
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ビルマQ&A:軍事政権への見方の訓練

ビルマQ&A:軍事政権への見方の訓練(Training Eyes on the Junta)

エーヤワディー・ニュース・マガジン掲載 ブラッド・アダムス

Question: What is Human Rights Watch’s assessment  
of the State Peace and Development Council’s [SPDC’s] response to Cyclone Nargis?


Answer: The initial response was disgraceful; it is still shocking to me that the military government obstructed the relief effort in the first weeks after the cyclone. How many people suffered or even died due to this obstruction?  
The SPDC’s reaction was proof—clear proof—as if any more was needed, of the complete disdain the military leadership has for its own people.  
There was a huge amount of genuine goodwill in the international community to provide aid and skilled aid workers to help. But this was delayed and delayed and, in large measure, blocked. Even now the movements of many foreign aid workers remain tightly controlled. To think of the aid shipments on US, French and British warships waiting offshore that were rejected is heartbreaking. This was largely due to the SPDC’s paranoia. Even when things got better, as they belatedly did, the military still placed their own selfish and paranoid security interests first.  
The 2.4 million people affected in the Irrawaddy delta deserve more. This situation should still be a matter of urgent concern for the international community as many people still haven’t received any help and those who are counted as having received help have not received enough. All of this is the responsibility of the SPDC.  
Q: 国際社会と国際援助期間のビルマにおける役割をどう評価するのか?
Q: How do you assess the role of the international community and its aid agencies in Burma?  
A: As the government has long ago abdicated its responsibility for the welfare of the Burmese people, international donors and agencies have a critical role to play inside Burma and should be supported.  
しかし、私たちは又、彼らが直面している問題も理解しなければならない。これらの機関は、今回のサイクロンに大打撃を被ったコミュニティーを支援しているが、彼らは、失政による憂慮すべき貧困と 悲惨な保健と福祉の問題に対処しなければならない、そういう国で活動しているのだ。HRWはビルマに対する増大した人道援助を長い間支援してきたが、ビルマに入った援助物資は、説明責任を果たし、透明性を保ち、しっかりとした原則の基づいた手段で提供されなければならない。援助物資は、それをどうしても必要としている人々に届かなければならず、将軍たちやヒイキにされているビジネスマンのためのものではない。援助機関や援助要員への規制は解除されるべきであり、より自由な活動や、監視プロジェクト、効果的プロジェクトが提供されるべきである。
But we must also understand the challenges they face. These agencies are assisting communities devastated by the cyclone, but they are working in a country where they also have to address alarming poverty and dire health and welfare problems because of failed governance. Human Rights Watch has long supported increased humanitarian assistance to Burma, but aid going into Burma must be provided in an accountable, transparent and principled manner. It must reach the people who desperately need it, not the generals and their favored businessmen. Restrictions on aid agencies and workers should be removed and more freedom of movement, monitoring and effective projects provided.  
One thing the international community can do is provide more aid across borders to conflict zones where the situation is often most desperate. It would also train more eyes on what is happening in these areas and undermine the SPDC, which doesn’t want the international community to witness systematic human rights violations in these remote areas.  
Q: 過去3ヶ月、“保護責任”原則の発効について、とりわけガレス・エバンズ[インターナショナル・クライシス・グループ代表]とベルナール・クシュネル・フランス外務大臣などにより、多くの議論があった。ビルマにどのように“保護責任”原則が適用されると思うか?ビルマで人道主義に反する犯罪が行われていると思うか?

Q: There was a lot of talk during the past three months on invoking the “Responsibility to Protect” principle, especially by [International Crisis Group President] Gareth Evans and [French Foreign Minister] Bernard Kouchner. How applicable do you think it would be in Burma? And do you think there are crimes against humanity being perpetrated in Burma?  

A: There was a lot of talk about R2P [Responsibility to Protect] at the time, which reflected the frustration of many in the international community. France was courageous to raise this. We did not take a position on it, as R2P is based on genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing, and we did not have clear evidence of this.  

