1683)


Yanaka-Reien Graveyard

↓徳川慶喜の墓 Grave of Tokugawa Yoshinobu



The Central East Square of the Yanaka Cemetery in the land donated by the Shibusawa family of Eichi Shibusawa
The upper red circle Akamaru is where Eichi Shibusawa's grave is.  The red circle below is the grave of Tokugawa Yoshinobu.
Eiichi's tombstone was built facing Yoshinobu. I was deeply moved to think that Eichi, who achieved such success, did not forget an obligation to Yoshinobu until his death.

Grave of the Shibusawa Family
The second one from the left is the gravestone of Eichi Shibusawa.


The central east square used to be the graveyard of the Shibusawa family, but part of it was returned in 2015 and has been maintained as a square in the cemetery.
This huge Tabunoki tree ( Machilus thunbergii) was transplanted from the Shibusawa family's graveyard.


江戸時代の観光? (Tourism in Edo Period) ↑Makki's English内の関連ページはこちら




Shrines and Temples of Nikko
were listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

Two Shinto shrines (Futarasan Shrine and Tōshō-gū)
One Buddhist temple (Rinnō-ji)
Nine of the structures are designated National Treasures of Japan while the remaining 94 are Important Cultural Properties.


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