大化から248番目の、平成の次の日本の元号は【令和(れいわ )】となります。
初春(しょしゅん)の【令】月(れいげつ)にして気淑(きよ)く風【和】(かぜやわ)らぎ梅は鏡前(きょうぜん)の粉(こ)を披(ひら)き 蘭は珮後(はいご)の香(こう)を薫(かお)らす。
【Announcement of new era issue 】
It is April 1, 2019.
The next Japanese era in Heisei, the 248th from Taika, will be 【Reiwa】.
"Like plum blossoms, with the hope for tomorrow, we can make every one hope for tomorrow."
It seems to have been decided in the hope that the future is full of hope for the beauty of the new nature.
※ The source is Manyoshu.
In the early spring of the order month of the month, the Kiyoyama wind The Japanese plum blossoms are used to make a powder from the mirror. Orchids are used to burn off the incense of the sea urchin.
It is the first time in 200 years of inheritance.
It will take effect at midnight on May 1st, when the prince is to be called the new emperor.
The idea is "to create an era in which the culture is full of hope while the people are beautiful and close to each other". (From Prime Minister Shinzo Abe)
posting date:Monday,April 2,2019