(Bamako, April 30, 2012) – Separatist Tuareg rebels, Islamist armed groups, and Arab militias who seized control of northern Mali in April 2012 have committed numerous war crimes, including rape, use of child soldiers, and pillaging of hospitals, schools, aid agencies, and government buildings, Human Rights Watch said today. An Islamist armed group has summarily executed two men, amputated the hand of at least one other, carried out public floggings, and threatened women and Christians.
Human Rights Watch also received credible information that Malian army soldiers have arbitrarily detained and, in some instances, summarily executed ethnic Tuareg members of the security services and civilians.
“Armed groups in northern Mali in recent weeks have terrorized civilians by committing abductions and looting hospitals,” said Corinne Dufka, senior Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The commanders of these groups need to stop the abuses, ensure discipline over their fighters, and appropriately punish those in their ranks responsible for these crimes.”
Human Rights Watch conducted a 10-day mission to the Malian capital, Bamako, in April and documented abuses by several armed groups that operate in northern Mali. The separatist Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) seeks autonomy for the North, which it calls Azawad. The Tuareg are a traditionally nomadic Berber people. Ansar Dine is an Islamist armed group that wants to impose a strict interpretation of Sharia – Islamic law – throughout Mali. A local ethnic Arab militia, based in and around the historic city of Timbuktu, was allied with the Malian government, but on the day Timbuktu fell, it switched sides and has since fractured into at least two groups with unclear military and political objectives.
These and other armed groups undertook operations in January 2012 when the MNLA launched their bid for a separatist state. While they have not forged a formal alliance, witnesses and analysts describe them as becoming allied for the common purpose of taking territory from the Malian army and consolidating control of the northern regions of Kidal, Timbuktu, and Gao (Each region has a capital city of the same name). The groups maintain separate headquarters within each of the regional capitals and are identified by the flags their vehicles fly, their uniforms, the particular strategic points – such as bridges and airports – they control, and the neighborhoods in which they have concentrated fighters.
The vast majority of abuses documented by Human Rights Watch occurred within the last few days of March and first two weeks of April after the armed groups took control of Kidal on March 30, Gao on March 31, and Timbuktu on April 1. The rebels’ swift advance occurred as they took advantage of the political and security chaos created when junior Malian military officers staged a coup on March 22 in response to what they viewed as the government’s inadequate response to the MNLA rebellion. Many Tuareg fighters in both the MNLA and Ansar Dine had previously supported the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi and reentered Mali with weapons from Libya after he was ousted.
The recent fighting and insecurity, scarcity of food and medicine, and lack of functioning banks, schools, and services have caused tens of thousands of Malians to flee to the government-controlled South and neighboring countries. Witnesses described buses and trucks overflowing with fleeing civilians, who often faced extortion at MNLA checkpoints as they fled.
The United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs estimates that since January 2012, at least 284,000 residents had fled their homes as a result of the armed conflict in the North, of whom about 107,000 are believed to be internally displaced and some 177,000 have fled to neighboring countries, notably Niger, Burkina Faso, Algeria, and Mauritania.
Human Rights Watch interviewed over 100 victims and witnesses to the abuses, as well as local religious authorities, medical personnel, traditional leaders, members of local rights groups, government officials, and aid workers. Most witnesses had fled the affected areas; those who remained in areas of rebel control were interviewed by phone. Witnesses described abuses taking place in the northern towns of Gao, Timbuktu, Dire, Niafounke, Ansongo, and, to a lesser extent, Kidal.
Victims, witnesses, and family members of victims told Human Rights Watch about a wave of abductions of women and girls by armed groups. Witnesses described the abductions by rebels of at least 17 women and girls as young as 12. A 14-year-old girl told Human Rights Watch that six rebels held her captive in Gao and raped her over a period of four days. A Timbuktu resident told Human Rights Watch that he saw three Arab militiamen drag a girl of about 12 from her mother into an abandoned building, where she was gang-raped. Witnesses and family members who had spoken with several of the other victims said the abducted girls and women had been sexually abused by the rebels. One person said that rebels took three young women from the same family from a compound in Gao, raped them, and brought them back the next day. The majority of these crimes took place in Gao shortly after it fell to rebel groups, but also in Timbuktu, Niafounke, and in villages around Dire.
