

なぜ英語を学ぶのでしょう? Why do you study English?

2021-06-04 19:56:36 | 日記

Now some primary school start teaching English from as early as grade one. In that case, people will be studying English for 16 years if they go to university. In our generation, we did not start learning English till first year of the middle school. Even so, we have 10 solid years of English education!


Though we have  spent so much time and efforts, our English doesn't seem to be working when we try to apply it in our daily life.



It is perhaps because English wasn't treated as a living language. Instead it was a mere instrument for passing an entrance exams or improving your GPA(grade point average- almost equivalent to "hensachi" or a standard deviation of the test score).


But I have good news for you! English you have learned at school is not going to be a waste. Although it may seem like  useless in your daily life because of its complex grammar,  long and tedious reading materials and meaningless vocabulary, English is still embedded in you.


If you start learning English again with the right method, your overall English ability will surely improve with the help of  what you have already learnt from before.


(補足ですが)先週の1回目のブログでは写真の説明をしませんでした。あれは今住んでいるバンクーバーのコンドのパティオです。5年前に移って来た時はほとんど何もありませんでしたが、今では念願のEnglish Garden風のパティオになりました。テーブルにラップトップをおいて素敵なプライベートな空間を作りました。。。

(Afterthought) I did not explain to you about the photo on my first blog. It is a patio of our condminium in Vancouver. When we moved here five years ago, there was almost nothing on the patio. Now it started to look like an English garden that I always dreamt of. So, I created a beautiful space for myself with my laptop and a cup of coffee.


However, it didn't work the way I planned. It is a perfect place for my cat to nap. I tried to share the place with her, but as soon as I open the laptop, she kept sitting on its keyboard. I gave up.


When I was working in my patio, it came to my mind that the language learning is just like gardening. If you put your efforts whole heartedly, the plants will grow happily. So, your English learning should be the same way. I hope you will read my future blogs, enjoy studying English, and improve it with confidence and joy.