琳派墨絵保存倶楽部・部誌 「なてし子」


寅歳のための短冊作品 2022年 寅🐅

2021年11月24日 | 教室案内

Nihon-ga  class 日本画クラス
Tiger family. 寅歳のための短冊作品。

Painted on tanzaku long board.
For the new year's decoration.





In my Nihon-ga classes, we are learning tiger painting , a parent tiger with a baby tiger.
This tiger is from Hoitsu Sakai's.
Tiger motif is a symbol of the parenting affectionately. Tiger's  deep and strong affection for their children has been depicted in traditional paintings in Japan.

Also, tiger appear in bamboo forest, people believed. Bamboo and tiger are connected stronger than panda, in fantagy of classic painting world.

I attached a baby tiger and baby bamboo shoot for the wishes of hopes and health of people for the coming new year.


Rimpa Sumie Heritage Club 

