
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ギニア:2009年虐殺裁判に大きな進展&同裁判に関するQ&Aの一部



  • In the past year, more than 50 victims of Guinea’s 2009 brutal stadium massacre have been heard by judges in front of 11 accused, including Guinea’s former president.
  • The trial is a rare current example of domestic accountability involving high-level suspects and should inspire more similar justice efforts.
  • International partners can help ensure the trial is fair and effective, including through adequate resources, scrutiny, and support for the proceedings.
  • この1年間、ギニアで2009年に起きた残忍なスタジアム虐殺の被害者50人超への裁判官による審問が、ギニアの元大統領を含む被告人11人の前で行われた。
  • この裁判は地位の高い容疑者が関与する国内的な説明責任追及の場として、貴重な進行中の実例であり、同様な法の正義実現に向けたより多くの取組を触発するに違いない。
  • 国際的パートナーは、裁判手続きへの十分な財源・監視・支援などを通して、裁判が公正で効果的となるよう一役買うことができる。

(New York, September 25, 2023) – A landmark trial before a domestic court in Guinea of a brutal massacre of peaceful demonstrators in 2009 in the country’s capital is making significant progress, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing a question-and-answer document about the events.

(ニューヨーク、2023年9月25日) ギニアの首都では2009年に平和的なデモ参加者多数が残忍に虐殺された事件が起きた。その事件の同国裁判所における画期的な裁判に大きな進展があった、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)はその事件に関するQ&Aを公表して述べた。

September 28, 2023, marks one year since the trial began and the fourteenth anniversary of the security forces attack in which more than 150 people died and scores of women were raped. The trial, which has been on judicial recess during August and September, is set to resume on October 3.


“During the past year, more than 50 victims of Guinea’s horrific stadium massacre and each of the 11 accused, including Guinea’s former president and ministers, have been heard at the trial,” said Elise Keppler, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch. “The trial is a landmark justice effort for the victims and the country, and it should help inspire more domestic accountability efforts globally.”


The question-and-answer document details the following:


  • 11 defendants’ identities and their rights at trial. 被告11人の身元と裁判における権利
  • Progress in the proceedings and next steps. 訴訟における進展と次のステップ
  • Role of victims in the trial. 裁判における被害者の役割
  • Broadcast and media coverage of the proceedings. 訴訟の放送とメディア報道
  • Challenges around resources and security. 財源と安全を巡る課題
  • How international entities can help promote the trial’s fair and effective progress.


  • Guinea’s current political context. ギニアにおける現在の政治状況

The trial is the first of its kind involving human rights abuses of this scale in Guinea and a rare current example of domestic accountability for atrocities involving high-level suspects, Human Rights Watch said. The trial has captured the nation’s attention in many ways, including broadcasting the proceedings live.


“The trial needs continued encouragement, scrutiny and support from international players, including the International Criminal Court, United Nations, and donors,” Keppler said. “The victims and their families have long campaigned for this trial and deserve to see the people responsible for the massacre held to account.”



Guinea’s 2009 Stadium Massacre Trial Questions and Answers 


  1. What happened on September 28, 2009, and the following days in Conakry, Guinea?

1. ギニアの首都コナクリで2009年9月28日とその後数日に何が起きたのか?

On the morning of September 28, 2009, several hundred members of Guinea’s security forces burst into a stadium in the country’s capital, Conakry, and opened fire on tens of thousands of opposition supporters peacefully gathered there. By late afternoon, at least 150 Guineans lay dead or dying in and around the stadium complex.


Bodies were strewn across the field, crushed against half-opened gates, draped over walls, and piled outside locker rooms where doors had been pulled shut by the terrified few who had gotten there first. Dozens of women at the rally suffered brutal sexual violence at the hands of security forces, including individual and gang rape and sexual assault with objects such as sticks, batons, rifle butts, and bayonets.


Following the violence, security forces organized a cover-up. Sealing off the stadium and morgues, removing scores of bodies, and burying them in mass graves. Security forces who deployed throughout the neighborhoods where the majority of opposition supporters lived carried out additional abuses, including murder, rape, and pillage. Security Forces arbitrarily detained scores of other opposition supporters, subjecting many to serious abuses, including torture.


A Human Rights Watch investigation indicated that the killings, rapes, and other abuses on and after September 28 rise to the level of crimes against humanity. The abuses were not the actions of a group of rogue, undisciplined soldiers. The absence of any apparent provocation by the demonstrators, in combination with the organized manner in which the security forces carried out the attack, the failure to use non-lethal means of crowd dispersal, and the presence of officials, including a minister tasked with security responsibilities – suggests that the crimes were premeditated and organized. An international commission of inquiry reached similar conclusions.



  1. When did the landmark trial for the crimes start and why is the trial so significant?


The trial began on September 28, 2022, 13 years to the day after the massacre, in the country’s capital, Conakry.


The opening of the trial, while long overdue, was a major step in the search for justice for the victims and their families, who have waited more than a decade for accountability. The trial is the first of its kind involving human rights violations on this scale in Guinea, though the people of Guinea have been repeatedly subjected to violations during successive authoritarian and repressive governments. The September 28 massacre, rapes, and other abuses were among the country’s worst episodes of abuse.


