

OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS vs. Autel IM608 vs. Xtool Auto Pro Pad

2019-12-22 16:40:42 | 日記

What do you prefer as automotive key programmers

2 – Autel MaxiIM IM608
3 – Xtool Auto pro pad

or other tablet?


Here’s the true working experience & feedback from a Facebook locksmith group questionnaire.

Keep updating.

1) OBDSTAR is very good. works very well really is very good for the price. I have both obdstar and xtool pad2. ObdStar is superior. It works very well on fiat renault bmw and other brands that are not easy to work with another tool.

I got the xtool pro pad it works well on cars like newer GMs and Hyundai and Chrysler most fords. Obdstar x300 strictly for Honda Toyota keys and Nissan. And lastly the old t300 for older Fords with the 4c keys. I’m thinking of getting the us version of lonstor.


AutoProPad, hands down. Its software is designed specifically for the US market.


I’m loving my IM608, the tool not only program the keys, but is an excellent scanner and can program a other units like ELV, dashboard, EZS, Skin, ECU. There is issues, like any other tool, but I think nowadays is the best option in the market.


IM608 has good coverage with out being excellent. right now maybe not the best of the best. but autel is a beast of a company. they will deliver and the updates will never stop if you pay and their “send log support” really works. I had 3 issues and the solved them on the next update.  Autel pretty much kill their competition on the diagnostic side of the market. so for short the companies reputation and track record of constant improvement at an affordable cost.


One my first tool was the xtool pro pad. its an ok tool but I am not impressed, I looked at the obdstar and looks very similar to the pro pad, thus I am assuming would be a little bit different but not by much. I good friend of mine has the obdstar. I have programmed like two keys and have not use the tool that much to say if its a good or not.


Auro originally didn’t focused on a lot of European cars and pushed massively for the American market. But over the past year Autel has taken the im range a long way and their development has been very quick. Our technicians get their im608 out ahead of other tools like AVDI and smartpro on most occasions as it’s easier & quicker. Now you can buy the cheaper im508 with the xp400 adapter. It’s actually a very competitive price and a competitive update fee. When we first started selling the Autel we told them to focus on ford which they did. I believe over the coming 12 months it will be one of the best tools on the market with the most comprehensive coverage (of newer vehicles).


Obdstar is definitely the first choice based on price and coverage. I have them all, auro seem to promise the world but don’t deliver quick enough so far behind on European market. Xtool is good and a decent complementary tool. I spent so much time in shenzhen with each of the manufacturers and have been offered distribution on all 3 but obdstar is the tool of choice!


Obdstar comes with external plug in programmer like Autel.


I don’t have obdstar.
I do have APP tech support is the best. Quick response and they will email you if you’ve done it..that’s amazing!
Cons about the tools the diag side is not that good specially on nissan is crap.
IM608 i just bought it. yesterday excellent on diag side 99% same on dealer scan tool (coz i have dealers scan tool as well.)


Definitely x300dp plus and then when you can get a smartpro, I still favor the x300 for speed and weight over my smartpro for some makes.

12) .

IM 608 excellent programer and diagnostic engineering.


I’ve used x300 dp plus immo package works great for usa cars can pull pincodes from chevy dodge etc Also other Chinese brands such as geely Jac MG and the rest Renault Dacia vw some models but what I heard and see im608 powerful but expensive.


I have obdstar dp plus c version .work good .londsor also good.


IM608 – Without a doubt.


I think obd star after experience has many advantage than propad and im608 especially for japanese car and europe car , it worth to test as well.


Obdstar great in my opinion but im608 has more coverage with server connection a bit like vag helper built in.


IM508 + XP400 same immo coverage like car scanner IM608 , including benz and far more cheap update fee compare to IM608 . Additional to these Autel support is outstanding.


I vote for M608. It has very good diagnostic capabilities and covers the Euro/Asian/US & Australian markets very well.

In sum,

to be fair, x300 dp plus is much accurate in the European market, maybe marketing plan not such good but , after testing is really much better , regardless the price which is also much lower than im608 and update fee also cheaper.