After much debate with myself I took the plunge and purchased one. Was going to get one through AliExpess but that turned out to be a nightmare……….Long Story, won’t get into it unless someone ask’s. Anyway I purchased the one recommended by two friends of mine.
Now the wait begins for it’s arrival
Jan 14, 2016 6:08:27 PM
Dear friend,
Your order is being processed. will arrange shipment for you asap.
Best regards,
I paid $349.00 + $137.00 shipping. It’s shipped form Hong Kong and it’s heavy. I have had guitars in hard shell cases shipped from Japan and the cost was $130.00 so I wasn’t skeptical about the shipping price. The case alone has a 4kg / 8lb shipping weight. If you don’t need a carry case, as some others suggested, go for SP23-1. I personally don’t test it.
Of course it’s a clone….real GM Tech2 run in the $2k to $3k range.
Some of the guys have clones and have reported that it works just as well as the original.
Now I know that there are several advertised at a lesser price and free shipping but let me explain myself for buying this.
Both my 2 friends recommended this vendor as the one to go with because of reliability etc, etc.
Got a confirmation email in two days from OBD2TOOL
Jan 16, 2016 4:59:36 AM
Dear friend,
Your order has been shipped by DHL, tracking number is ******** and is estimated to arrive your place in 3-10 days.
Best regards,
Tech 2 Scanner Arrived, Now the fun begins. I ordered it on Friday evening and it arrived last night, Jan 18,2016. 5 days from order to delivery.
Here it is !

32 MB PCMCIA card

Tech 2 main unit

TIS2000 CD, DVD etc

full set cables

Package includes the TIS2000 CD and DVD along with the USB Key
TIS2000 lets the Tech2 communicate with a computer (Win XP/vista and virtual machine i think.) to download data. The USB key is for accessing the GM site to revise the PCM settings so long as there were allowed by GM.

ll I need now is for my laptop to arrive and i’m good to go !
This is what the GM service technicians use or would’ve used to service your car. No, not just a code reader. It is the most valuable service/ maintenance tool. I would certainly be willing to spend $400 to get the capabilities that tool offers.
I wound up purchasing a refurbished Dell Lap Top with Win XP just for the TIS2000 program and I can also use the laptop to view real time data as it’s wired up in between the Tech II and the car.
There are multiple levels of diagnostics that require a GM Tech2 Scanner to do that you cannot do with a code scanner. It helped find a misfire issue on a C5 Z06 which turned out to be bad valve springs. Next day l used it to verify ABS issues on a Suburban and initiate a throttle position relearn on a Tahoe.
I have used this Tech 2 to do a couple crank senor relearns. and recently did the Brake bleed on my 99 with Active Handling !!!!!
I have not done any reflashing with my clone GM Tech 2. As far as I have learned by now is that the main use of TIS2000 is to update an existing PCM or flash a replacement (new) PCM .
As far as I also have learned you download files for your VIN from ac delco site by means of the TIS2000 first . Then you copy these files from the pc into Tech2 memory . Afterwards you connect the Tech2 to the OBD2 plug in car and update according to correct procedure . I hope you can confirm if this is correct ….
I can′t see any problem with reflashing the PCM using this clone.
Still testing the scanner and will keep updating review…