
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 米国:営利目的の保釈は貧者の権利を踏みにじる



(New York, February 5, 2014) – Every year, US courts sentence several hundred thousand misdemeanor offenders to probation overseen by private companies that charge their fees directly to the probationers, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Often, the poorest people wind up paying the most in fees over time, in what amounts to a discriminatory penalty. And when they can’t pay, companies can and do secure their arrest.


The 72-page report, “Profiting from Probation: America’s ‘Offender-Funded’ Probation Industry,” describes how more than 1,000 courts in several US states delegate tremendous coercive power to companies that are often subject to little meaningful oversight or regulation. In many cases, the only reason people are put on probation is because they need time to pay off fines and court costs linked to minor crimes. In some of these cases, probation companies act more like abusive debt collectors than probation officers, charging the debtors for their services.

全72ページの報告書、「保護観察から生ずる利益:米国の“犯罪者の支払う罰金を原資” にする保護観察産業」は、米国の幾つかの州で1,000以上の裁判所が、実効ある監督や規制を殆ど受けない企業に、極めて大きな権限を委託した実態を詳述している。人々が保護観察下に置かれる唯一の理由は多くの場合、罰金と軽犯罪に関係した裁判費用を支払うのに時間が必要ということだ。保護観察企業は、保護観察官よりもむしろ借金取り立て人に近い、人権侵害を行う場合がある。

“Many of the people supervised by these companies wouldn’t be on probation to begin with if they had more money,” said Chris Albin-Lackey, senior researcher on business and human rights at Human Rights Watch. “Often, the poorer people are, the more they ultimately pay in company fees and the more likely it is that they will wind up behind bars.”


Companies refuse to disclose how much money they collect in fees from offenders under their supervision. Remarkably, the courts that hire them generally do not demand this information either. Human Rights Watch estimates that, in Georgia alone, the industry collects a minimum of US$40 million in fees every year from probationers. In other states, disclosure requirements are so minimal that is not possible even to hazard a guess how much probation companies are harvesting from probationers in fees.


Human Rights Watch research in Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama revealed numerous egregious cases that illustrate the abuses related to outsourcing probation supervision as it is practiced today.


  • In Augusta, Georgia, a man who pled guilty to shoplifting a US$2 can of beer and fined US$200 was ultimately jailed for failing to pay more than US$1,000 in fees to his probation company. At the time he was destitute, selling his own blood plasma twice a week to raise money.
  •  ある男性が8月にジョージア州で、2ドルの缶ビール万引容疑で有罪を認め、200ドルの罰金を科された。この男性は、保護観察企業から請求された1,000ドル超の料金が払えず、最終的に投獄された。当時男性は極貧で、現金を得るため週に2度自らの血漿を売っていた。
  • In another Georgia town, a company probation officer said she routinely has offenders arrested for non-payment and then bargains with their families for money in exchange for the person’s release.
  •  ジョージア州のもう1つの町で、保護観察企業の職員は、料金未払いで日常的に犯罪者を逮捕し、その者の釈放と引き換えの金銭交渉を家族と行っていると述べた
  • In Alabama, the town of Harpersville shut down its entire municipal court after a judge slammed the municipality and its probation company for running what he called a “judicially sanctioned extortion racket.”
  •  アラバマ州ハーパースヴィル町と保護観察企業は、判事から「司法公認の恐喝業」を運営しているとして、激しく糾弾された。しかし同町はその後、自治体裁判所全体を閉鎖してしまった。
  • The Mississippi Delta town of Greenwood, an impoverished community of 15,000, had more than 1,200 people on probation with the private firm Judicial Corrections Services as of August 2013. Many were guilty only of traffic offenses. The town’s municipal judge told Human Rights Watch that “maybe one or two” of those had warrants out for their arrest. The real figure was close to 300.
  •  人口15,000人の貧しいコミュニティーであるグリーンウッド市のミシシッピ・デルタには、2013年8月現在で、民間企業「司法矯正サービス社」の保護観察下に置かれている者が1,200人いる。多くは交通違反で有罪判決を受けた者たちだ。町の自治体判事はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、それらの者の内「おそらく1人か2人」に逮捕令状が出ていると話していたが、実際の数は300人近かった。

These cases are not mere aberrations. Not all company probation officers behave unethically, but they are all subject to perverse financial incentives that encourage abusive behavior. And courts that view probation companies as an easy way to boost collections have troubling incentives not to ask hard questions about the tactics those companies employ.


