親愛なる総理大臣 鳩山由紀夫殿
We write to urge Japan to take a leadership role on human rights issues concerning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), including human rights conditions within the country, the plight of North Korean refugees and migrants, and the fate of persons who left Japan for North Korea between 1959 and 1984.
Since North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il admitted in September 2002 that North Korean agents had abducted 13 Japanese citizens in the 1970s-1980s, Japan has made tremendous efforts to resolve the issue. As a result, Japan succeeded in bringing back five of its citizens and their family members. We commend the Japanese government's commitment and resolve to protect its own citizens who, as abductees, had been victims of severe human rights violations.
1970年代から80年代にかけて北朝鮮の工作員が13人の日本人を拉致しました。2002年9月北朝鮮の指導者・金正日がその事実を認めて以来、日本政府は問題を解決するために大変な努力を積み重ねてきました。その結果、日本政府はそのうちの5人とその家族を帰国させることに成功しました。拉致され過酷な人権侵害の被害者となった自国民保護に向けた日本政府の尽力と断固とした姿勢を私たちは高く評価致しております。Japan has played an important role in raising international awareness about North Korea’s human rights conditions, especially that of Japanese abduction victims, by co-sponsoring several United Nations General Assembly resolutions condemning human rights violations in North Korea. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Japan was a generous donor of food aid to North Korea through the latter’s famine and beyond. In 2009, Japan acceded to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
We would like to see Japan play a more proactive role on raising the wider human rights issues involving North Korea beyond those relating to Japanese abductees. We believe this could not only produce direct improvements for refugees and the population within North Korea, but also help Japan earn support and credibility from the international community in fully resolving the issue of abductees.
A Standing Bilateral Agenda
Human rights conditions in North Korea remain dire. There is no organized political opposition, independent labor unions, free media, functioning civil society, or religious freedom. Arbitrary arrest, detention, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees and lack of due process in the criminal justice system are serious and endemic violations. Repression of anyone perceived as potentially a critic of the existing order is so severe that there is not a single publicly known dissent or activist.
Japan should include a human rights agenda in all bilateral talks with North Korea. That agenda should include the following key issues, in addition to the resolution of the fate of Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children living in North Korea.
Japan should include a human rights agenda in all bilateral talks with North Korea. That agenda should include the following key issues, in addition to the resolution of the fate of Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children living in North Korea.
An immediate and permanent ban of public executions and taking steps to abolish the death penalty. North Korea routinely executes people for stealing state property, hoarding food, and other "anti-socialist" crimes, often in the presence of children.
Cooperation with the UN human rights bodies, and opening the country to visits by UN Special Rapporteurs and technical assistance from the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights. Of high priority should be facilitating inspection of all types of detention facilities by United Nations or other independent international experts and implementation of recommendations from such trips.
Granting exit visas to prisoners of war, South Korean and Japanese abductees and their families who wish to leave North Korea for Japan or other countries. The International Red Cross should independently assess each individual's wishes without the presence of other North Koreans during the interviews.
- 公開処刑を直ちにかつ永久的に禁止し、死刑廃止に向かって対策を講じること。北朝鮮は、国家財産横領、食料買いだめ、その他“反社会主義”犯罪などの容疑で人々を、多くの場合子どもの眼前で日常的に処刑しています。
- 国連の人権機関と協力すること、及び北朝鮮を国連特別報告者の視察及び人権高等弁務官事務所からの技術的支援に開放すること。その中でも優先順位が高いのは、全てのタイプの収容施設に対する国連その他の中立的国際専門家による視察を推し進めることであり、及び、そのような視察から得られた勧告事項を実施であります。
- 戦争捕虜や拉致された韓国籍と日本国籍の者とその家族で、北朝鮮を離れ日本その他の国へ向かう希望を持っている者に対して、出国ビザを発給すること。国際赤十字委員会は聞き取り調査の際、他の北朝鮮国籍の者がいないところで、各個人の意思を中立的に評価しなければなりません。
Food Aid
Although the country recovered from the 1990s famine that killed millions, North Korea still suffers from wide spread hunger. In September 2009, the World Food Programme reported that a third of North Korean women and children are malnourished and the country will run short of almost 1.8 million tons of food, which North Korea needs to import or obtain as aid.
