






Diversity learned from nature
 Watching NHK Wildlife often amazes me with the diversity of the natural world. Some animals are monogamous and mate for life, some are polygamous and form harems, and some are only one couple.
 Whereas lions and wolves hunt in groups, tigers and cheetahs hunt alone.

 Stealing other people's materials to build a nest is common practice, and some birds have other birds take care of their young. If God allows such diversity, it makes us wonder if what humans have defined as evil is really evil before God.
 Evil is said to be not good, but without evil there is no good, and without good there is no evil. In other words, it is right that both evil and good coexist. Therefore, the correct attitude is to accept generously things that are bad or good.

 Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of animals and plants on the earth are natural enemies or have symbiotic relationships, and constitute ecosystems, and there are common rules among them. The rule is that Predators should avoid unnecessary hunting. Occasionally, we see cases of animals playing with the weak without need, but this is extremely rare. They do not hunt when their stomachs are full, and when they do hunt, they prioritize wounded, senile, and sickly prey. The earth embraces infinite diversity. If it is right to be diverse, then the right mind should be to be carefull for your deed and accept others.

 Human beings are expected to open their hearts and interact with each other, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, or nation.  What do you think?





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