(New York, March 25, 2013) – The United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda should be grounded in human rights, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the UN High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The panel, established to take forward the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG), which expires in 2015, will meet in Bali, Indonesia from March 25 to 27, 2013. It will be the panel’s final meeting before submitting its recommended framework to the secretary-general in May.
“While the Millennium Development Goals had enormous positive impact, they also failed millions by focusing only on the achievements of whole populations,” said Jan Egeland, Europe director and deputy executive director at Human Rights Watch. “The new framework needs to shine a light on the forgotten bystanders – those left behind through discrimination based on race, class, or gender.”
Drawing on its research in various parts of the world, from the Horn of Africa to South Asia, Human Rights Watch urged the panel to apply the hard-won lessons from the Millennium Development Goals process. The letter urged the panel to ensure that a Post-2015 Development Agenda:
Measures advancement of the full range of human rights, not just economic growth;
Stresses that inclusive development is key to ensuring that development progress benefits populations experiencing marginalization and discrimination – women, ethnic and religious minorities, and people with disabilities, among others;
Emphasizes the importance of accountability for abuse and in the use of government funds;
Requires participatory, rights-respecting development to enable citizen ownership and protect against human rights violations inflicted in the name of development; requires corporate responsibility and accountability; and
Includes international mechanisms for accountability and redress.
- 経済成長だけでなく、あらゆる人権問題の進展を評価する
- 女性・少数民族・少数派宗教を信仰する人々・障がい者など、社会的疎外と差別を受けている住民が、開発の進展から利益を得るのを保証することが、包括的開発の鍵であることを重視する
- 人権侵害と政府資金の拠出に対する説明責任の重要性を重視する
- 一般市民による所有を可能にし、開発の名において加えられる人権侵害の発生を防ぐ、一般参加型で人権を尊重する開発を義務付けると共に、企業の責任と説明責任を義務付ける
- 説明責任の追及と救済に向け国際的機関を含める
Participants in the Bali meeting should move beyond generalized discussions to implementing a human rights-based framework built on concrete goals, targets, and indicators, Human Rights Watch said.
“Our work around the world reveals the dire consequences of development that ignores human rights,” Egeland said. “The panel should recognize that rights and development are inextricably linked.”