We believe humanitarian aid should continue, regardless of politics, but we also believe it is crucial to monitor the distribution of such aid. Humanitarian aid should reach the most vulnerable, including young children, the elderly, the disabled, and pregnant and nursing women. Donors should make sure that aid is reaching the intended recipients, which is impossible to verify without proper monitoring. The deterioration of the rationing system as food supplies move onto markets, combined with poverty and corruption, have made it impossible to rely on “trickle down” effects to benefit those on the bottom of the economic ladder. For this reason, we believe that Japan should raise as a key point in bilateral relations:
Proper monitoring of distribution according to normal international standards for transparency and accountability for all future food aid. These standards include having access to the entire country, being able to make unannounced visits, and being able to select interviewees at random.
- 将来において行われる全食糧援助に対する透明性の確保と説明責任の達成のために、通常の国際基準に沿って、配給を適切に監視すること。これらの国際基準には国内全域のアセスや、事前通知なしの視察を可能にすることや無作為抽出による聞き取り調査対象者の選択を可能にすることなどが含まれます。
The plight of North Korean refugees is relatively well known both in Japan and internationally. Hundreds of thousands of North Koreans crossed the border to China to avoid a famine in the 1990s. China has an obligation to protect and shelter them as refugees, but periodically arrests and repatriates them instead. Those who are forcibly returned face grave human rights abuses, including detention, inhuman treatment, torture, imprisonment in labor and the so-called political prison camps, and even execution.
Some of these refugees are Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children. But that is not the only reason why Japan should play a more active role in protecting North Korean refugees. Doing so would dispel a widespread perception among observers that Japan’s interest in North Korean human rights is limited to only a handful Japanese abductees and nobody else. Such a perception hurts Japan's ability to play a leadership role in developing a coordinated policy with other countries on such issues.
North Korean refugees who arrive at Japan’s borders, embassies or consulates should have their claims for asylum assessed under the provisions of the 1951 Refugees Convention and the 1967 Protocol. Furthermore, under Japan’s 2006 North Korea Abduction and Human Rights Act, Japan should introduce policies to provide protection and assistance to refugees from North Korea.
We recommend that Japan:
Press North Korea to abolish penalties on North Koreans who leave the country without official permission, halting their punishment in practice, and enabling international monitoring of those who are repatriated or voluntarily return. The persecution of persons for leaving North Korea creates thousands of refugees sur place every year, and deepens regional instability and tension with North Korea’s neighbors.
Approach other governments in the region, particularly China, to ensure that all North Korean refugees who seek refuge at Japanese diplomatic facilities receive prompt assistance to be safely transferred to their desired destination, including Japan.
Send clear instructions to all Japanese diplomatic facilities on the principle of receiving and sheltering North Korean refugees and assisting with their transit.
Establish a well-defined process of admitting, identifying and settling former migrants and refugees from North Korea that takes Japan’s security concerns into consideration with coordinated action among local immigration bureaus, Japan Coast Guard, and local police so that the returnees do not have to depend on their relatives living in Japan to identify them.
Educate public servants and local government departments about the North Korea Human Rights Act, seek out the expertise and advice of NGOs working on relevant issues, and actively maintain an open dialogue with such groups.
- 正式な承認なく北朝鮮を脱出する同国民に対する刑罰を廃止するよう、北朝鮮に働きかけること。現在行われている刑罰を停止し、同国に強制送還された者若しくは自主的に帰国した者を国際的に監視出来るようすること。北朝鮮を脱出しようとしている人々に対する迫害は毎年当地で数千人の難民を発生させており、地域不安定要因及び北朝鮮とその周辺国との緊張を深刻化させています。
- 日本の外交使節で難民の地位申請をする全ての北朝鮮難民を、難民の望む日本を含む行き先に安全に移送する迅速な支援提供を保証するよう、当該地域の他の政府、特に中国政府と交渉すること。
- 北朝鮮難民を受け入れ避難場所を提供し通過を補助しなければならない原則にそった指示を、全ての日本外交施設に明確に伝えること
- 帰国者が自分の身分証明をするのに日本で生活する親族に依存する必要がないように、地方の出入国管理事務所、海上保安庁、地方警察との協力して、日本の安全保障上の懸念を考慮し、北朝鮮からの元移民や元難民の入国を許可し、人物を特定し、定住させる明確に定義されたプロセスを確立すること。
- 公務員と地方自治体担当部局に対して「拉致問題その他北朝鮮当局による人権侵害問題への対処に関する法律」についての教育を行うこと。関連する事項で活動するNGOの専門的意見やアドバイスを求め、積極的にそのような団体とのオープンな意見交換を維持すること。
Mass migration from Japan to North Korea
Abysmal human rights conditions in North Korea have afflicted many Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children for decades, a fact not widely known or acknowledged. More than 93,300 people migrated from Japan to North Korea from 1959 to 1984 under an agreement between the Red Cross Societies of both countries. Migrants included ethnic Koreans brought by force as slave laborers to Japan in 1910-1945, their descendents who were born and lived their entire lives in Japan, and some 6,000 people including ethnic Japanese married to ethnic Koreans and their children.
