バルタザール・ド・ボージョワイユー(Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx、またはBalthasar de Beaujoyeux、16世紀初頭 - 1587年頃)は、イタリア出身のヴァイオリニスト、作曲家、振付家、演出家である。彼は卓越したヴァイオリンの名手として知られていた。ボージョワイユーはフランス王アンリ2世王妃カトリーヌ・ド・メディシスに仕えるため、1555年にフィレンツェから派遣された楽団の一員となってパリに出た。彼は王妃の2人の子の音楽教師となり、宮廷内での趣向を凝らした催し物の制作に手腕を発揮した。1567年、王太后となったカトリーヌはボージョワイユーに宮廷の音楽監督と首席従者の地位を与え、国王シャルル9世は宮廷主催の催し物の演出者に任じている。
ボージョワイユーは1573年には『ポーランド外交使節たちのバレエ』(Ballet aux ambassadeurs polonais)を振り付けた。これは最初に「バレエ」と銘打った作品とされる。
ボージョワイユーの名を後世に残したのは、1581年10月15日に上演された『王妃のバレエ・コミック』(Balet comique de la Royne) である。時のフランス国王アンリ3世の寵臣だったジョワイユーズ公アン・ド・ジョワイユーズと、メルクール公爵ニコラの娘で王妃ルイーズの妹でもあるマルグリットの結婚を祝して開催されたこの宮廷バレエは、詩の朗唱、器楽と歌(合唱・独唱)と舞踊、演劇、そして機械仕掛けによるからくりなどからなる大がかりな催し物だった。ボージョワイユーは台本、振付、舞台の進行管理と総合演出を手掛けた。
Born in Baranovitch, Russia on April 11, 1897, Albert Kanter immigrated with his family to the United States in 1904. They settled in Nashua, New Hampshire. A constant reader, Kanter continued to educate himself after leaving high school at the age of sixteen. He worked as a traveling salesman for several years. In 1917, he married Rose Ehrenrich, and the couple lived in Savannah, Georgia, where they had three children.
They spent several years in Miami, Florida, but when the Great Depression ended his real estate venture there, Kanter moved his family to New York. He was employed by the Colonial Press and later by Elliott Publishing Company. During this period, Kanter also designed a popular appointment diary for doctors and dentists and created a toy telegraph set and a crystal radio set.
During the late 1930s and early 1940s, millions of youngsters thrilled to the exploits of the new comic-book superheroes. In 1940, Elliott Publishing Company began issuing repackaged pairs of remaindered comics, which sparked a concept in Kanter's mind about a different kind of comic book. Kanter believed that he could use the same medium to introduce young readers to the world of great literature.
With the backing of two business partners, Kanter launched CLASSIC COMICS in October 1941 with issue No. 1, a comics-style adaptation of The Three Musketeers. From the beginning, the series stood apart from other comic-book lines. Each issue was devoted to a different literary work, such as Ivanhoe, Moby Dick, and A Tale of Two Cities, and featured a biography of the author and educational fillers. No outside advertising appeared on the covers or pages. And, instead of disappearing after a month on the newsstand, titles were reprinted on a regular basis and listed by number in each issue.
When the new publication outgrew the space it shared with Elliott in 1942, Kanter moved the operation and, under the Gilberton Company corporate name, CLASSIC COMICS entered a period of growing readership and increasing recognition as an educational tool. Kanter worked tirelessly to promote his product and protect its image. In 1947, a "newer, truer" name was given to the monthly series -- CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED.
Kanter continued adding new educational series to the Gilberton Company's lineup. In 1967, he sold the enterprise to Patrick Frawley, who continued publishing CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED and CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED JUNIOR until 1971. After recovering from a stroke in 1970, Kanter and his wife traveled extensively, visiting their grandchildren, other family members, and business associates with whom he shared his interests in real estate and his passions for reading, humor, baseball, deep-sea fishing, the theatre, and Jewish charities. On March 17, 1973, Albert L. Kanter died, leaving behind a rich legacy for the millions of readers whose imaginations were awakened by CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED and CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED JUNIOR.
「人類最初の映画は?」とか「世界で最古の映画は?」という質問を受けたら、『工場の出口』(La Sortie de l'usine Lumiere a Lyon) というのが答えとなる。