Guinean victims have repeatedly called for holding the attackers to account and revealing the truth about the events. One lawyer told Human Rights Watch: “Unfortunately we have been a society that accepted crimes. We are beginning to value the voices of victims, with a new type of citizen who refuses these types of crimes and impunity.”


The trial can offer important lessons to other countries where justice for serious crimes is needed. International law mandates prosecution of suspects against whom there is evidence suggesting responsibility for serious crimes that violate international law, including crimes against humanity. The duty to prosecute lies first and foremost with domestic authorities. At the same time, domestic prosecutions of atrocity crimes face many challenges, particularly around securing adequate political support and capacity to try them.



  1. How many accused are on trial, who are they, and what are they charged with?


Eleven men are accused, including a former president and government ministers. They are charged with a range of ordinary crimes under Guinean domestic law, and have all pleaded not guilty to all charges, according to court documents and information on the proceedings shared with Human Rights Watch and a report by the International Federation for Human Rights.



A delineation of the 11 defendants and the crimes they are accused of follows:


Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, former self-declared president of Guinea, who held the positions of commander-in-chief of the Guinean armed forces and leader of the National Counsel for Democracy and Development (Le Conseil national pour la démocratie et le développement, CNDD) in September 2009. He was the president of the transition and has represented a group of military officers who had carried out a bloodless coup in Guinea after President Lansana Conté died. Camara took power in December 2008.



He is charged with complicity in and command responsibility for murder, assassination, rape, sexual assault, indecent assault, intentional assault and battery, kidnapping, torture, failure to assist victims in the massacre and the events that followed, theft, looting, arson, armed robbery, and the illegal possession of firearms.


Command responsibility is the liability of military and civilian officials up to the top of the chain of command for failing to prevent or punish crimes by their subordinates that they know or should have known about. It was incorporated into Guinea’s criminal code in 2016.



Lieutenant Aboubacar Diakité (popularly known as Toumba), Dadis Camara’s personal aide de camp and the head of his personal security detail. Diakité also commanded the Presidential Guard, an elite military unit implicated in extensive abuses on September 28, 2009, and in the following days. Toumba is charged with directly committing voluntary assault and battery, rape, collective or armed gang looting, arson, murder, assassination, torture, and failure to assist persons in danger. He is also charged with complicity in and command responsibility for murder, assassination, rape, looting, arson, armed robbery, intentional assault and battery, contempt of law enforcement officials, torture, kidnapping and unlawful detention, failure to assist people in danger, sexual violence, indecent assault, and illegal possession of firearms.


Cece Rafael Haba, former bodyguard for Toumba; Marcel Guilavogui, former bodyguard of Dadis Camara; and Moussa Tiégboro Camara (Tiégboro), former secretary of state in charge of the fight against drugs and organized crime. They are accused of complicity in murder, assassination, rape, sexual, indecent, and intentional assaults, kidnapping, torture, and failure to assist the September 28 victims, as well as complicity in theft, looting, arson, armed robbery, and the illegal possession of firearms.

セセ・ラファエル・ハバ : トゥンバの元ボディーガード

マルセル・ギラヴォギ : ダディス・カマラの元ボディーガード

ムサ・ティエグボロ・カマラ: 元「薬物・組織犯罪との闘い担当国務長官」


Colonel Claude Pivi (Pivi), minister for presidential security in 2009 under Dadis Camara. He is charged with complicity in murder, rape, torture, intentional assault, and failure to assist victims, as well as looting and arson.



Colonel Abdoulaye Chérif Diaby, health minister in 2009, accused of failure to assist victims.



Gendarme Mamadou Aliou Keïta, accused of rape.

ママドゥ・アリオウ・ケイタ : 憲兵。レイプ罪で起訴されている

Gendarme Ibrahima Camara (popularly known as Kalonzo), and Blaise Gomou, a colonel who served as part of the special services headed by Tiégboro. They are accused of complicity in murder and intentional assault and battery, and directly committing rape, sexual assault, indecent assault, torture, kidnapping, looting, arson, theft, armed robbery, contempt of law enforcement officials, failure to assist victims, and illegal possession of firearms.




Paul Mansa Guilavogui, a military staff sergeant at the time of the events, charged with intentional assault, torture, kidnapping and unlawful detention, failure to assist victims, defamation, and insult.




  1. Why are the accused not charged with international crimes, particularly crimes against humanity?

4. 被告人は何故、国際犯罪、特に人道に対する罪で起訴されていないのか?

Though crimes against humanity were incorporated in Guinea’s criminal code in 2016, the accused do not face charges of crimes against humanity or other international crimes. Judges who conducted the pre-trial investigation did not accept to classify the crimes as crimes against humanity when making the determination to send the case to trial. Some lawyers unsuccessfully appealed the lack of classification of the crimes as crimes against humanity.


The absence of charges of crimes against humanity could mean that the breadth and depth of the crimes committed are not captured by the existing charges. As one lawyer told Human Rights Watch, these are mass crimes (crimes de masse), but the charges do not reflect that. This could mean that the justice process misses the opportunity for maximum impact, particularly for the communities most affected by the crimes.


According to justice practitioners, now that the investigation has gone to trial, the trial judges could still decide to reclassify the charges as crimes against humanity. It remains to be seen if that will take place.


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