Probation companies operate on an “offender-funded” basis that is financially appealing to many courts and local governments. They offer to provide probation supervision for low-level, misdemeanor offenders at no cost to the taxpayer. Instead, their contracts stipulate that judges should order probationers to pay them various fees as a condition of their sentence of probation. Many companies’ profits are entirely dependent on their ability to collect these fees from probationers.


In Bearden v. Georgia, the US Supreme Court has ruled that a person on probation cannot be jailed simply because they cannot afford to pay a criminal fine. But many courts effectively delegate the responsibility of determining whether an offender can afford to pay fines and company fees to their probation companies. This presents a clear conflict of interest because company profits, along with the quarterly bonuses of some company probation officers, depend entirely on their ability to collect fees.


“Probation companies have a financial stake in every single one of the cases they supervise,” Albin-Lackey said. “Their employees are the last people who should be entrusted with determining whether an offender can afford to pay company fees.”


In some cases, courts sentence offenders to probation because they think they require supervision and monitoring. But in many cases, people are sentenced to probation purely so that courts can task their probation companies with monitoring an offender’s efforts to pay down fines and court costs over time. These offenders would not be on probation at all if they could afford to pay these costs immediately and in full at the time of their sentencing.


Many are guilty only of minor traffic violations like driving without proof of insurance or seatbelt violations. While these offenses often carry no real threat of jail time in and of themselves, a probationer who fails to keep up with payments on their fines, court costs, and company fees can be locked up.


“Courts sentence several hundred thousand people to probation with private companies every year but many do almost nothing to guard against abusive practices,” Albin-Lackey said. “Perversely, some of America’s poorest counties are golden business opportunities for the industry precisely because so many residents struggle to pay off their fines.”


Quotes from the Report


“Right now, I’m struggling. That little money I got, before I get it, it’s gone. I have to go to the soup kitchen to get food. I have to go to the thrift store to get clothes. But now that I’m getting some kind of income and have a place to live, you want me to give you all my money and be homeless again. But I refuse to do that. I refuse to be out on the street again. I’ve done that. I can’t do that no more.” – Former probationer with Sentinel Offender Services, Georgia.


“Everyone wants their fees waived but that’s what pays my bills. That’s what puts food on the table. That’s what keeps my lights on.” – Company probation officer, Georgia.


“I’ve seen the bulletin boards in the break room where they are trying to figure out how much fees you collected because you want to get the bonuses. It always made me kind of queasy. It’s kind of slimy.… It creates the perception – which might then slide into reality – that it’s just about money. You’ve also got the fear that private services start to look the other way on violations [of substantive probation conditions] as long as people are paying their money.” – Former company probation officer, Georgia.


“They are misusing the court system to collect their fee. They are using us as judges. I think they are after a fee and that’s it.”  – Justice Court judge James Straight, Cleveland, Mississippi.


“It’s not our fault they’re indigent and owe hundreds of dollars due to court and probation fees. It’s not the court’s fault … It is the offender’s fault. I don’t care whether they’re rich or whether they’re poor, they have the right to decide whether to commit that crime or not.” – Lisa Hancock, AD Probation Services.


“When the economy got bad in 2008 or 2009 I could see it. More and more people on probation. They just didn’t have any money. And this county is wealthy compared to some others.… It used to be, probation was for more serious cases or bigger fines. But with the economy, we’re seeing a lot more cases with smaller fines people can’t pay.” – Robert Wynne, Solicitor General in Sandersville, Georgia.


“They [JCS] were slow at first getting those arrest warrants out so I said, ‘Look, the only thing these people understand is putting their feet to the fire.’ And they did it and collections went up.” – Municipal Court clerk, Mississippi.


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