
権力を握るべきは宗教界か? 政界か?

権力を握るべきは宗教界か? 政界か?






Which of the religious community or political world should be in power?
 From January of this year, NHK's Taiga drama, "Ieyasu, What to do" which depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu, has been aired in Japan. As shown in the title, there have been times when religious and political forces fought over power in Japan as well. Ieyasu fought with the Ikko sect.

 In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the power of the Church surpassed the government of the time, and the famous humiliation incident of Canossa occurred. After that, in Europe, especially in the West, the authority of the church was gradually separated from the government, and freedom of religion came to be guaranteed.
 However, it seems that the separation of religion and politics has not progressed much in the Islamic world. Afghanistan is ruled by a fanatic group called the Taliban, and Iran has an unelected supreme leader.

 I think that whether it is the religious or political world that holds power is a very important issue that determines the character of the government. Looking at past history, when religious circles hold political power, it seems that the weight of things and the judgment of right and wrong become religious. In many cases, likes and dislikes and impressions based on religious sensibility are given priority over scientific and rational grounds.

 Specifically, there is an example in which the religious powers of the time criticized Galileo's heliocentric theory and brought it to the Inquisition. Galileo was found guilty and never pardoned. Galileo's second trial was on June 22, 1633, when he was found guilty, and he was released from guilt about 350 years later in 1992.

 I do not say that religion is harmful to politics, but it is dangerous for religion to hold the supreme power of politics. Politics is basically a coordinating activity, and a moderate stance is important.
 Therefore, politics must be independent of religion and should avoid being bound by not only religion but also specific ideas.





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