

USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald

2017-08-22 13:20:54 | 国際

USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald

The USS John S. McCain, a guided-missile destroyer, was
involved in a collision early Monday with an oil tanker east
of Singapore and the Strait of Malacca resulting in damage to its
port side aft (left rear), according to the U.S. Navy.
Search and rescue efforts are underway, U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet
says. Officials say 10 sailors are missing and five are injured.
They say that four of the injured were medically evacuated by
a Republic of Singapore Navy Puma helicopter to a hospital in
Singapore for non-life threatening injuries. The fifth injured sailor
did not require further medical attention, according to officials.
The Singaporean Navy is sending assets to assist and the USS America
is en route to help.
Do you remember the collision of the USS Fitzgerald and
a Philippine cargo ship? The collision on June 17, which
occurred off the coast of Japan, resulted in the deaths of seven U.S.
Navy sailors.
I would like to express my deepest condolences to those who died
in these two collision accidents, and I also give a warm hospitality
to those who were injured.
Apart from that, I have big doubts. Why did such scandals, major
horrible accidents occur in succession? Did all of the leaders and
crews observe the rules? Were all of them careless then?
What do you think?

Navy Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations
ordered a pause in operations for the next couple of days to allow
fleet commanders to get together with leaders, sailors and command
officials and identify any immediate steps that need to be taken to
ensure safety.

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Disciplinary Action (懲戒処分) 

2017-08-18 09:05:02 | 社会

Disciplinary Action - a good lawyer or a bad lawyer?
When you look at the homepage of "Lowyer Autonomy
Association", you will find the contents of the official gazette about
lawyers who received disciplinary action.
Public notice of the lawyer disciplinary action which appeared on
a gazette on March 15, 2016.
Since January 1, 2016, it's summed up, the 19th person
Kanazawa bar Association Proclamation of disciplinary action
of Akiyoshi Mamada
Public notice of disciplinary action
We will make public notice as follows according to the provisions
of Article 64 - 6, paragraph 3 of the Attorney Act.
1 The bar association which disposed - Kanazawa Bar Association
2 The lawyer who got a punishment -
Name on the work - Akiyoshi Mamada
Registration number - 25762.
Office - Kenrokumotomachi, Kanazawa-shi 1,
Mamada Office
3 The contents of disposal - business suspension for two months
4 Date when disposal came into effect - February 23, Heisei 28
March 1, Heisei 28
Japan Association of Bar Associations
It was the second total disciplinary action ever in total.

As stated above, it is published clearly. This kind of
announcement is very helpful because there are few people
who have detailed information about lawyers.

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Defense white paper 2017 (防衛白書)

2017-08-11 11:40:20 | 国際

Defense White Paper for 2017
Japan published a defense white paper for 2017 on Tuesday.
It made sound remarks on China's national defense system and
China's impolite and rude maritime activities in the East and
South China Seas.
Many people in Asia knows that China has been constructing
artificial islands in the South China Sea and it is illegal, and
China has been building military facilities on the artificial islands,
and it is not straight. All of the countries of the region have accused
The U.S. warned that the U.S. will not look the other way when
nations such as China try to restrict navigation or ignore inter-
national rules and standards. The U.S. said, ”China's territorial
claims in the South China Sea are destabilizing the region, and
its failure to resolve disputes with other nations threatens East
Asia's long-term progress. The U.S. will oppose any nation's use of
intimidation or threat of force to assert territorial claims.”
Why is China so impolite? Why does China repeat illegal acts
so many times? Is it a national character of Chinese people? Or is
it simply the responsibility of the central government?
What do you think?

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