According to North Korean escapees including those who migrated from Japan to North Korea, the North Korean government eventually sent many of them to labor camps where they died of hunger, lack of medical care and physical abuse. Even those who avoided labor camps were often forced to start their new life in North Korea with few financial resources.
Many, if not all of those who migrated, moved without knowledge of the repressive policies and poor conditions in North Korea. Within a few years of the initial push in 1959 by pro-North Korea groups to encourage migration, the Japanese government was aware of the hardships the migrants from Japan faced, and had ample opportunities to inform and warn people over the next two decades of migration, but it failed to do so.
To date, the Japanese government has paid relatively little attention to the plight of not only former Japanese residents of Korean descent but also their spouses of Japanese nationality (mostly women) and their children who migrated to North Korea, especially compared to its focus on abduction victims. Many of these migrants are unlikely to have survived, because of old age, illnesses, imprisonment or the 1990s famine. However, some may be still living in desperate need of assistance.
The Japanese government has a moral and humanitarian responsibility for this population. We urge you to take strong measures including building a comprehensive database on the identity of this population and vigorously negotiating with North Korea to locate these individuals and enable them to freely contact their families and relatives in Japan. Once such a database is completed, Japan should directly negotiate with North Korea regular reunion meetings between long-separated families and relatives.
The Japanese government requires the North Korean escapees to be identified by their relatives in Japan but there have been cases where the relatives in Japan belonging to a pro-North Korea group refused to help identify them. North Korea considers leaving without official permission as an act of criminal offense, and those loyal to the North Korean government would shun the escapees as traitors. Japan should explicitly state all Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children including those who were born in North Korea can restore or gain citizenship, permanent resident status or refugee status, without having to rely on their relatives to identify them.
We recommend that Japan:
Build a comprehensive database of Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children who migrated from Japan to North Korea in 1959-1984.
Accept the return to Japan of all Japanese citizens, former citizens, former residents, their spouses and children, and restore to them citizenship or permanent resident status, or grant them refugee status.
Negotiate with North Korea to locate these migrants and enable them to contact their families and relatives in Japan and hold regular family reunion meetings.
Offer those who returned from North Korea to Japan and North Korean refugees who settle in Japan language classes, job training and healthcare services, as needed. Alternately, create a fund for NGOs to offer them such services.
- 1959年から1984年にかけて日本から北朝鮮に移住した日本人・元日本人・元居住者・その配偶者や子どもの総合的データベースを作成すること。
- 日本人・元日本人・元居住者・その配偶者や子どもの全ての日本への帰国を受け入れ、国籍若しくは永住権を回復させる、若しくは難民の地位を認めること。
- 上述した移住者を探し当て、日本にいる親族と連絡がとれ、定期的に再会出来るよう北朝鮮と交渉すること。
- 北朝鮮から日本に帰ってきた者と日本に定住する北朝鮮難民に対し、必要な語学教育・職業訓練・医療サービスを提供すること。それと交互に、そのようなサービスを提供するNGO向けの基金を創設すること。
We are fully aware that improving human rights conditions in a country such as North Korea is a daunting task. But Japan has a chance to contribute to alleviating the suffering of Japanese citizens, former residents, their families, refugees and North Korean citizens in general and in increasing pressure on North Korea to improve its human rights record. We believe it is crucial that the new Japanese government take a leadership role in this difficult task.
We would be happy to discuss these matters further with you.