

How to deal with Ford Mustang 2017 TPMS sensor malfunction

2021-05-27 12:02:36 | 日記
Have one Ford Mustang 2017, the TPMS blink with TPMS sensor malfunction after TPMS sensor replace. And we prepared these tools: a Launch X431 TSGUN TPSM Wand, a Launch X431 Diagnostic Tool (X431 V, X431 V+, X431 PAD V 5, X431 PAD II etc), 4pcs 315MHz + 433MHz TPMS sensors (Shown as below). And X431 TSGUN will communicate with X431 Tool via Bluetooth.


Note: X431 TSGUN can only program the sensors from Launch, for the activation, it can apply to the original tire pressure sensor.

Next we will use Launch X431 Pro full diagnose the car.

Operation path: Local diagnose -> American -> Ford -> Vehicle version information (i.e Ford V48.20) -> Loading -> Automatically Search -> Set ignition Switch to ON (Position II) -> Vehicle specification -> Health Reports-> Trouble code found.


Next, start relearn the sensor.

Operation path: Special Functions -> TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System ) sensor training mode.


Next is to follow the pop-up prompts to operate.

1. This procedure will enable the TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System ) Sensor location training mode. Do you want to continue? Select “Yes”.


2. TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System ) Sensor Training Mode. Turn the ignition to Key ON Engine OFF (KOEO).

And the car will horn while enter to training mode.


Sensor Locations can now be trained trough a sensor activation tool. Do not choose OK until all sensors have been trained.


Next, back to X431 Pro home menu and choose “TPMS” to diagnose TPMS, activate and program sensor.


Europe -> select brand “Ford” -> Mustang 6 -> 2015 (up to 2020)

Active first.


The first tire to be activated is the front left. And the car will horn while succeed learning the sensor.

Then to learn the front right sensor.

Then to learn the rear right sensor.

The last one is the Rear left sensor.


Back to X431 Pro Ford V48.20 ->Automatically search -> Health Reports -> BCM (Body Control Module), tap “Yes” to ensure all sensors have been trained.

And car will horn while exit from training mode.


Finally, make a test drive the sensor will start working.


Job is done.

Let us drink a cup of coffee to celebrate it. Thanks to Launch X431 Pro, TSGUN TPSM Wand, TPMS sensors etc. Which make my life wonderful.

Toyota Vellfire 2015 readjust oil pressure calibration Launch X431 Pad V

2021-05-27 12:02:36 | 日記
Car model and year: Toyota Vellfire 2015

Purpose: To readjust oil pressure calibration of CVT after replacing the CVT Fluid.

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Toyota diagnostic tool that is able to do:

X431 Pro3

X431 PAD

Launch X431 PAD V

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Today, I use Launch X431 PAD V to test . I connect the device to the car first, wait for the device to start, and click on “Local Diagnose”, select “Asian ” and then “Toyota”.

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Ensure it is the newest Toyota version, click on “Ok”.

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Tap “16PIN DLC (Europe and Other).”.

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Tap “-2018.01” and will have vehicle information including VIN, vehicle name, model, engine type, year, cylinder number.

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Tap “System Selection” -> “Powertrain”.

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Tap “Engine and ECT”.

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Tap “Special Function“.

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Tap “Reset Memory” and have the notice reading “This function is used to delete the learned memory in the ECT ECU. A memory reset is required after automatic transmission or valve body replacement. ”

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Complete, please perform the following operations:

1. Turn the ignition switch OFF and back ON.
2. Drive the vehicle in a “stop and go” pattern for approximately 15 minutes.

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Tap “ CVT Oil Pressure Calibration “

Usage: To readjust oil pressure calibration of CVT after replacing the related parts.

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1. Keep IG OFF for 30 seconds.
2. Cycle IG ON (Ready OFF / Engine OFF) and wait at least 2 seconds.
3. Start vehicle (Ready ON/Engine ON) and wait at least 5 seconds.

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Wait 10 seconds and it prompts “ CVT Oil Pressure Calibration is complete”.

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Finally, check and delete all DTC.

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Alright, job is done.

If you want to know more about Launch X431 Scan Tools, please visit our website