(New York, October 27, 2009) – The Libyan government should investigate allegations of sexual harassment in a state-run residence for women who had been orphaned instead of charging the journalist who reported the story with criminal defamation, Human Rights Watch said today.
On October 21, 2009, Mohamed al-Sareet, a Libyan journalist, wrote on Jeel Libya, an independent news website based in London, about a rare demonstration in Benghazi by women who live in a state-run care residence for women and girls who were orphaned as children, calling for an end to sexual harassment they said they had experienced in the center. The demonstrators were also demanding the return of the center’s former director. After the article appeared, the police and then the General Prosecutor’s office summoned al-Sareet for interrogation and charged him with criminal defamation.
2009年10月21日リビア人ジャーナリスト、モハメド・アル・サリート(Mohamed al-Sareet)はロンドンを本拠にする独立系ニュースウェブサイト、ジール・リビア(Jeel Libya)に、子どもの時に孤児になった女性と少女のための国営住宅で生活している女性たちが、そのセンターで経験したというセクハラを止めるよう求めて、ベンガジ(Benghazi)で珍しいデモを行った事に関して報道した。デモ参加者は又以前のセンター所長を復帰させるよう求めていた。その記事が掲載されて以降、警察そしてその後は検事総長事務所が、アル・サリ-トを尋問のため召喚し、刑事名誉毀損容疑で起訴した。
“Libya should investigate alleged abuse and ensure the protection of these women instead of intimidating the man who wrote about it,” said Sarah Leah Whitson. “A journalist should not have criminal sanctions hanging over his head for doing his job.”
In the October 21 demonstration, at least 10 women and girls between the ages of 18 and 27 who live in the care center walked through the streets of Benghazi to the Center’s governing body, the Social Solidarity Center, holding up placards calling for the reinstatement of the Care Center’s former director, who marchers said had treated them well and protected them.
10月21日のデモでは、ケアセンターで暮らす18歳から27歳までの女性少なくとも10名がプラカードを掲げて、センターを所管する機関である社会連帯センター(Social Solidarity Center)に向けてベンガジへの街路を行進した。プラカードには、彼女たちが彼女たちを良く扱ってくれ、守ってくれた以前のケアセンター所長の再任要求が書かれていた。
Several of the women told Libyan journalists that officials who run the center had sexually harassed them and allowed security officers into their rooms at night. One woman said that an official had propositioned her and threatened to beat her if she did not comply. Besides Jeel Libya another Libyan website, Libya al Youm, published photos of the demonstration and interviews with some of the residents.
女性たちの幾人かはリビア人ジャーナリストに、同センターを運営している当局者たちが女性たちにセクハラを加え、治安機関員が夜間彼女たちの部屋に入る事を許していた、と述べた。ある女性は、1人の職員が彼女に言い寄り、従わなければ暴行を加えると脅したと語った。ジール・リビアに加えもう1つのリビア・ウェブサイト、リビア・アル・ユーム(Libya al Youm)はデモの写真とその住宅居住者の一部へのインタビューを掲載した。
On October 22, local police summoned al-Sareet to the Hadaek police station for questioning. On October 26, the General Prosecutor’s Office summoned him for further questioning and charged him with criminal defamation, which carries a prison sentence. Jeel Libya’s director told Human Rights Watch that al-Sareet had received threats to burn down his house to intimidate him into retracting his article.
On October 23, some of the women who had been quoted called another Libyan news website, Al Manara, and denied that administrators had sexually harassed them. Libya al Youm reported that officials had threatened to expel those who demonstrated from the center, and pressured them to retract their statements and to sue al-Sareet for slander. On October 26, Quryna, one of two private newspapers affiliated with Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Mu’ammar Gaddafi, published an article in which several of the women denied that any sexual harassment had taken place. “We are now without honor in the eyes of society after what this journalist did,” the paper quoted them as saying.
10月22日、発言を引用されていた女性の一部が、もう1つのリビアのニュースウェブサイト、アル・マナラ(Al Manara)に電話をかけ、管理人たちが彼女たちにセクハラをしたという発言を取り消した。リビア・アル・ユームは、当局者がデモに参加した者をセンターから退去させると脅したあげく、発言を取り消してアル・サリ-トを名誉毀損で訴えるようた圧力を掛けたと伝えた。10月26日、リビア指導者ムアマル・カダフィの息子サイフ・アル・イスラム・アル・カダフィ(Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi)の所有する民間新聞社の1つクリナ(Quryna)は、セクハラがあったという事実を女性たちの幾人かが否定したという記事を掲載した。“ジャーナリストがあのような事を書いた後、私たちは今社会から軽蔑されている。”と彼女たちが述べたと報じている。
During a visit to Libya in 2005, Human Rights Watch found widespread official denial that violence against women exists in Libya, and a lack of adequate laws and services, leaving victims of violence without effective remedies and deterring reporting. A group of students conducting a study on sexual harassment in Tripoli in April 2009 had great difficulty in persuading women to talk about their experiences, since some felt it would bring shame on them to discuss it.
Human Rights Watch said that countries have a duty to investigate and prevent sexual harassment, a form of violence against women. Libya was among the first countries to ratify the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, Article 8 of which requires state parties to adopt all necessary measures to prevent, punish, and eradicate all forms of violence against women. Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination prohibited by the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Libya is party. Furthermore, both the African Charter and the ICCPR require Libya to protect freedom of expression. Journalists should be able to report freely without fear of imprisonment for their writings.
“Official denial and reprisals against journalists is not the way to protect women in Libyan society,” said Whitson, “Women should be encouraged to bring forward complaints of sexual harassment and other forms of violence so the government can act to prevent abuses.”