以下は昨日発売された月刊誌WiLLに、LGBT 女性の不安・恐怖を煽る最高裁判決、と題して掲載されている、p30~p40に渡る3段組みでの、百田尚樹氏と門田隆将氏の対談特集からである。日本国民のみなら
Asahi always sides with the idiots and makes people unhappy.
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serialized column that marks the end of Weekl...
I was dismayed at Japan's foolishness, which has become a mere ATM for the world.
It is from today's Sankei Shimbun.When I read this article, I was dismayed at Japan's f...
日本国有鉄道誕生までの経緯 今回は、国府津権学会で発表した内容を元に、内容を修正したもの...
They are persistently making outrageous human rights recommendations to Japan.
It all starts with one person. It is not the Asahi Shimbun, the company, or the buildin...
The US-Japan war was engineered to communize China.
I am subscribing to Deep State, Who Controls the World (Mutuo Mabuchi), published on Ma...
Japan's Unique Discourse Space
The following is from an article by Professor Emeritus Tadae Takubo of Kyorin Universit...
It is the top 10 real-time searchers, 6/23, 0:13
GHQ plotted to reduce Japan's population with family planning and the Eugenics Protection Act
They made they approved the MacArthur Constitution. It would be best if you considered ...