the Saber Panther (サーベル・パンサー)


ジャイアント・チーター The Giant European Cheetah

2008年12月14日 | ネコ科猛獣の話

Wt. 90kg+

ジャイアント・チーター Acinonyx pardinensis

"Equal in size to a modern lion, it was indeed a giant of a cheetah.
The living cheetah is known to be the fastest runner of all animals,
galloping easily at 65 mph[103]. In this respect the giant cheetah was
probably as advanced as its living relative, judging from the skeletal elements.
A.perdinensis on the hunt must have been a fabulous sight."

ビョルン・クルテン 『Pleistocene Mammals of Europe』 pp.88-89


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