(Moscow, July 27, 2010) – The de facto authorities of South Ossetia, a breakaway region of Georgia, should promptly investigate the vicious attack on a civic activist and hold those responsible to account, Human Rights Watch said today.
Timur Tskhovrebov, editor of The XXI Seculare independent newspaper and founder of the Iron Republican Party in South Ossetia, was attacked by approximately 10 individuals, allegedly including three members of the South Ossetian parliament, on July 24, 2010. The assailants reportedly threatened to kill Tskhovrebov because he had signed a joint appeal with Georgian activists urging those involved in the United Nations-sponsored Geneva consultations, a negotiations platform established after the August 2008 war, to make the humanitarian needs of the local population, including their security and freedom of movement, a priority. Tskhovrebov was hospitalized with multiple injuries.
独立系新聞「21セキュラー(XXI Seculare)」編集長であり、「南オセチア鉄の共和党」の創設者でもある、チムール・ツスクホフレボフ(Timur Tskhovrebov)が、2010年7月24日、南オセチア国会議員3名を含むと疑われているおよそ10名の暴漢に襲撃を受けた。2008年に勃発した戦争が終結した後に設立された交渉の場である、国連主催のジュネーブ協議に関与している人々に対して、南オセチア住民の安全や移動の自由などの人道上のニーズを最優先するよう強く求めた共同声明が出されているが、暴漢はその声明にツスクホフレボフが他のグルジア人活動家とともに署名をしたので、彼を「殺す」と脅したと伝えられている。ツスクホフレボフは傷を多数負って入院した。
“We are appalled by the attack on Tskhovrebov and deeply concerned about the safety of activists in South Ossetia,” said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “A prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation is needed to bring the assailants to justice.”
“ツスクホフレボフへの襲撃にはゾッとする想いであり、加えて南オセチア活動家の安全に重大な懸念を抱いている。” 、とホリー・カートナー、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、欧州・中央アジア局長は述べた。“速やかで徹底的かつ公平な捜査が襲撃者たちを裁判に掛けるために必要である。”
Tskhovrebov told Human Rights Watch that a group of men cornered him at about 1 p.m. on July 24 on Isak Kharebov Street in central Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia. Tskhovrebov recognized three of the men as members of parliament and staunch supporters of South Ossetia’s president. According to Tskhovrebov, one of them had threatened him on the phone just the day before.
「7月24日午後1時頃、南オセチアの首都ツシンバリ中央部にあるイサク・カレボフ(Isak Kharebov)街で、男たちの一団に捕まえられた。」とツスクホフレボフはヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに語った。ツスクホフレボフは、その中に3名の国会議員と南オセチア大統領の熱烈な支持者がいたのを確認している。ツスクホフレボフによれば内1名は事件前日に脅迫電話を掛けてきた者であるという。
The men tried to force him into a car to “have a conversation.” When he refused, they called him “a traitor” for having signed the joint statement with Georgian activists. The assailants then started beating Tskhovrebov, he said, and pushed him into the street, where he was hit by a passing car. Tskhovrebov reported that several policemen watched the men beating him but did not intervene.
男たちは、“話をするため”、ツスクホフレボフを無理やり車に乗せようとし、拒否されると、グルジア人活動家との共同声明に署名をしたからといって “裏切り者”と罵り、次に暴行を始めた、と彼は語った。ツスクホフレボフは道路に突き飛ばされて、そこで走ってきた車にはねられた。幾人かの警官が男たちによる暴行を見ていたが介入しなかったとツスクホフレボフは伝えている。
Although he was severely hurt and bleeding, Tskhovrebov started to run away from his attackers. At that point, one of the members of parliament allegedly took out a gun and threatened to kill him on the spot. But Tskhovrebov managed to jump over the fence of the nearby compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross. He was later taken from its office to a hospital, where he was diagnosed with a concussion and a fractured arm, and wounds on his face and neck that required stitches. The doctors also suspected he had internal injuries. On July 25, Tskhovrebov was transferred to a hospital in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, where he remains.
The statement Tskhovrebov signed grew out of a meeting of a Georgian-Ossetian civil society forum in the Netherlands in July. The joint statement, adopted by the forum’s 22 participants on July 16, urged the parties to the Geneva talks to focus on a number of urgent humanitarian and human rights issues facing the local population, such as access to health care, the problem of arbitrary detentions, and to work toward “a prompt agreement on basic mechanisms for cooperation on humanitarian issues.”
The de facto authorities of South Ossetia condemned the statement. On July 20, Boris Chochiev, the South Ossetian presidential envoy and a participant in the Geneva consultations, called a news conference to criticize the initiative. Later that day, Chochiev spoke on the official TV channel calling Ossetian activists who had signed the document, and Tskhovrebov in particular, “traitors.” He condemned them for damaging the South Ossetian position in the Geneva talks and undermining the authorities’ efforts to achieve international recognition of the republic’s status and its role in the war.
南オセチアの事実上の政権は当該声明を強く非難していた。7月20日、南オセチア大統領特使でありジュネーブ協議への参加者でもあるボリス・チョチエフ(Boris Chochiev)はその取り組みを批判するために記者会見を開いた。当日遅くチョチエフは公営テレビで、声明に署名したオセチア人活動家と特にツスクホフレボフを“裏切り者”と罵り、「署名者はジュネーブでの会談における南オセチアの立場に悪影響を及ぼし、共和国に対する国際的な承認を得ようとする当局の努力を台無しにしている。」と強く非難した。
“Given the accusation that local parliament members took part in the beating and that the police stood by watching, there are strong grounds for suspecting official complicity in the attack on Tskhovrebov,” Cartner said. “A blatant attack on an activist in broad daylight, compounded by the threats he received, clearly needs immediate and thorough investigation.”
Whenever there are credible grounds for suspecting official involvement or acquiescence in acts of ill-treatment, the authorities have a clear legal obligation to make sure that an effective investigation is conducted that is capable of establishing the extent of any such involvement and bringing those responsible to account, Human Rights Watch said. Human rights law prohibits the use of immunity to protect officials from accountability for acts of ill-treatment.
After war broke out in August 2008, Tskhovrebov helped numerous journalists and international human rights groups working in the region, including Human Rights Watch and Russia Justice Initiative, a prominent international organization representing victims of human rights abuses at the European Court on Human Rights.
2008年8月に戦争が勃発した後、ツスクホフレボフは当該地域で活動する非常に多数のジャーナリストや人権団体を手助けしてきた。その中にはヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチや欧州人権裁判所で人権侵害の犠牲者の代理人を務めている著名な国際団体であるロシア・ジャスティス・イニシャティブ(Russia Justice Initiative)なども含まれている。
Human Rights Watch called on Russia and the international community to press the de facto authorities in South Ossetia to bring those responsible for the attack to justice and to foster a normal working climate for civil and political activists in the region.