
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ベトナム:批判者が新たに相次いで逮捕されている



(New York January 27, 2017) – Vietnam should immediately release rights activist Tran Thi Nga and drop politically motivated charges against her, Human Rights Watch said today. Vietnam’s donors should issue public statements calling on the government to end harassment and prosecution of critics and rights campaigners.


Tran Thi Nga (also known as Thuy Nga), 40, was arrested on January 21, 2017, and charged with conducting propaganda against the state under article 88 of the penal code. State media said that Tran Thi Nga “accessed the Internet to post a number of video clips and articles to propagandize against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”


“It is ridiculous for the Vietnamese government to make accessing the internet and posting critical views a crime,” said Brad Adams, Asia director. “Vietnam’s international donors and trade partners should tell the government loud and clear that they will reassess their relationships if it keeps throwing peaceful critics in prison.”


Officials have arrested at least a dozen bloggers and activists during the past five months and charged them with vaguely-defined national security violations.


Tran Thi Nga has long suffered intimidation, harassment, detention, interrogation, and physical assault because of her labor and other activism. She has also participated in anti-China and pro-environment protests, attended trials of bloggers and rights activists, and visited the houses of political prisoners to show solidarity. She once served as an executive board member for Vietnamese Women for Human Rights (VNWHR), founded in November 2013.


In May 2013, Tran Thi Nga and her sons, ages 3 years and 5 months at the time, went from Ha Nam to Hanoi to attend a human rights picnic at Nghia Do Park the next day. Police pressured a motel owner to kick them out at midnight, in the rain, where they slept on the sidewalk until her friends could come to help them.


In May 2014, a group of five men assaulted her with iron rods, breaking her arm and leg. In March 2015, security agents in Hanoi detained her, and took her back to her hometown in Ha Nam province. During the trip, one man twisted her neck and gagged her so she could not call for help. Two other men restrained her hands and legs while the fourth man slapped her and punched her. In February 2016, men in civilian clothes threw shrimp paste at Tran Thi Nga and her sons as the three were heading home from a supermarket in the city of Phu Ly, Ha Nam province. Her eye was injured and her older son Phu had an allergic reaction.


Other recent arrests include: 最近の逮捕事件

  • On January 19, 2017, the police of Nghe An province arrested a former political prisoner, Nguyen Van Oai, for allegedly violating his probation. He had been arrested in August 2011, for alleged involvement with the outlawed overseas political party Viet Tan and sentenced to four years in prison. After completing his sentence in August 2015, he was placed on probation for another four years. He remains in detention.
  • 2017年1月19日にゲアン省警察は、仮釈放要件に違反したとして元政治犯グエン・ヴァン・オアイを逮捕した。彼は2011年8月に非合法の海外に拠点を持つ政党「ベトナム革新党(ベトタン)」に関与したとして、懲役4年の刑に処され、刑期を満了した2015年8月、新たに4年の保護観察期間に置かれていた。彼は現在も抑留されている。
  • On January 11, the police of Ha Tinh province arrested a human rights activist, Nguyen Van Hoa, who had campaigned against the Formosa Steel Company for causing an environmental disaster in April 2016. He was charged with “abusing the rights to freedom and democracy to infringe upon the interests of the State,” under article 258 of the penal code.
  • 2017年1月11日にハティン省警察は、2016年4月に環境災害を起こしたフォルモサ・ハティン・スティール社への反対活動に従事していた、人権擁護活動家グエン・ヴァン・ホアを逮捕した。彼は刑法258条のもと、「自由と民主主義についての権利を乱用して国益を侵害した罪」容疑で起訴された。
  • In December 2016, the police of Thanh Hoa province arrested Nguyen Danh Dung for his alleged involvement with Thien An TV, a YouTube channel critical of the government, and charged him with “abusing the rights to freedom and democracy to infringe upon the interests of the State,” under article 258 of the penal code.
  • 2016年12月にタインホア省警察はグエン・ザイン・ズンを政府に批判的なユーチューブ上のチャンネルであるティエン・アンTVに関与したとして逮捕し、刑法258条のもと、「自由と民主主義についての権利を乱用して国益を侵害した罪」容疑で起訴した。
  • In November, the police of Ho Chi Minh City arrested a blogger, Ho Hai, also known as “Dr. Ho Hai,” for online criticisms of the government, under article 88 of the penal code. Two other activists, Luu Van Vinh and Nguyen Van Duc Do, were also arrested in Ho Chi Minh City in November for trying to form a pro-democratic group called the Vietnam National Alliance (Lien minh Dan toc Viet Nam) and charged with “carrying out activities that aim to overthrow the people’s administration,” under article 79 of the penal code.
  • 2016年11月にホーチミン市警察は“、オンライン上で政府を批判したドクター・ホー・ハイ”としても知られるブロガー、ホー・ヴァン・ハイを刑法第88条のもとで逮捕した。他2人の活動家、ルー・ヴァン・ヴィンとグエン・ヴァン・ドゥック・ドーも、ベトナム国民同盟という名の民主化を求める組織を作成しようとしたため、ホーチミン市で逮捕され、刑法第79条のもと、「人民政府転覆を目的とした活動を行った罪」容疑で訴追された。
  • In October, the police of Khanh Hoa province arrested a prominent blogger, Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, also known as “Mother Mushroom,” for her online posts and charged her with conducting propaganda against the state, under article 88 of the penal code.
  • 2016年10月にカインホア省警察は著名なブロガーで“マザー・マッシュルーム”としても知られるグエン・ゴック・ニュー・クインを逮捕して、刑法第88条のもと「反国家プロパガンダ流布罪」容疑で起訴した。
  • In September, the police of Gia Lai province arrested four indigenous Degar (Montagnards) – Puih Bop (also known as Ama Phun), Ksor Kam (also known as Ama H’Trưm), Dinh Nong (also known as Ba Pol), and Ro Lan Kly (also known as Ama Blan) – for involvement with a Degar Protestant independent church and charged them with undermining national unity, under article 87 of the penal code.
  • 2016年9月にはザライ省警察が、デガ・プロテスタント独立系教会に関与した先住民族デガ(モンタニヤード人)の4人、プイー・ボップ (アマ・プーンとしても知られる), クソル・カム (アマ H’Trưmとしても知られる), ディン・ノーン (バ・ポルとしても知られる), ロ・ラン・クリー(アマ・ブランとしても知られる)を、刑法第87条のもと「国家統一破壊罪」容疑で逮捕した。

Vietnam has at least 112 bloggers and activists who are serving prison sentences simply for exercising their rights to basic freedoms such as freedom of expression, assembly, association, and religion. Human Rights Watch has long called for the repeal of all laws in Vietnam that criminalize peaceful expression.


“Vietnam has a long history of persecuting anyone the ruling Communist Party deems threatening to its monopoly of power,” Adams said. “Vietnam should join the 21st century and repeal these draconian laws from another era.”


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