
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イスラエル:未成年者殺害は戦争犯罪



(Jerusalem June 9, 2014) – Video footage, photographs, witness statements, and medical records indicate that two 17-year-old boys whom Israeli forces shot and killed on May 15, 2014 posed no imminent threat to the forces at the time. The boys, who had been participating in a demonstration in the West Bank, were apparently shot with live ammunition, Human Rights Watch said. 


Video footage clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing in the direction of the boys, Nadim Nawareh and Mohammed Salameh, and the boys falling to the ground. Medical records indicate that the two boys, as well as 15-year-old, Mohammed Azza, whom Israeli forces also shot and seriously wounded, suffered wounds to the chest caused by live ammunition. Nawareh and Salameh were shot right through the chest. Witnesses told Human Rights Watch they heard the sound of live ammunition being fired, quite distinct from the sound of rubber bullet fire, at the time the three boys were shot.


“The willful killing of civilians by Israeli security forces as part of the occupation is a war crime,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director. “Israel has a responsibility to prosecute the forces who targeted these teens, and also those responsible for assigning the use of live ammunition to police a demonstration.”


The Israeli military stated that it is investigating the killings but that its forces “did not use live fire,” only rubber bullets and teargas. However, rubber bullets are specifically designed not to penetrate bodies. It is highly unlikely that, at a range of at least 60 meters, rubber bullets would have caused the injuries that killed Nawareh and Salameh and wounded Azza. Nawareh’s family retrieved what may be the live bullet that killed him.


Offenses committed by Israeli security forces as part of the occupation, such as deliberate attacks on civilians, would be subject to prosecution under international humanitarian law as war crimes. Israeli forces have repeatedly shot Palestinians who posed no imminent threat with live ammunition during similar protests, including at an April 4 demonstration in the same location, and the Israeli military has a poor record of bringing soldiers to justice for such acts, Human Rights Watch said.


The boys were shot in three separate incidents but in virtually the same location in the town of Beitunia, where Palestinians had earlier held a demonstration to commemorate “Naqba Day,” which marks the expulsion of Palestinians from present-day Israel from 1947 to 1949. After the demonstration, there was a violent confrontation during which Israeli forces fired rubber bullets, live ammunition, and tear gas at Palestinians who threw rocks at the forces.  


A photojournalist taking pictures at the time, Samer Nazzal, told Human Rights Watch that Israeli forces shot rubber bullets at a group of Palestinians who gathered to carry Nawareh away. Human Rights Watch viewed a series of Nazzal’s high-shutter-speed photographs taken immediately after Nawareh was shot that show a projectile, apparently a rubber bullet, coming from the direction of the Israeli forces. It struck the head of a Palestinian medic, who was wearing a bright orange vest and was part of the group carrying Nawareh.


The Israeli rights group B’Tselem reported that Israeli occupation forces also shot and wounded a 23-year-old man in the arm that day with live ammunition.


The Israeli defense and foreign ministers both suggested, and an unnamed senior defense official claimed, that Palestinians falsified video evidence of the fatal shootings, Israeli media reports said. However the officials did not provide an alternative version of events. Witness statements, medical reports, security camera videos, news media videos and photographs by journalists, which Human Rights Watch viewed, indicate that Israeli forces fired live ammunition.


The Israeli military stated that it is conducting an “operational debriefing” of the shootings, as well as police investigations. An “operational debriefing” is a military lesson-learning procedure in which officers who may be in the chain of command interview only soldiers, not other witnesses.


Israeli military police and civil police are also investigating the Israeli military and border police forces involved in the incidents. The latter types of investigations may involve witness interviews, and residents of Beitunia said Israeli investigators had visited the area of the killings and spoken to Palestinian residents several times since the killings, but had not attempted to secure it to preserve evidence. Israeli and Palestinian governments reportedly created a joint investigative committee, but no information about its mandate has been published, and the committee has apparently not yet met.


Human Rights Watch viewed video footage taken by Palestinian journalists on May 15 that shows Israeli forces at the scene with cameras, and Defense for Children International – Palestine, a rights group, said that Azza stated that he saw Israeli forces filming or photographing the clashes. To help ensure a transparent and prompt investigation, Israel should publish the full unedited videos and photographs that its forces collected, Human Rights Watch said.


“The Israeli military’s claim that its forces didn’t shoot any live ammunition on May 15 does not stand up to scrutiny,” Whitson said. “To end the impunity that this latest incident exemplifies, Israel’s allies should apply serious and sustained pressure on Israel, and Palestine should seek the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.”


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