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湯の峰温泉(熊野本宮)Yunomine Onsen Hot Spring

2017-07-05 | *旅行・近畿地方 Travel in Kinki

2017年7月5-12日 July 5-12, 2017


Yunomine Onsen is said to be the oldest hot spring in Japan, which has been frequented for 1800years.




旅館あづまや Japanese Inn, Adumaya


The Japanese inn Adumaya was originally founded by a shrine priest in the Edo era.  Famous artists, not only Japanese but also French, stayed at this traditional Japnese inn. You can see Genpou Yamamoto's handwriting calligraphy at the inn.

お風呂は、自然湧出の源泉かけ流し。お湯はとてもなめらかで、色々な効能があるとのことですが、実際、転んでできた(私おっちょこちょいです)膝の擦り傷の痛みも、癒された気がしました  お値段は少しお高めですが、お料理もおいしいし、秘境の温泉宿を楽しみたい方にはおすすめです

You can enjoy natural hot spring called Gensen-kakenagashi (continuous flow from source). The quality was good enough to heal my wounded knee!




 Continuous flow from source (Gensen kakenagashi)

Whilst heat might be added, there is no water added to this type of bath. With this kind of system, the high temperatures at the source are made more moderate and suitable for bathing by the use of heat-exchange devices either at the point where the water enters the bath, or in the bath itself. The hot spring of a 'Gensen kakenageshi' bath is always released without being used in a circulation system.

 Continuous flow (Kakenagashi)
In order to maintain the moderate temperature of this type of bath, both water and heat are added to the water supply. Like the 'Gensen' varient of 'Kakenagashi' - once the water enters the bath, it is released and does not go through a circulation system.




「つぼ湯」Hot Spring bath in a gigantic urn

(あづまやの前 in front of Adumaya)

gigantic=ジャイガンティックゥ=巨大な≒huge urn=ーンヌ=つぼ、かめ


Tsuboyu is the world's first public hot bath designated as World Heritage site.

It is said that Hangan Oguri, a legendary Samurai who became famous through the super-kabuki theater as well as Princess Terute, was restored to health bathing in this Tsuboyu. It is also said that the water changes color seven times a day. Bathing is done in groups. Make requests at the Yunomine Public Bathhouse down the road. Adults: ¥770.

be restored to health=健康を回復する。




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