東電裁判の判決に異議有り !
There is an objection to the judgment of the TEPCO trial
The judiciary has again acquitted the former management of Tokyo Electric Power Co. for failing to prevent the tsunami damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. It is said that the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake was beyond human knowledge, but judicial insight is suspected.
The management team of a company needs to pay attention to the future of the company and to preparing for and responding to various risks. In particular, serious risks that shake the foundation of a company cannot be dealt with by middle management, and should be dealt with by management.
In general, serious and uncertain issues are often postponed, but for those reasons, that should not exclude them from management's responsibility. This judicial ruling is like saying that it is not the business of the management to deal with the highest level of risk that shakes the foundation of the electric power industry, the accident at the dangerous facility of the nuclear power plant.