
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

I had a fight

2005-01-31 | what's up?
Jan.30, 2005

I had a fight with Yoshi this morning.

I am always wondering who ruins my day when having a fight. Is it the one who picks a fight or the one who accepts it?
It might be, as for me, no matter whose fault it is. I feel blue for the rest of my day anyway.

"It's yourself that ruins your day," said Yoshi. "It is none of my business how you feel after the fight. If you think you are absolutely right, you won't feel bad. Every feeling is just up to you."

I still have something to claim but, yes, Yoshi has a point.
I should control my feelings "by myself". There are days things go badly and I cannot always stop them from happening. I may feel blue but I shouldn't dwell on it.
It's only myself who can decide the time my pendulum swings to the bright side.

I must be sorry, Nuk-Nuk.
I cancelled the movie to go at the last minute because I didn't want to be distracted by my stupid feelings during the movie. To tell you the truth, Yoshi let me have the car after the fight. But, silly me, I was too stubborn to accept it. I didn't want to have the car because I couldn't stand Yoshi frowning all along.
I am so sorry, Nuk-Nuk. I was too childish.
It won't happen again, ... hopefully.

I made a little runaway home this afternoon.
The situation is just like ordinary wives saying「実家に帰らせていただきます!」
I only don't have a parent's home to evacuate here in Canada, I walked to Bayview Village Shopping Mall, which is located 30 minute-walk away from my place. Of course without telling Yoshi.
I kinda know Yoshi always worries and comes to pick me up afterward. I like it waiting with tiny excitement.
... There I go again. Silly, silly and childish!!



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Take it easy. (Minatsuki)
2005-01-31 16:32:37
Males don't understand females' delicate feeling, so leave him alone and take it easy.
sweet of you (sassia)
2005-02-01 23:11:54
Thanks Minatsuki-san,

I like it when girlfriends sympathize and agree with me. Boyfriends never do but insist only on their suggestions. Girls usually know what they should do but they just want someone to hear the difficult situation they are in… Boys never understand that, don’t they?!


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