(San’a, October 26, 2009) – The swift action today by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to overturn a sentence of 60 lashes against a Saudi television producer sent an important message to the country’s courts, Human Rights Watch said today. King Abdullah should also overturn the sentence against the man at the center of the case, who had spoken about sex on a television show, and initiate reforms to strengthen the rights to freedom of expression and to a fair trial, Human Rights Watch said.
A court in Jeddah on October 24, 2009, convicted Ruzana al-Yami of LBC Television of “cooperating with a media [organization] unlicensed in Saudi Arabia,” for her role in an episode in which Abdul Jawad, a guest on a television show, detailed his sexual encounters outside of marriage. The court had specified that her sentence of 60 lashes was a “deterrent,” to be administered in one session.
ジェダー(Jeddah)の裁判所は2009年10月24日、LBCテレビ局のルザナ・アル-ヤミ(Ruzana al-Yami)に、“サウジアラビアでの免許のないメディア[組織]と共謀して”、テレビのショー番組ゲスト、アブダル・ジャワド(Abdul Jawad)が婚外セックスについて事細かに語った事件に関与した容疑で、有罪判決を下した。彼女へのムチ打ち60回の刑は、1回の裁判の中で与えられるべき“抑止力”だった、と裁判所は明言した。
“King Abdullah’s swift revocation of this punishment sends an important notice to the Saudi judicial system that it should not go after journalists for exercising free speech,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.
“アブドゥラ国王の迅速な刑罰取り消しは、表現の自由を行使したジャーナリストを追い掛け回すな!という重要な指示を、サウジアラビア司法システムに送ったことになる。”サラ・リー・ウィットソン、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、中東・北アフリカ局長は語った。Earlier in October, the same court had sentenced Jawad to five years in prison and 1,000 lashes for “incitement to sin” over his public confessions, aired on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Reddest of Lines” show in August.
Saudi Arabia has no penal code, and judges are free in the vast majority of cases to define any action they deem unacceptable as a crime and set any measure of criminal punishment, including lashes and the death penalty. Only crimes against God (hudud), such as apostasy, theft, adultery, and consumption of alcohol, are defined under the Saudi system.
This broad discretion has repeatedly led the judiciary to impose criminal penalties for protected speech. In May, a judge, Hamad al Razine, sued an Arab News journalist, Hayat al-Ghamdi, with criminal defamation for reporting on comments he made about the permissibility of wife-beating at a conference on domestic violence in Abha, contending she had misquoted him, though witnesses confirmed that what she wrote was accurate. In August, a court had sentenced the already- imprisoned Hadi Al Mutif to an additional five years in prison for sending a prison video of himself to Al-Hurra television station in February 2007. Al Mutif has spent the past 15 years on death row for “apostasy” over comments he allegedly made as a young police recruit in 1994 that were interpreted as insulting the prophet Muhammad.
この広い自由裁量は、司法が保護されるべき言論に度々刑事罰を強いるという事態を、度々もたらして来た。5月ハマド・アル・ラジン(Hamad al Razine)判事は、アラブ・ニュースのジャーナリスト、ハヤト・アル-ガムディ(Hayat al-Ghamdi)を刑事名誉毀損容疑で告訴した。アブハ(Abha)で行われたドメスティック・バイオレンスに関する会議の席上、同判事が行った「許容される妻への暴行」についての発言に関して、目撃者は記者の書いたことは正確だったと裏付けているにも拘らず、彼女が誤って引用したと訴え出たのである。8月裁判所は既に服役中のハディ・アル・ムティフ(Hadi Al Mutif)に、2007年2月自分の服役中のビデオをアル-フラ(Al-Hurra)テレビ局に送ったという容疑で、懲役5年を追加する刑を下した。アル・ムティフは1994年若い新人警察官の時、預言者モハメッドへの侮辱と解釈される発言に関して “背信”容疑を掛けられ、15年間死刑囚として服役していた。
King Abdullah in 2005 specified that jurisdiction over media matters lies with the Ministry of Information, which may constitute a tribunal of government officials to discipline media organizations over content violating the Press and Publications Law. In both the LBC and Arab News cases, however, Sharia criminal courts ignored Abdullah’s directive and exercised jurisdiction themselves.
アブドゥラ国王は2005年に、メディアに関する司法管轄権は、情報省にあると明言した。情報省はこれにより、報道及び出版法(Press and Publications Law)に違反した内容に関してメディア団体を処分する、政府当局者の法廷になるかもしれない。しかしながらLBCの件でもアラブ・ニュースの伴でも、イスラム法刑事裁判所はアブドゥラ国王の命令を無視し、自分たちの司法管轄権を行使した。
“Saudi courts have repeatedly punished persons for free expression without a clear basis in law,” said Whitson. “While the King’s revocation of this most recent sentence sends a good message, only real reforms in the legal system will address the repeated attacks on the media by Saudi courts.”