
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ベトナムに関する書簡

民主国家の政府及び大使館様 国際的人権保護団体様 外国人及び関係する友人の皆様 ベトナムの自由・民主主義・人権・領土保全に気遣いながら国内外で居住する全てのベトナム国民の皆様へ

 I am writing this to share with you the discontent and anxiety that are

weighed heavily on my family. Especially since my children have not

been able to see their father after his arrest, and after witnessing,

on numerous occasions, how ruthless the police and the investigating

authorities of Ho chi Minh City have treated our family, and their

father, Nguyn vn Hi, alias iu Cy - who was supposed to be free on

October 19, 2010 after 30 months of detention. He has been unjustly

imprisoned for daring to divulge that our land, territorial sea and

islands are being ceded to foreign power (30 months of incarceration

for “not knowing how to comment on the government," 30 months of

incarceration unfairly for “hurting China ", etc ...).

私はこの手紙を、私共家族に重くのしかかっている受難と不安を、皆様方に共有して頂きたく書いております。とりわけ私の子どもたちは、逮捕された父親に会う事が出来ないばかりか、これまで警察やホーチミン市捜査当局が私共家族や、父親グエン・ブン・イ(Nguyn vn Hi)、別名ユ・シィ(iu C)に対して、無慈悲な取り扱いをする様を数えきれない程見てきているので、彼らの心中は察するに余りあるのでございます。グエンは30ヶ月拘束された後の2010年10月19日に、釈放されるはずでございした。彼は私共の土地・領海・島が外国権力に譲られていくのを敢えて暴露したために、不当に投獄されていたのです。(30ヶ月の隔離拘禁は「政府へのコメントの仕方を知らなかった」ためであり、30ヶ月の隔離拘禁は「中国を傷つけた」ためとしては不当なのですが・・・)

 Because of patriotism and his unbending will, that instead of being

released on 20/10/2011, Mr. Nguyen Van Hai has been continually

detained by the security agency and accused of "propaganda against the

state," violating Article 88 of the Penal Code. On top of that, I,

myself was detained by the police in the early morning of October 20,



 Police in Ward 6, District 3, openly searched my body, stripped me of

my properties. Afterwards, they broke into my home on a search and

destroy mission, trashed it, seized and confiscated my children

educational equipment, forbid my children to attend school or taking



 On October 26, 2010, the Security Agency summoned my child Nguyen Tri

Dung to come for a thorough search and scan of equipment and machinery

seized. Late in that afternoon, they had to make a report admitting

that they "can not find any relevant documents pertaining to the case,"

but so far has not returned those properties and equipment to my family

despite our repeated requests for the return of our properties.

2010年10月26日に公安局は、押収した備品・機具を徹底的な調査のため、わが子グエン・ツリ・ダン(Nguyen Tri Dung)を出頭させました。公安局は、その日の午後には、「事件に関する文書を何も見つけられなかった」ことを認めざるを得なかったのですが、押収された物品への再三の返還要請にもかかわらず、現在までそれらの持ち物・備品は返却されておりません。

 In this case, filed under "tax evasion" against my husband, which the

Vietnamese government has totally trumped up, our lawyers have found

state records that says: "No landlord or tenant are allowed to pay

additional tax on the rental house without order of investigating

agencies. "


 The Police abuse their power by forcing the tax agency not to accept

taxpayers’ payments then charging them as tax fraud criminals.


 The most critical thing is that my husband, Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay)

after four months detention (official) and 2 months of illegal

detention (unofficial) without cause, my family has not once been

allowed to visit or receive any information on Mr. Nguyen Van Hai.


 Thirteen (13) times I visited Hai according to the Security Agency’s

schedule of visits, 13 times I had to bring provisions and supplies

back home without receiving any clear explanation from the Police.


 Totally discombobulated because of these illegal improprieties, I have

sent five letters, requesting the Security Agency of Ho chi Minh City

to answer all inquiries regarding the basis of this law. If they do not

allow gifts or supplies be taken to inmates then they should provide an

official notice to our family so we do not waste time shopping,

preparing foods 2 times each month and take it to jail and bring it

back, causing a costly waste of time and money, while we are in dire

need in our daily living.


 If the authorities wanted to extend the temporary detention time, they

should have official documents warning us in accordance with the law.


 So far, no response from the security agencies. Our fear for the life

of Nguyen Van Hai are weighed heavily on our family, causing a crisis

of spirit in my children, making our lives a living hell.


 We believe that only the dead cannot eat the foods we bring, there is

no reason that Hai should "refuse to accept food and supplies" as

officials of the Security and Investigating Agencies told to us orally

 (but refused to confirm on paper.)


 I write these words to share our cry with friends and all those

freedom-loving people who care about human rights for the lowly folks

such as my husband Mr. Nguyen Van Hai. Please help give him a voice,

and bring our plea of social justice to the world, as well as freedom

and justice for those who are struggling for democracy and human rights



 All our family’s earnest requests with the Vietnam Police and Security

Agencies are within the scope and framework of Vietnam law provisions.

I call on the conscience of those who abuse the law unjustly to please

work according to the slogans that you have put forth and hung high in

public offices: "Living and working under the Constitution and the

law", and more specifically that you would not be ashamed with your own



 On behalf of Mr. Nguyen Van Hai and his family, I thank all of you for

your support, concern, and empathy.


 Saigon, April 20, 2011

Duong Thi Tan

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