
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ レジェ委員会が刑事裁判改革に関する最終レポートを提出予定


 (Paris, September 1, 2009) – The Léger Committee, the special government committee tasked with formulating far-reaching recommendations to improve France’s criminal justice system, is scheduled to release its final report today. The government is expected to use the recommendations as the basis for legislation to reform France’s Code of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code.


The reform process offers an unparalleled opportunity to bring France’s criminal laws and procedures in line with international human rights standards, Human Rights Watch said. In April, Human Rights Watch submitted recommendations to the committee, named after its president, Philippe Léger, based on an in-depth analysis of France’s criminal justice approach to countering terrorism. The recommendations include: strengthening safeguards during police custody; preventing lengthy pre-trial detention based on minimal evidence; guaranteeing that torture evidence is never used in legal proceedings; and tightening the definition of criminal association to commit terrorism.


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