The vast majority of these abductions and presumed rapes, witnesses said, were allegedly by armed men speaking the local Tamashek language and driving cars with the Tuareg separatist MNLA flag. Most of the abductions documented by Human Rights Watch took place in neighborhoods which witnesses said had a high concentration of MNLA fighters.
Nearly every witness interviewed by Human Rights Watch observed acts of looting and pillaging by MNLA rebels and, in the immediate aftermath of the army withdrawal in Timbuktu, by Arab militias. Witnesses said the Islamist rebel group Ansar Dine destroyed several bars and hotels they associated with alcohol consumption and prostitution, and engaged in looting, though on a much lesser scale. Many local residents and some prisoners who had been sprung from local prisons during the rebel advance reportedly participated in the looting as well, in many cases alongside MNLA rebels.
Witnesses described several days of looting, which began the day the Malian military was either forced to retreat or abandoned its positions in these areas. Rebels broke into hospitals and medical facilities, where they looted goods and threatened and ill-treated staff and patients. They also pillaged local government buildings, banks, Malian and international aid offices and warehouses, homes of local officials, schools, and churches.
Hospital staff from Gao and Timbuktu told Human Rights Watch that patients in local government hospitals were forcibly removed from their beds and left on the floor after rebels stole mattresses. Four patients in Gao, including elderly patients on oxygen, died after terrified staff fled, leaving the patients with no medical personnel to care for them. Witnesses also described watching rebels load up their vehicles, and, in a few cases, large trucks, with furniture, computers, printers, air conditioners, refrigerators, televisions, clothes, shoes, livestock, and other items. Many others said that rebels stole their motorcycles and cars, often at gunpoint.
Residents from several towns and villages in the North described the presence of children as young as 13 in the ranks of the MNLA and to a much lesser extent the Arab militia and Ansar Dine. Malian soldiers, who had spent weeks with the rebels as captives, and other witnesses said children had been a part of the MNLA since they began the northern operations in January. Residents observed some children taking an active part in looting following the fall of towns and villages to the rebels. Mali is a party to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflicts, which bans the recruitment and use in hostilities of children under 18 by non-state armed groups.
Ansar Dine fighters took several measures to protect civilians from the widespread looting, sexual violence, and other abuses by the MNLA, Arab militias, and common criminals. The Islamist group set up reporting hotlines and conducted foot and vehicular patrols. But witnesses said that Ansar Dine also summarily executed two men in Gao and amputated the hands of an MNLA rebel in Kidal as part of its crackdown. Gao residents said that in early April, Ansar Dine had cut the ear of a woman for wearing a short skirt and flogged men who had consumed alcohol and engaged in petty theft.
アンサル・ディネの戦闘員は、MNLAやアラブ民兵組織そして通常の犯罪者が広く行った、略奪・性的暴力・その他の人権侵害から民間人を保護するため、幾つかの措置を講じている。しかしアンサル・ディネも又ガオで男性2人を即決処刑すると共に、同勢力による一斉取り締まりの一環としてカダルで、MNLA 反乱勢力の1人の手を切断した、と証言者は話している。ガオ住民の話では、4月初旬にアンサル・ディネ、短いスカートをはいていた、1人の女性の耳をそぎ落とし、アルコールを飲んだ或いは些細な窃盗を犯した男性複数をムチ打ちしたそうである。
The looting of several churches, a bible school, and a Christian radio station as well as the destruction of church icons by MNLA and Ansar Dine fighters provoked the exodus of Christian residents from these areas, witnesses told Human Rights Watch.