However, we agreed with the main point of the French, which was that the world could not stand by and watch large numbers of people die or suffer because of the malice of a government. We called for concrete action by the UN Security Council and Burma’s friends, such as China, India and Thailand. What was really frustrating was the international discord over the R2P principles and the idea of international collective action to help people, which served as a diversion by those who didn’t want any action at all, whatever the label. China and other states refused to support stronger diplomatic measures to open up humanitarian space inside Burma, just as they have failed to push the military government more on its atrocious human rights record.  
ビルマ幹部指導者の行動は 、明らかに紛争地域における人道に反する罪などの国際的人道法の違反の一因となっている。HRWはこのことを数年間にわたり取りまとめてきて、国際調査委員会にこの事を調査し対処するよう求めてきた。
Clearly the actions of the senior Burmese leadership have contributed to violations of international humanitarian law in conflict zones, and these include crimes against humanity. Human Rights Watch has documented this for years and we have called for an international commission of inquiry to look into this and make recommendations for action.  
Q: Do you see any possibilities to bring Snr-Gen Than Shwe before the International Criminal Court?  
A: It’s something that the international community must look at, but it’s complicated both legally and politically. As with the idea of crimes against humanity charges, it is a long process that will take a huge amount of resources. The challenge is to collect the right evidence and understand the process of bringing such charges to the ICC [International Criminal Court].  
Q: What are some of the provisions international donors should employ on providing aid and reconstruction finance to Burma?  

A: In our recent letter to aid donors we listed 10 key provisions, which included the urgent need of communities to receive aid; unimpeded humanitarian access for local Burmese and international aid organizations to affected areas; that funding should go through aid organizations and not the Burmese military government; that reconstruction efforts should be closely monitored so that human rights violations such as forced labor, forced evictions and land seizures don’t occur; and that there be no discrimination on aid delivery on religious or ethnic grounds.  
We also asked the international community to pressure the SPDC into using some of its gas export revenue to fund reconstruction and ensure that no contracts are awarded to individuals on current international sanctions lists.  
Given the great concern over the SPDC’s abuse of aid in the past, we proposed an independent monitoring body be created to ensure aid is delivered appropriately and based on real need. We’re waiting for action on that.  

Q: What examples of human rights violations tied to the referendum has your organization documented?  
 A: あれ[国民投票]はマヤカシだった。しかも今回のサイクロンの絶望的な余波の最中に強引に推し進められたという事実によって、さらに恥ずべき行いとなった。
A: Well, the [referendum] was a sham, made even more insulting by the fact that it was pushed through during the desperate aftermath of the cyclone.  

The biggest clue was the refusal of the SPDC to receive UN technical assistance or permit independent observers. That’s a red flag right there. The most immediate concern was the climate of fear in the country, as many people realized the consequences of openly opposing the referendum, especially as they could have been sent to jail for three years under the absurd referendum law.  

The idea of a free and fair vote under military rule is a nonstarter and the regime seemed intent on proving this with their ridiculous turnout and vote counts. There is a raft of repressive laws in Burma that sharply curb freedom of expression, assembly and association. Before the referendum we documented cases of intimidation against people during the registration process, and there were a lot of irregularities over how people were registered and what they knew about the whole process, which wasn’t a lot.  
メディアに対しても多くの脅迫があった。メディアは、自由そして 公然とプロセスをレポートすることは許されなかった。仏僧や他の宗教的指導者の指示はこの投票に関して与えられなかった。このことは全く驚くに値しない。去年の大衆的な抗議運動に仏僧が関与したことに続いてのことである。このように厳重に統制された茶番劇の結果として、承認率がSPDCにより92%と公表されても不思議ではない。

There was a lot of intimidation of the media, which was not allowed to report freely and openly on the process. Monks and other members of religious orders were not given the vote—hardly surprising, following the monks’ involvement in last year’s popular protests. Out of this tightly orchestrated farce it’s no wonder that a 92 percent approval was announced by the SPDC.  
Q: In what ways does the organization of the referendum breach international standards for elections?  
A: There was no independent election body, no independent courts to adjudicate disputes, no ability to challenge results, no free media– you name it.   By any international standards the referendum failed miserably, but by SPDC standards it all went according to plan.  
 Q: 軍事政権が行う2010年の選挙の見込みはどうか?


