

Knowing the OBD faults

2017-10-08 09:57:27 | 日記

The use of cars is a continuous process and the OBD fault
codes are scattered across all the faculties of the car. These car
fault codes are usually programmed systems within the car engine to aid
with the car identity. When these codes show up, an area of the car is
not in order.

Knowing the OBD faults

The car OBD system comprises the manufacturer specific code system
which is pegged on the information gotten from the manufacturer and are
usually specific to the given car brand. This was the biggest dilemma
faced by the old generation scans.


The generic codes are usually standard codes and spread across the
car brands these codes are helpful in determining certain car faults
which may run across almost all the car brands. Most of these codes are
fed into the OBD computer memory as the data trouble codes (DTCs)

With the standardization and the subsequent use of the OBD2 Scanner,
the process of knowing the fault codes has been rather uniform. The
codes are made to display on the OBD screen with the turning on of the
malfunction illuminating light/ or the malfunction indicator light (MIL)
acting as the primary basis for action.

For its standard nature, the second generation diagnostic devices are
enabled to work across several car brands. It then makes them to be
able to give just uniform results in all the car brands. That was the
primary aim of the society of automotive engineers (SAE).

The DTC codes

The OBD fault code system or the DTC is quite diverse and may not be
exhausted in one given text. Each of the manufacturer specific and
generic codes which are fed into the OBD 2 system has got its own
specific meaning.
The manufacturer DTCs

Some of the manufacturer specific codes usually seen on the car OBD screen display include;


The DTC p0176-p0199 -sensors which are dealing mainly with issues to
do with the car circuit performances and the temperature within the car
The manufacturer DTCsThe DTC p0 100–p0199– dealing with areas to do with
the car airflow, the pressure functions, the temperature functions and
the circuits.
The DTC p0200- p0299 -which concern themselves with areas to do with the
car fuel consumption, regulation and the area of speed these are
important in helping regulate the fuel economy of your car
The DTC p0300-p0399- concerned with all the areas of the ignition switch, the misfiring functions and the possible solutions
The DTC p0400-p0499- which is mainly concerned with the car emission
controls. It is a major area of the car OBD 2 system where the emission
control plays the major role. This fault code checks on the exhaust gas
circulation, flow and anything in short or excess.
The DTC p0 500-p0 599– is usually concerned with the speed controls and
is easily seen on the display when the speed goes above the expected.
This fault comes in the form of air control, idling checks, starters and
the immobilization keys. it also regulates how the car picks speed
The DTC p0700-p0899 -which is usually faulting codes concerned with the
vehicle transmission system. Most of the areas covered dwell on the
vehicle range sensors and the electrical relay systems within the car
The DTC p0600-p0699 -which are concerned with checking whether the car
engine computer system is in its correct state. When the memory or just
the data saving module is not functioning, you are bound to notice this
with the code appearing.

The generic fault codes

However, of note is the fact that the appearance of the diverse
generic diagnostic codes has aided the process of car diagnostic scan
use in a great deal. For instance, among the several millions of the
generic codes some of them which we can lay our hands on include the

The P2000 Series– which are concerned with the car power train areas.
These are usually advanced codes and they have diverse manifold
readings. In particular, the control of the fuel use can be seen with
specific diesel filter efficiency codes.
The P3000 series– are in particular concerned with the diagnosis of the
power train malfunctions within the car and helps with the control of
the areas of intake with the control valves of the exhaust being within
its radar.

The diversification of the obd2 code reader
is in itself a significant show of how wide the OBD fault codes are. 
Without just a proper model of the OBD tool, which may in some cases be
the Bluetooth ones, scanning may still go to naught.

With these codes, the correction process of the car system becomes
quite easy. However, it may not be easy to the mechanic when the OBD
language is also not set to be within the universal language of the area
of repair.

The on board diagnostics is an installed system which works on its XTOOL when connected. But in all, having the data displayed on the screen is worth the effort, if you have to apply any.