(社)RJAV被災動物ネットワーク  Rescue Japanese Animal Victims 


Animals need medical care!!

2013年08月17日 | English page

 Animals need medical care!! 


We have been prioritizing the health conditions of our animals, yet we have run out of funds. In addition, as two years have passed since the East Japan Great Earthquake, the number of our supporters has decreased. Please share our information with as many people as possible!!


No one has died since we started this shelter; we found even small signs of disease and we provided the proper care. In order to maintain the care for the animals, please support our activities!


A few weeks ago, we received a cat that had severe disease. This was because we found that the cat had been rescued by another organization and his condition had become progressively worse.

The day when the cat came to our shelter, his condition was following: severely anemic, weakened immune systems (his ears and inside the mouth were white), low body temperature, and kidney failure (Nothing but skin and bones). Furthermore, he had a few teeth left and had dermatitis. According to a veterinarian, the long-term nutrient deficiency had lost his two-thirds of kidney function. Although the cat was 8-10 years old, he looked very old. We provide intravenous drip injections twice a week and maintain the proper temperature. We put him in isolation. We will do our best. 

Please any amount you could give for the innocent victims of the disaster.
Your kind help would be greatly appreciated.
Account name : RJAV
Account No: 1262115
Bank: Mizuho Bank
Bank Code: 0001
Branch : Mukogaoka (branch no: 540)


This is old age. name is Ganmo.


This is old age. name is Azukithupu.


This is Rendezvous. Cats... Double Carrier cat with onset FIV+FeLV