Q: How do you foresee the junta’s election in 2010 and its aftermath in view of the fact that its constitutional referendum in May wasn’t seen as “free and fair”?  

A: There is no reason to believe or even hope that the vote in 2010 will be free and fair. The point of the election is to put a civilian face on a military regime by handpicking the winners. This is likely to be the USDA or a similar group.  
人々を下位に置くのではなく、 人々に権力を与えるという概念上の大きな変動がなければならない。政治犯の釈放と政党の運用、情報の自由、集会の自由、表現の自由などの基本的自由は、民主主義的過程に基本的に必要不可欠なものであるが、一方、SPDCが抑圧している事々である。
There must be a major conceptual shift to empower people, not continue to subordinate them. Releasing political prisoners and permitting basic freedoms, such as political party mobilization, freedom of information, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression—these are all fundamental prerequisites to a democratic process, but these are the elements the SPDC is suppressing.  
And they call it “disciplined democracy.” What does that mean? It’s an Orwellian affront to human freedom. So, in short, no, I don’t foresee much hope for the 2010 elections at the moment.  

 Q: It could be said that the international community has forgotten about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who remains under house arrest and has been excluded from this process. What does Human Rights Watch think the role of Daw Suu Kyi in this process should be?  
A: The first step should be her unconditional release from house arrest, clear and simple.  
 The SPDC has worked very hard to construct the idea that Aung San Suu Kyi is irrelevant to modern Burma and that she is in some ways the cause of the political impasse. It is impossible to stomach this argument, even as some foreign observers perpetuate it. How can someone who has consistently called for peaceful dialogue on the political future of the country be blamed for its problems, especially when she has spent most of her time since 1989 in state detention?  
If she is irrelevant, then why is she still isolated, vilified and excluded? Maybe it’s because she still has some relevance to the people of Burma, a point the military regime obviously understands—or else why would they still take the cowardly route of isolating her?  
As to her role in the future affairs of Burma, that has to be something the Burmese people themselves figure out.  
Q: エーヤワディー・デルタに関する従前のインタビューでは、ビルマ少数民族の諸権利について語られていた。このプロセスの中でビルマ少数民族はどう取り扱われてきたのか?
Q: In a previous interview with The Irrawaddy you talked about the rights of Burma’s ethnic minorities. How have they been treated in this process?  
A: As appallingly as ever, particularly those hundreds of thousands of people still surviving in remote conflict zones who have been violently excluded from the whole process. While there has been participation by some ethnic ceasefire groups in the National Convention, particularly the Wa and Kachin, many others have been brutally treated, such as the leaders of the Shan political party who were all thrown in jail in 2005. Other groups have distanced themselves from the process, such as the Mon, due to disappointment over the process. Others have tried to participate to ensure their legal status.  

Ethnic groups have still not benefited sufficiently from the so-called peace process in the country, and while many have been making headway in local development projects, they need to be more involved in deciding their future and that of the country. Otherwise the resentment against the central government will continue and the possibility of a renewed descent into violence would be real.  
Q: How would you assess the diplomatic role of the international community on Burma, particularly the UN secretary-general’s special advisor Ibrahim Gambari?  

