

My experience with Cat SIS

2018-07-08 01:07:32 | 日記
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I have come into possession of a full version of CAT SIS  (Service Information System). i was given (yes, that is true) said discs. they are from a company that i have done work for that has recently upgraded their version. This is not a pirated copy or warez etc.

The Heavy Duty Scanner CAT SIS version that i have is the July 2005 release. i have no documentation with the program and no key for installation, this was not available as the information had been lost – at the moment the discs are as good as drink coasters. :-)

So, the point of this is this, if anyone could help me out with the installation passcodes i would be appreciative. thanks. failing that i will get on to/drop in to the local Hastings Deering workshop during business hours and try my luck.

*CAT SIS is an information tool for Caterpillar machinery; schematics, part numbers and descriptions etc. very useful for what i do.

I only have Partstore and also find it extremely helpful, I especially like the price and availability function.We have next to zero internet away from the house so Iam thinking the DVD SIS option might be the way to go.

My first experience with Caterpillar SIS Software was not pleasant. I was competing in the Skills Canada Competition and for the hydraulic portion of the competition we needed to diagnose a bugged Cat mini-ex. Talk about trial by fire lol.