Witnesses also reported that on April 2, Malian government soldiers in Sevare detained and executed at least four Tuareg members of the Malian security services, including two gendarmes, a gendarme cadet, and fourth person believed to be an army soldier. Other witnesses told Human Rights Watch that since early April, soldiers manning checkpoints have taken numerous light-skinned men, including Tuaregs, Arabs, and Mauritanians, off of buses traveling between the government-controlled South and the rebel-held North. There are concerns that some of the men have been executed.
The fighting in northern Mali amounts to an armed conflict under international law. All parties to the conflict, including rebel groups, are obligated to abide by international humanitarian law, which prohibits any mistreatment of persons in custody, rape, pillage, the use of child soldiers, and other abuses. Individuals who willfully commit serious violations of international humanitarian law are responsible for war crimes. Commanders are liable as a matter of command responsibility for crimes committed by their subordinates if they knew or should have known of the crimes but failed to stop them or punish the perpetrators.
Human Rights Watch calls on the military and political leaders of each armed group in northern Mali to:
- Adopt all necessary measures to abide by international humanitarian law.
- 国際人道法を順守に向けあらゆる必要な措置を導入する事
- Immediately issue orders prohibiting mistreatment of persons in custody, rape, pillage, and other violations of international humanitarian law.
- 拘留中の人々に対する虐待、更にレイプ、略奪その他の国際人道法に対する違反行為を禁ずる命令を直ちに出す事、
- Immediately issue orders prohibiting attacks on civilians and civilian structures, including medical facilities, schools, and places of worship.
- 文民及び医療施設、学校、礼拝所を含む文民建造物に対する攻撃を禁止する命令を直ちに出す事
- Cease the recruitment and use of children under 18 in hostilities, release all children from their forces, and work with child protection agencies to return these children to their homes.
- 18歳未満の児童徴兵と少年兵の戦闘での使用を止め、各自部隊から全ての児童を開放し、該当する児童を各自の家庭に戻すよう児童保護機関と協力する事
- Secure and protect the basic human rights of civilians in areas under their control, including those who fled their homes and have returned.
- 自宅から脱出し又は帰宅した人々を含む、各勢力の支配下にある地域の文民の基本的人権を保証し保護する事
- Investigate and appropriately discipline commanders and fighters who are found to have carried out violations of international humanitarian law, including abductions, rape, child soldier recruitment, pillage, and other abuses. Suspend those against whom there are credible allegations of abuse, pending investigations.
- 拉致・レイプ・児童徴兵・略奪・他の人権侵害を含む、国際人道法違反を行ったことが判明した指揮官と戦闘員を捜査し適切な懲戒処分を科す事。人権侵害を行ったという信頼性の高い疑いのある者、目下捜査中である者を停職処分にする事
- Cease cruel and inhuman punishments prohibited under international law, such as the executions, floggings, and amputations carried out by Ansar Dine.
- アンサル・ディネが行った処刑、ムチ打ち、四肢切断のような、国際法上で禁止されている残虐で非人間的な刑罰を止める事
- Facilitate impartial and unhindered access to organizations providing humanitarian assistance.
- 人道援助を提供する団体への公平で自由なアクセスを促進する事
- Implement all feasible measures to warn persons in areas under their control of the threat of unexploded ordnance and seek to exclude civilians from dangerous areas, including by marking and monitoring affected areas, educating people about never handling unexploded ordnance, and sharing information with all warring parties on the types, quantities, and locations of weapons used to facilitate clearance.
- 両陣営の支配下にある地域に居る人々に、不発弾の危険性を警告するため及び、危険な地域から文民に退去を求めるため、不発弾の残っている地域であることを明らかにして監視する、未処理の不発弾について人々に教育する、不発弾の除去を促進するため使用された兵器の型式・量・位置に関して紛争に関与する全ての陣営と情報を共有するなど、あらゆる実行可能な措置を実施する事
Human Rights Watch also calls on the government of Mali to invite the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to monitor and investigate human rights abuses in the North.