A: The role of the international community is crucial; it always has been. However, there is a desperate need for more unified action among the main international players. China, India, Russia and Thailand need to stop defending the regime and push for real change and protection of basic rights. The SPDC benefits greatly from their moral, political and financial support, and feeds off international discord.  
The role of Professor Gambari could be very important but, as the “Group of Friends” of Burma said at its most recent meeting, his next visit must make “tangible progress.”  
Thus far the SPDC has been playing games with Gambari, just as they did with Razali when he held the same role. Gambari has to be supported, but there must be some progress, not more visits with little or nothing to show for it.  
At this point the regime has given nothing important to Gambari since he took up his post. He must come away from his next visit with something real, including a clear picture of what the SPDC plans next on political reforms, and a list of promises they can keep.  
Q:新しい 国連ビルマ人権担当報告官、トーマス・オジー・キンタナは、骨の折れる任務を負っている。ビルマの人権状況のために彼が優先すべきエリアは、どのようなものか?
Q: The new UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Burma, Thomas Ojea Quintana, has a challenging task. What are some of the areas he should prioritize for Burma’s human rights situation?  
A: The question isn’t really what his priorities are—you name the subject and there exists in Burma a serious human rights problem that he can pursue. The question is how the SPDC is going to cooperate with him. We have to remember that they have treated successive envoys with disdain since the early 1990s. They even planted a microphone under a table during a supposedly confidential interview between Paulo Pinheiro and a prisoner at Insein prison in 2003. They need to let Mr Quintana operate freely so that he can meet people and document the situation on the ground. We hope for the best, but expect the worst, even if they are being relatively friendly with him early on in his mandate.  
Q: It has been nearly a year since the crackdown on protests in Burma during August-September 2007. How is the human rights situation in the country now?  
 A: 不幸にも状況はデモが始まった去年8月以前と同じように悪い。人権についての進展は見られず、また、全く民主化もない。

A: Unfortunately the situation is as bad as it was before the demonstrations began in August. There has been no progress on human rights or democratization at all.  
SPDCはビルマ国民の不安を 完全に無視した。抗議運動の最中に逮捕された、ミン・コ・ナイン他88年学生世代のメンバー、労働運動活動家、ア・ス・ス・ンウェイなどは今も尚、刑務所の中だ。当然にして、彼らや全ての政治犯は即座に釈放されるべきである。有名なコメディアンであるザルガナルは、去年の抗議運動の時にも短期間逮捕されたが、2ヶ月前サイクロンの被害にあったコミュニティーに援助配布する団体を設立したことでまた逮捕され、つい最近その容疑で2年間の懲役刑の判決を受けた。
The SPDC have simply ignored the concerns of the Burmese people. Most of the people arrested during the protests, including Min Ko Naing and other members of the 88 Generation Students, and the labor activist Ma Su Su Nway, are still in prison. Of course they and all other political prisoners should be released immediately. The famous comedian Zarganar, who was arrested briefly during the protests last year, was arrested a couple of months ago for organizing aid delivery to cyclone-affected communities, and he was recently sentenced to two years in jail for that.  
例え地下に潜っていても、 仏僧の活動は相変わらず活発であり、修道院への圧力もまた維持されたままで、その圧力は仏僧たちがコミュニティーに提供する社会サービスの効力を弱めている。人々の中心的な不平不満の種ーより良い生活水準、就職の機会、それなりの期待感などに対するーは政府に無視されてきている。
The monks’ movement is still active, if underground, and the pressure on the monasteries has been maintained, which has undercut the social services they provide to communities. The essential grievances of people—better living standards, access to health services, job opportunities, and some sense of hope—have been ignored by the government.  
 Q: SPDCは国際社会からの圧力には鈍感であるらしい。HRWは制裁措置がこの状況の中でどのくらいの効果になると思うか?
Q: It seems that the SPDC is impervious to international pressure. How effective does your organization think sanctions could be in this situation?  

A: Sanctions can be effective if they are the right ones that target the right individuals and institutions.  
Recent targeted financial and other sanctions announced by the US, the EU and Australia have the possibility of being meaningful if there is real political will and constant monitoring to make them effective. Sanctions on Burma should target key military leaders and their business associates who benefit from military rule, and a handful of sectors that strengthen military rule.  
Targeted sanctions should be seen as a tool of principled engagement with the SPDC—not an isolationist policy.

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