文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

GHQ plotted to reduce Japan's population with family planning and the Eugenics Protection Act

2023年06月22日 23時30分31秒 | 全般

They made they approved the MacArthur Constitution. It would be best if you considered that the first postwar general election, in which 39 women were elected, in addition to the Communists, was all orchestrated by GHQ.

The following is from the excellent book featuring a conversation between Masayuki Takayama, the only journalist in the postwar world, and Masahiro Miyazaki, one of the world's leading China experts.
It is a book that the Japanese people must go to their nearest bookstore and subscribe to immediately.
It is also a must-read for people worldwide, and I will tell you as much as I can. 
Preamble omitted.
The North Korean army suddenly crossed the 38th parallel and attacked us.
Until then, the Korean peninsula had been a fortress of defense because Japan had ruled it.
As soon as Japan was gone, the Korean peninsula was divided, and half became communist. 
The Japanese hated Christianity, but they also hated the Communists and were very wary of them.
The U.S. had no idea of this. 
William Seybold, a subordinate of Douglas MacArthur, wrote in his book "Recollections of the Diplomacy of the Occupation of Japan" (Asahi Shimbunsha) that he was told to be wary of the Communist Party whenever he met people in the political, business, and government circles in Japan.
At first, the Americans who occupied Japan were not particularly wary of communism or communists. At the first general election in 1946, they released all Communist party members from prison, allowing them to run for office and win.
Miyamoto Kenji and Tokuda Kyuichi were all released from prison.
The first general election after the war was a haphazard one in which GHQ controlled the votes.
Shizue Kato, who called for liberating women's sex to be equal to men's, was also sent to the Diet.
They were indeed a MacArthur Child and had the MacArthur Constitution approved by them.
In addition to the Communist Party, it is better to think that the first general election after the war, in which 39 women were elected, was all a hoax set up by GHQ.
Did they all pass?  
It elected all of them.
According to Shizue Kato's record, one day, an officer from the U.S. Army came to her and asked her to run for office.  
Shizue Kato's husband was Kanju Kato, a Socialist Party politician.  
Shizue Kato was given the white feather because she was the best student of Margaret Sanger, an American who had been advocating the need for birth control in the family planning movement.  
To destroy Japan, the Constitution would make it unarmed, have no army, and eliminate the right of belligerency.
Also, the best way to destroy a country is to reduce its population, so they made a lot of noise about women's rights to wear condoms. 
Margaret Sanger said, "Only men play. Women play and get pregnant. This is unfair," and she was the woman who created various types of condoms and pessaries.
Sanger was trying to make the world a place where women could play too. 
Agnes Smedley was with her.
Men played her, and when she married, all she did was take care of babies.
She was so dissatisfied that she left her husband and children and ran away.
Smedley and Sibue Kato worked together under Sanger to create a society where women could play.
Smedley then went to Shanghai. 
She went to Shanghai, practiced playing with men, and asked Sanger to send more condoms to her.
Shizue Kato helped with that shipment.
That is a strangely graphic story, but what does it say?
It is not that explicit, but in a book titled "20th Century Correspondent" published by Sankei Shimbun in 1997, a female reporter from Osaka Sankei wrote about the strange relationship between Sanger, Shizue Kato, and Smedley under the title "Sexual Storm.
Smedley had relations with everyone.
She had a relationship with Richard Sorge, too.
She also did it with Hotsumi Ozaki.
At that time, she used a condom with a Sanger seal (laughs). 
GHQ intended to eradicate the Japanese people.
One of the surrender treaties issued by Scipio was that all children of Carthaginian nobles were to be sent to Rome to study.
It is the same as the Japanese rule after the war.
It is similar. The Fulbright Scholarship, right?
And then, they also said they would farm the land and had NHK produce a radio program called "New Rural Communities."
In 1963, it became "Bright Rural Village."
Even today, there is a brand of shochu called "retire." 
Japan is industrialized, so our dependence on agriculture is low.
The farming population is about 5% of the population.  
It is about 1% now, but the percentage is a little higher if you include primary fisheries and forestry. 
The fishing industry now has 400,000 people. The forestry industry is almost zero.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries counts farmers who work one hour a year as farmers, although the number is ostensibly 8 million.
In reality, there may or may not be 2 million farmers. 
I was in the first or second year of junior high school, so it was between 1956 and 1957 when the Anti-Prostitution Law was enacted but not yet enforced, and there was a standard national practice test at that time that asked what percentage of the total population was agricultural.
There were three choices: 30%, 15%, or 5%, and I answered 5%, thinking it was a little.
I remember it well because I was the only one with a perfect score of 100.
The agricultural population was 5% even then. 
In short, NHK was broadcasting "Bright Farming Village" on the radio in Japan, which is not even an agricultural country.
There was an RPO correspondent or something, an English-reading correspondent, who would report on the wheat harvest. 
Back then, the radio was the only way to get information.
Another thing, like the Christian "Lutheran Hour."
That kind of radio broadcast was very openly available.
GHQ plotted to reduce Japan's population with family planning and the Eugenics Protection Act
The number of births in Japan in 2019 has dropped below the 900,000 mark to 860,000.
The seeds that GHQ planted to reduce the population to annihilate Japan have now come into full bloom.
That is right.
It was a conspiracy between Shizue Kato and the Socialist Party; the United States manipulated them.
The U.S. family planning scheme through Shizue Kato, which was to have no more than "one girl, two boys" and no more children, finally came into full bloom 70 years after the war. 
In 1945, the U.S. had the Imperial Diet swallow the draft constitution. In the first general election for men and women held in April of the following year, Shizue Kato and other members of the Socialist Party and the Communist Party were elected in large numbers. GHQ changed the Constitution to the peace constitution at once.
In short, the GHQ sent people to the Diet who were in charge of the voices of the GHQ and purged anyone who opposed it.
It is like the Red Purge.
This article continues.




