Does the universe have intention?

Human will is created from unconscious.
Also, ・・・

Selfishness This is altruism

2021-05-13 22:49:13 | ブログ

 When it comes to launching rockets on the Moon and Mars, we are often asked, "What value does it have for the future of humankind?"
But that's a problem that applies to any other job.
What is the value of athletes and artists to this world?
What about games and media? What about make money?・・・

 Even if it's very valuable to you
It can be worthless to others.
People value what they love and try to protect and expand it.
If you are not interested in sports, you will not be a sponsor.

 One cannot love everything in the world as well, because one is not all-powerful.
You cannot love and nurture an unknown child on the other side of the globe, just as you can love your own child.

 There are innumerable vectors of power for each person to love and expand their own things, which will change the earth.
The stronger the vector of love and hate that exists in the world, the greater the change in the world.
It is selfish for all of us to pursue what we love, but that power is the altruism that shapes the ideal world.





